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eSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows. http://espeak.sourceforge.net


如果想使用espeak作为语音合成工具。可以使用-v 选项来选择mbrola volice文件。此时就需要提前安装好mbrola volice

espeak 源码安装方法:  Linux中文朗读软件--espeak  http://blog.csdn.net/derryzhang/article/details/5769267

$ espeak -vzh “hello world”
$ espeak -vzh “

使用mbrola voice:

If you use the eSpeak voice such as "mb-en1" then eSpeak will use the mbrola "en1" voice, eg:
espeak -v mb-en1 "Hello world"

To generate mbrola phoneme data (.pho file) you can use:
espeak -v mb-en1 -q --pho "Hello world"
espeak -v mb-en1 -q --pho --phonout=out.pho "Hello world"


Victory!!! Launched your package neo_voice, it works!!! But I have a problem with neo_talk: I downloaded
and unzipped en1.
Then run
mbrola en1 euler.pho euler.wav

Error with euler.pho input file !
and when ran
rosservice call /say "hello"

solution:try to install mbrola and voices packages with synaptic (ubuntu softwares)


neo_talk$ mbrola -h

 USAGE: mbrola [COMMAND LINE OPTIONS] database pho_file+ output_file

A - instead of pho_file or output_file means stdin or stdout

Extension of output_file ( raw, au, wav, aiff ) tells the wanted audio format


The Mbrola project is a collection of diphone voices for speech synthesis. They do not include any text-to-phoneme translation, so this must be done by another program. The Mbrola voices are cost-free but are not open source. They are available from the Mbrola website at:


eSpeak can be used as a front-end to Mbrola. It provides the spelling-to-phoneme translation and intonation, which Mbrola then uses to generate speech sound.

neo_talk$ cat readme

# This is a Espeak wrapper for QBO robot from THE CORPORA

# It uses Mbrola to produce nice voice.

# Actually it's in French, but it's easy to change :

#    download your model voices, and change "fr_speak" line content to feet your need

#       ( replace "fr1" by "en" or "es"....)


Open a terminal :

sudo apt-get install espeak

sudo apt-get install mbrola

search on web for mbrola voices, you have very good voices english, spanish, french... Quite better than festival

this node creates a service called "/say"

 When neo_talk is running, you can make QBO speak with this, in terminal command : rosservice call /say "Salut a tous"

