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Scalaz(26)- Lens: 函数式不可变对象数据操作方式


  scala中的case class是一种特殊的对象:由编译器(compiler)自动生成字段的getter和setter。如下面的例子:

case class City(name:String, province: String)
case class Address(street: String, zip: String, city: City)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, phone: String, address: Address)
val Peter = Person("Peter Chan",20,"4806111",Address("13 baoan road","40001",City("ShenZhen","GuangDong")))
                                                  //> Peter  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13
                                                  //|  baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val John = Person("John Woo",43,"3602011",Address("33 fada road","51001",City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")))
                                                  //> John  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(John Woo,43,3602011,Address(33 fa
                                                  //| da road,51001,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))
val Ming = Person("Fang Ming",23,"3682412",Address("6 jiefang da dao","51012",City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")))
                                                  //> Ming  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Fang Ming,23,3682412,Address(6 ji
                                                  //| efang da dao,51012,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))

这里我们可以看到:Person是个多层次对象,包含多层嵌入属性对象(multi-layer embeded objects)。如果需要更改Person类型实例中的任何字段时,我们可以直接用行令方式(imperative style):

case class City(var name:String, province: String)
Peter.address.city.name = "DongGuan"
Peter                              //> res0: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
                                   //| oan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))

注意:我必须把case class 属性City的name字段属性变成var,而且这时peter已经转变了(mutated)。既然我们是在函数式编程中,强调的是纯函数代码,即使用不可变对象(immutable objects),那么函数式编程方式的字段操作又可以怎样呢?

val peterDG =           peter.copy(
      address = peter.address.copy(
    city = peter.address.city.copy(name = "DongGuan")))
                                                  //> peterDG  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(
                                                  //| 13 baoan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))
peter                                             //> res0: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
                                                  //| oan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
peterDG                                           //> res1: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
                                                  //| oan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))

我们可以使用case class的自带函数copy来实现字段操作。但是随着嵌入对象层次的增加,将会产生大量的重复代码。scalaz的Lens type class的主要功能之一就可以解决以上问题。我们先来看看scalaz Lens的用例:

val nameL = Lens.lensu[Person, String]((p,n) => p.copy(name=n), _.name)
                                                  //> nameL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,String] = scalaz.LensFunction
                                                  //| s$$anon$5@5f375618
val ageL = Lens.lensu[Person, Int]((p,a) => p.copy(age=a), _.age)
                                                  //> ageL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,Int] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$a
                                                  //| non$5@1810399e
val addrL = Lens.lensu[Person,Address]((p,a) => p.copy(address=a), _.address)
                                                  //> addrL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,Exercises.LensDemo.Address] 
                                                  //| = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@32d992b2
val zipL = Lens.lensu[Address,String]((a,z) => a.copy(zip=z), _.zip)
                                                  //> zipL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Address,String] = scalaz.LensFunctio
                                                  //| ns$$anon$5@215be6bb
val cityL = Lens.lensu[Address,City]((a,c) => a.copy(city=c), _.city)
                                                  //> cityL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Address,Exercises.LensDemo.City] = 
                                                  //| scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@4439f31e
val provL = Lens.lensu[City,String]((c,p) => c.copy(province=p), _.province)
                                                  //> provL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.City,String] = scalaz.LensFunctions
                                                  //| $$anon$5@5dfcfece
val peter30 = ageL set (peter,30)                 //> peter30  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,30,4806111,Address
                                                  //| (13 baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val provCap = provL mod (_.toUpperCase,peter.address.city)
                                                  //> provCap  : Exercises.LensDemo.City = City(ShenZhen,GUANGDONG)
provL get provCap                                 //> res2: String = GUANGDONG
val newCity = cityL set (peter.address, City("ChengDu","SiChuan"))
                                                  //> newCity  : Exercises.LensDemo.Address = Address(13 baoan road,40001,City(Ch
                                                  //| engDu,SiChuan))
cityL get newCity                                 //> res3: Exercises.LensDemo.City = City(ChengDu,SiChuan)

可以看到:我们用Lens.lensu构建了上面那些case class的Lens实例,然后分别用get,set,mod对case class的字段进行了读写操作示范。理论上Lens的基本定义大约是这样的:

case class Lens[R,F](
  get: R => F,
  set: (R,F) => R



  // Lens type aliases
  /** A lens that doesn't transform the type of the record. */
  type Lens[A, B] = LensFamily[A, A, B, B]

  // important to define here, rather than at the top-level, to avoid Scala 2.9.2 bug
  object Lens extends LensInstances with LensFunctions {
    def apply[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] =

  type @>[A, B] = Lens[A, B]

  // Partial Lens type aliases
  /** A partial lens that doesn't transform the type of the record. */
  type PLens[A, B] = PLensFamily[A, A, B, B]

  // important to define here, rather than at the top-level, to avoid Scala 2.9.2 bug
  object PLens extends PLensInstances with PLensFunctions {
    def apply[A, B](r: A => Option[Store[B, A]]): PLens[A, B] =

  type @?>[A, B] = PLens[A, B]


sealed abstract class LensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] {
  def run(a: A1): IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2]

  def apply(a: A1): IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2] =

如上可以这样理解LensFamily的类型参数LensFamily[R1,R2,F1,F2],分别代表操作前后Record和Field的类型。这样又提供了类型转换(type transformation)操作,可以概括更多类型的Lens。Lens包嵌了个Store类型,我们看看Store的定义:scalaz/StoreT.scala

final case class IndexedStoreT[F[_], +I, A, B](run: (F[A => B], I)) {


type StoreT[F[_], A, B] = IndexedStoreT[F, A, A, B]
  type IndexedStore[I, A, B] = IndexedStoreT[Id, I, A, B]
  type Store[A, B] = StoreT[Id, A, B]
  // flipped
  type |-->[A, B] = Store[B, A]
  object StoreT extends StoreTInstances with StoreTFunctions {
    def apply[F[_], A, B](r: (F[A => B], A)): StoreT[F, A, B] =
  object IndexedStore {
    def apply[I, A, B](f: A => B, i: I): IndexedStore[I, A, B] = IndexedStoreT.indexedStore(i)(f)
  object Store {
    def apply[A, B](f: A => B, a: A): Store[A, B] = StoreT.store(a)(f)


  def put(a: A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] =

  def puts(f: I => A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] =

  def set: F[A => B] =

  def pos: I =

我们看见:如果F = Id的话,put(a) = run._1(a) >>> run._1 是 A => B,函数输入A,返回B,是个setter。pos = run._2 = A,是个getter。但Lens的get,set好像是这样的: get: A => B, set: A => B => A,与Store的A,B刚好相反,不过看看scalaz Lens的构建函数就明白了:scalaz/Lens.scala

trait LensFunctions extends LensFamilyFunctions {

  def lens[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] = new Lens[A, B] {
    def run(a: A): Store[B, A] = r(a)

  def lensg[A, B](set: A => B => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lens(a => Store(set(a), get(a)))

  def lensu[A, B](set: (A, B) => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lensg(set.curried, get)

run(A) >>> Store[B,A], 刚好相反。可以说Store的B就是Record类型,A就是Field类型。所以scalaz版本的Lens包嵌的是个Store[F,R]。我们可以用pos和put把获取get和set。看看LensFamily的get和set源代码:

sealed abstract class LensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] {
 def get(a: A1): B1 =

 def set(a: A1, b: B2): A2 =


 /** Lenses can be composed */
  def compose[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): LensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] =
    lensFamily(c => {
      val (ac, a) = that.run(c).run
      val (ba, b) = run(a).run
      IndexedStore(ac compose ba, b)

  /** alias for `compose` */
  def <=<[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): LensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] = compose(that)

  def andThen[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): LensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] =
    that compose this

  /** alias for `andThen` */
  def >=>[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): LensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] = andThen(that)


addrL >=> cityL >=> provL get peter               //> res4: String = GuangDong

val peterFromShanXi = addrL >=> cityL >=> provL set(peter,"ShanXi")
                                                  //> peterFromShanXi  : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111
                                                  //| ,Address(13 baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,ShanXi)))
peterFromShanXi                                   //> res5: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 b
                                                  //| aoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,ShanXi)))


 def st: State[A1, B1] =
    State(s => (s, get(s)))

abstract class LensInstances extends LensInstances0 {
  import LensFamily._
  import BijectionT._
  import collection.SeqLike
  import collection.immutable.Stack
  import collection.immutable.Queue

  implicit val lensCategory: LensCategory = new LensCategory {

  /** Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state */
  implicit def LensFamilyState[A, B](lens: LensFamily[A, _, B, _]): State[A, B] =


  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
  def mods(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
    IndexedState(a => {
      val c = run(a)
      val b = f(c.pos)
      (c put b, b)

  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
  def %=(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =

  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value.
   * @since 7.0.2
  def modo(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
    IndexedState(a => {
      val c = run(a)
      val o = c.pos
      (c put f(o), o)

  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. alias for `modo`
   * @since 7.0.2
  def <%=(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =

  /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
  def assign(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
    mods(_ => b)

  /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
  def :=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =

  /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value.
   * @since 7.0.2
  def assigno(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
    modo(_ => b)

  /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. alias for `assigno`
   * @since 7.0.2
  def <:=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =

  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */
  def mods_(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] =
    IndexedState(a =>
      (mod(f, a), ()))

  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */
  def %==(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] =

  /** Contravariantly map a state action through a lens. */
  def lifts[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
    IndexedState(a => modp(s(_), a))

  def %%=[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =

  /** Map the function `f` over the lens as a state action. */
  def map[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] =
    State(a => (a, f(get(a))))

  /** Map the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
  def >-[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] = map(f)

  /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
  def flatMap[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
    IndexedState(a => f(get(a))(a))

  /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
  def >>-[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =

  /** Sequence the monadic action of looking through the lens to occur before the state action `f`. */
  def ->>-[C](f: => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
    flatMap(_ => f)


nameL run peter                            //> res6: scalaz.IndexedStore[String,String,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Indexe
                                           //| dStoreT((<function1>,Peter Chan))
cityL run peter.address                    //> res7: scalaz.IndexedStore[Exercises.LensDemo.City,Exercises.LensDemo.City,E
                                    //| xercises.LensDemo.Address] = IndexedStoreT((<function1>,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val updateInfo = for {
  _ <- ageL += 1
  zip <- addrL >=> zipL
  _ <- (addrL >=> zipL) := zip + "A"
  _ <- nameL %= {n => n + " Junior"}
  _ <- (addrL >=> cityL) := City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")
  info <- get
} yield info                             //> updateInfo  : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.LensDemo.Person,E
                                         //| xercises.LensDemo.Person,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$
                                         //| $anon$10@74a10858
updateInfo eval peter                    //> res8: scalaz.Id.Id[Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Person(Peter Chan Junior,21
                                         //| ,4806111,Address(13 baoan road,40001A,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))


上面例子的 += 是NumericLens一项操作。NumericLens是这样定义的:

type NumericLens[S, N] = NumericLensFamily[S, S, N]
  val NumericLens: NumericLensFamily.type = NumericLensFamily
  /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */
  case class NumericLensFamily[S1, S2, N](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N], num: Numeric[N]) {
    def +=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
      lens %= (num.plus(_, that))

    def -=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
      lens %= (num.minus(_, that))

    def *=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
      lens %= (num.times(_, that))

  implicit def numericLensFamily[S1, S2, N: Numeric](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N]) =
    NumericLens[S1, S2, N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]])


trait LensFunctions extends LensFamilyFunctions {

  def lens[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] = new Lens[A, B] {
    def run(a: A): Store[B, A] = r(a)

  def lensg[A, B](set: A => B => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lens(a => Store(set(a), get(a)))

  def lensu[A, B](set: (A, B) => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lensg(set.curried, get)

  /** The identity lens for a given object */
  def lensId[A]: Lens[A, A] =
    lens(Store(identity, _))

  /** The trivial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything */
  def trivialLens[A]: Lens[A, Unit] =
    lens[A, Unit](a => Store(_ => a, ()))

  /** A lens that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction */
  def codiagLens[A]: Lens[A \/ A, A] =
    lensId[A] ||| lensId[A]

  /** Access the first field of a tuple */
  def firstLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> A =
    lens {
      case (a, b) => Store(x => (x, b), a)

  /** Access the second field of a tuple */
  def secondLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> B =
    lens {
      case (a, b) => Store(x => (a, x), b)

  /** Access the first field of a tuple */
  def lazyFirstLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> A =
    lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(x, z._2), z._1))

  /** Access the second field of a tuple */
  def lazySecondLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> B =
    lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(z._1, x), z._2))

  def nelHeadLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> A =
    lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(_, l.tail), l.head))

  def nelTailLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> List[A] =
    lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(l.head, _), l.tail))

  /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map **/
  def mapVLens[K, V](k: K): Map[K, V] @> Option[V] =
    lensg(m => ({
      case None => m - k
      case Some(v) => m.updated(k, v)
    }: Option[V] => Map[K, V]), _ get k)
  /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map.WithDefault */
  def mapWithDefaultLens[K,V](k: K): Map.WithDefault[K,V] @> V =
    lensg(m => v => m.updated(k,v), m => m(k))

  /** Specify whether a value is in a Set */
  def setMembershipLens[A](a: A): Set[A] @> Boolean =
    lensg(s => b => if (b) s + a else s - a, _.contains(a))

  def applyLens[A, B](k: B => A)(implicit e: Equal[A]): Store[A, B] @> B =
    lens(q => {
      lazy val x = q.pos
      lazy val y = q put x
      Store(b =>
        Store(w => if(e equal (x, w)) b else y, x), y)

  def predicateLens[A]: Store[A, Boolean] @> (A \/ A) =
    lens(q => Store(_ match {
      case -\/(l) => Store(_ => true, l)
      case \/-(r) => Store(_ => false, r)
    }, {
      val x = q.pos
      if(q put x) -\/(x) else \/-(x)

  def factorLens[A, B, C]: ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) @> (A, B \/ C) =
    lens(e => Store({
      case (a, -\/(b)) => -\/(a, b)
      case (a, \/-(c)) => \/-(a, c)
    }, e match {
      case -\/((a, b)) => (a, -\/(b))
      case \/-((a, c)) => (a, \/-(c))

  def distributeLens[A, B, C]: (A, B \/ C) @> ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) =
    lens {
      case (a, e) => Store({
        case -\/((aa, bb)) => (aa, -\/(bb))
        case \/-((aa, cc)) => (aa, \/-(cc))
      }, e match {
        case -\/(b) => -\/(a, b)
        case \/-(c) => \/-(a, c)



import scala.collection.immutable.Set
val set135 = Set(1,3,5)                           //> set135  : scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 3, 5)
Lens.setMembershipLens(3) get set135              //> res0: Boolean = true
Lens.setMembershipLens(7).set(set135,true)        //> res1: Set[Int] = Set(1, 3, 5, 7)
Lens.setMembershipLens(5).set(set135,false)       //> res2: Set[Int] = Set(1, 3)

import scala.collection.immutable.Map
val fooMap = Map(1 -> "A", 2 -> "B")              //> fooMap  : scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B)
Lens.mapVLens(1) get fooMap                       //> res3: Option[String] = Some(A)
Lens.mapVLens(3).set(fooMap,"C".some)             //> res4: Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
Lens.mapVLens(1).set(fooMap,None)                 //> res5: Map[Int,String] = Map(2 -> B)

以上是针对独立的immutable set和immutable map的操作。与上面的NumericLens示范一样,scalaz还提供了针对包嵌在对象内属性的标准类型操作函数,比如如果上面例子的set和map是case class的字段时该如何操作:

case class Company(name: String, employees: Set[String], ids: Map[Int,String], breaks: Queue[String])
val titleL = Lens.lensu[Company,String]((c,n) => c.copy(name = n), _.name)
                                                  //> titleL  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,String] = scalaz.LensFunct
                                                  //| ions$$anon$5@385c9627
val empSetLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Set[String]]((c,e) => c.copy(employees = e), _.employees)
                                                  //> empSetLens  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immut
                                                  //| able.Set[String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@139982de
val idMapLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Map[Int,String]]((c,i) => c.copy(ids = i), _.ids)
                                                  //> idMapLens  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immuta
                                                  //| ble.Map[Int,String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@682b2fa
val breakQLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Queue[String]]((c,b) => c.copy(breaks = b), _.breaks)
                                                  //> breakQLens  : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immut
                                                  //| able.Queue[String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@217ed35e

val foos = Company("The Foos Co, Ltd.",
    Map(1 -> "peter", 2 -> "john", 3 -> "susan"),
    Queue("breakfast","lunch","dinner"))          //> foos  : Exercises.LensDemo.Company = Company(The Foos Co, Ltd.,Set(peter, j
                                                  //| ohn, susan),Map(1 -> peter, 2 -> john, 3 -> susan),Queue(breakfast, lunch, 
                                                  //| dinner))
val newCompany = for {
   n <- titleL
   _ <- titleL := "The New Foo Foo Company"
   _ <- empSetLens -= "john"
   _ <- empSetLens += "kitty"
   _ <- idMapLens -= 2
   _ <- idMapLens += (2 -> "kitty")
   bf <- breakQLens.dequeue
   lc <- breakQLens.dequeue
   dn <- breakQLens.dequeue
   _ <- breakQLens.enqueue(bf)
   _ <- breakQLens.enqueue(lc)
   _ <- breakQLens.enqueue("afternoon tea")
   _ <- breakQLens.enqueue(dn)
   newOne <- get
} yield newOne                                    //> newCompany  : scalaz.IndexedState[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,Exercises.Lens
                                                  //| Demo.Company,Exercises.LensDemo.Company] = scalaz.package$IndexedState$$ano
                                                  //| n$2@2cd76f31
newCompany eval foos                              //> res7: scalaz.Id.Id[Exercises.LensDemo.Company] = Company(The New Foo Foo Co
                                                  //| mpany,Set(peter, susan, kitty),Map(1 -> peter, 3 -> susan, 2 -> kitty),Queu
                                                  //| e(breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner))



从它的构建器传入参数f: A=>B

如果我们对case class的字段进行读写操作的话
