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Scalaz(49)- scalaz-stream: 深入了解-Sink/Channel


   一个完整的scalaz-stream有以下几个部分组成:Source -> Transducer -> Sink,用直白文字来描述就是:“输入 -> 传换 -> 输出”。我们已经在前面几篇讨论中介绍了Source和Transducer的基本情况,这篇讨论我们探讨一下Sink。scalaz-stream最基本的功能就是从Source接收一串元素,经过处理然后输出。毕竟我们从外部获取了数据、处理完毕后总不能就留在原地内存,还是要把数据输出到对当前运算中程序来说的一个外部系统。Sink就等于是这个外部系统的输入接口。与往常一样,我们先来看看Sink的类型款式:

   * An effectful sink, to which we can send values. Modeled
   * as a source of effectful functions.
  type Sink[+F[_],-O] = Process[F, O => F[Unit]]

从类型款式看来Sink就是一种Process。只不过它包含的元素是一串函数(O => F[Unit])。这里的O是数据元素,F[Unit]的意思是对O进行F运算后不返回任何结果,如:Task{ println(...)}。我们先构造一个简单的Sink:

1 val sinkStdout: Sink[Task,String] =
2    Process.repeatEval {
3       Task.delay { (s: String) =>
4         Task.delay { println(s) }}}               //> sinkStdout  : scalaz.stream.Sink[scalaz.concurrent.Task,String] = Append(Await(scalaz.concurrent.Task@702b8b12,<function1>,<function1>),Vector(<function1>))
6  val sinkStdout2: Sink[Task,String] =
7    Process.constant { (s: String) =>
8    Task.delay { println(s) }}                     //> sinkStdout2  : scalaz.stream.Sink[scalaz.concurrent.Task,String] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))


1  (range(1,6) zip sinkStdout).flatMap {
2    case (i,f) => eval (f(i.toString))
3  }.run.run                                        //> 1
4                                                   //| 2
5                                                   //| 3
6                                                   //| 4
7                                                   //| 5


  /** Feed this `Process` through the given effectful `Channel`. */
    def through[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: Channel[F2,O,O2]): Process[F2,O2] =
      self.zipWith(f)((o,f) => f(o)).eval onHalt { _.asHalt }     
  /** Attaches `Sink` to this  `Process`  */
    def to[F2[x]>:F[x]](f: Sink[F2,O]): Process[F2,Unit] =


1 (range(1,6).map(_.toString) to sinkStdout).run.run
2                                                   //> 1
3                                                   //| 2
4                                                   //| 3
5                                                   //| 4
6                                                   //| 5


 1  (range(1,6) zip sinkStdout zip sinkStdout2).flatMap {
 2    case (((i,f),f2)) => for {
 3      _ <- eval(f(i.toString))
 4      _ <- eval(f2(i.toString))
 5    } yield ()
 6  }.run.run                                        //> 1
 7                                                   //| 1
 8                                                   //| 2
 9                                                   //| 2
10                                                   //| 3
11                                                   //| 3
12                                                   //| 4
13                                                   //| 4
14                                                   //| 5
15                                                   //| 5


 1 (range(1,4).map(_.toString) observe sinkStdout observe sinkStdout2 to sinkStdout)
 2 .run.run                                          //> 1
 3                                                   //| 1
 4                                                   //| 1
 5                                                   //| 2
 6                                                   //| 2
 7                                                   //| 2
 8                                                   //| 3
 9                                                   //| 3
10                                                   //| 3

以上例子相当于连接了3个Sink。observe通常被用来跟踪流中数据,因为它不会影响数据流的正常运算。我们也可以把多个Sink zip成一个多功能的Sink。与上面例子不同的是它只有一个输出口:

 1 import scalaz._
 2 import Scalaz._
 3 import scalaz.stream._
 4 import scalaz.concurrent._
 5 import scala.language.higherKinds
 6 object streamLogDemo {
 7   sealed trait Loglevel
 8   case object Info extends Loglevel
 9   case object Debug extends Loglevel
10   case object Warning extends Loglevel
12   case class Line(level: Loglevel, line: String)
13   //Sinks
14   val outInfo = io.stdOutLines.contramap {(l: Line) => "Info: " + l.line}
15                                                   //> outInfo  : scalaz.stream.Channel[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Line,Unit] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
16   val outDebug = io.stdOutLines.contramap {(l: Line) => "Debug: " + l.line}
17                                                   //> outDebug  : scalaz.stream.Channel[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Line,Unit] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
18   val outWarning = io.stdOutLines.contramap {(l: Line) => "Warning: " + l.line}
19                                                   //> outWarning  : scalaz.stream.Channel[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Line,Unit] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
21   val zippedSink = (outInfo zip outDebug zip outWarning).map {
22     case ((fInfo,fDebug), fWarning) =>
23       (l: Line) => l.level match {
24         case Info    => fInfo(l)
25         case Debug   => fDebug(l)
26         case Warning => fWarning(l)
27       }
28   }                                               //> zippedSink  : scalaz.stream.Process[[x]scalaz.concurrent.Task[x],Line => scalaz.concurrent.Task[Unit]] = Append(Halt(End),Vector(<function1>))
29   //test data
30   val lines: List[Line] = List(
31     Line(Info, "Hello"),
32     Line(Debug, "buddy"),
33     Line(Warning, "nanana"))                      //> lines  : List[Line] = List(Line(Info,Hello), Line(Debug,buddy), Line(Warning,nanana))
34   //test run
35   (Process.emitAll(lines) to zippedSink).run.run  //> Info: Hello
36                                                   //| Debug: buddy
37                                                   //| Warning: nanana
38  }


   * An effectful sink, to which we can send values. Modeled
   * as a source of effectful functions.
  type Sink[+F[_],-O] = Process[F, O => F[Unit]]

   * An effectful channel, to which we can send values and
   * get back responses. Modeled as a source of effectful
   * functions.
  type Channel[+F[_],-I,O] = Process[F, I => F[O]]

从类型款式上对比Sink和Channel的不同之处只在这个与外界系统的接口函数:Channel的函数是I => F[O],它返回了F运算结果。这也很容易理解:Sink正如其名,任何东西进入Sink就如泥牛入海,无所回应。Channel会返回接收数据方的信息。Sink和Channel之间是可以相互转换的。Channel有个lift函数,能把一个A => F[B]函数升格成Channel类型:

 /** Promote an effectful function to a `Channel`. */
  def lift[F[_],A,B](f: A => F[B]): Channel[F, A, B] =
    Process constant f

实际上我如果用这个lift把A => F[Unit]这样的函数升格,就会得到一个Sink了。这个从Sink的lift函数中可以证实:

object sink {

  /** Promote an effectful function to a `Sink`. */
  def lift[F[_], A](f: A => F[Unit]): Sink[F, A] = channel lift f



 1  val ch = channel.lift((i: Int) => Task.delay { i * 3 })
 2                                                   //> ch  : scalaz.stream.Channel[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int,Int] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
 3   (Process.range(1,6) through ch).runLog.run      //> res0: Vector[Int] = Vector(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
 4   val sn = channel.lift((i: Int) => Task.delay { println(i * 3);()})
 5                                                   //> sn  : scalaz.stream.Channel[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int,Unit] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
 6   (Process.range(1,6) to sn).run.run              //> 3
 7                                                   //| 6
 8                                                   //| 9
 9                                                   //| 12
10                                                   //| 15
11   val sn1 = sink.lift((i: Int) => Task.delay { println(i * 3) })
12                                                   //> sn1  : scalaz.stream.Sink[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
13   (Process.range(1,6) to sn1).run.run             //> 3
14                                                   //| 6
15                                                   //| 9
16                                                   //| 12
17                                                   //| 15


 1 (Process.range(1,6) observe sn observe sn1 through ch).runLog.run
 2                                                   //> 3
 3                                                   //| 3
 4                                                   //| 6
 5                                                   //| 6
 6                                                   //| 9
 7                                                   //| 9
 8                                                   //| 12
 9                                                   //| 12
10                                                   //| 15
11                                                   //| 15
12                                                   //| res1: Vector[Int] = Vector(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)










