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SCHED_TASK(run_nav_updates, 50, 100)


// run_nav_updates - top level call for the autopilot
// ensures calculations such as "distance to waypoint" are calculated before autopilot makes decisions
// To-Do - rename and move this function to make it's purpose more clear
void Copter::run_nav_updates(void)



// update_super_simple_bearing - adjusts simple bearing based on location
// should be called after home_bearing has been updated
void Copter::update_super_simple_bearing(bool force_update)//false
    if (!force_update) {
        if (ap.simple_mode != 2) {
        if (home_distance() < SUPER_SIMPLE_RADIUS) {//1000

    const int32_t bearing = home_bearing();

    // check the bearing to home has changed by at least 5 degrees
    if (labs(super_simple_last_bearing - bearing) < 500) {

    super_simple_last_bearing = bearing;//记录当前的角度
    const float angle_rad = radians((super_simple_last_bearing+18000)/100);
    super_simple_cos_yaw = cosf(angle_rad);
    super_simple_sin_yaw = sinf(angle_rad);//计算SUPER_SIMPLE模式下的偏航角的正余弦


// distance between vehicle and home in cm
uint32_t Copter::home_distance()
    if (position_ok()) {//如果位置估计有效的话,计算距离
        const Vector3f home = pv_location_to_vector(ahrs.get_home());
        const Vector3f curr = inertial_nav.get_position();
        _home_distance = get_horizontal_distance_cm(curr, home);//计算距离家的水平距离
    return _home_distance;


// position_ok - returns true if the horizontal absolute position is ok and home position is set
bool Copter::position_ok()
    // return false if ekf failsafe has triggered
    if (failsafe.ekf) {
        return false;

    // check ekf position estimate
    return (ekf_position_ok() || optflow_position_ok());
// ekf_position_ok - returns true if the ekf claims it's horizontal absolute position estimate is ok and home position is set
bool Copter::ekf_position_ok()
    if (!ahrs.have_inertial_nav()) {
        // do not allow navigation with dcm position(不允许使用dcm位置导航)
        return false;

    // with EKF use filter status and ekf check(使用EKF使用过滤器状态和EKF检查)
    nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav.get_filter_status();

    // if disarmed we accept a predicted horizontal position
    if (!motors->armed()) {
        return ((filt_status.flags.horiz_pos_abs || filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs));
    } else {
        // once armed we require a good absolute position and EKF must not be in const_pos_mode
        return (filt_status.flags.horiz_pos_abs && !filt_status.flags.const_pos_mode);
// optflow_position_ok - returns true if optical flow based position estimate is ok
bool Copter::optflow_position_ok()
    return false;//光流和视觉里程计未开启的话,直接退出,返回FALSE
    // return immediately if EKF not used(如果EKF不使用,立即返回)
    if (!ahrs.have_inertial_nav()) {
        return false;

    // return immediately if neither optflow nor visual odometry is enabled(如果不启用optflow或visual odom测量,则立即返回)
    bool enabled = false;
    if (optflow.enabled()) {//判断光流是否可用
        enabled = true;
    if (g2.visual_odom.enabled()) {//判断视觉是否可用
        enabled = true;
    if (!enabled) {//如果不可用的话,退出
        return false;

    // get filter status from EKF(从EKF获得过滤状态)
    nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav.get_filter_status();

    // if disarmed we accept a predicted horizontal relative position(如果没有解锁,我们接受一个预测的相对水平位置)
    if (!motors->armed()) {
        return (filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel);
    } else {
        return (filt_status.flags.horiz_pos_rel && !filt_status.flags.const_pos_mode);


// pv_location_to_vector - convert lat/lon coordinates to a position vector(将纬度/经度坐标转换为位置矢量)
Vector3f Copter::pv_location_to_vector(const Location& loc)//ahrs.get_home()
    const struct Location &origin = inertial_nav.get_origin();//获取惯性导航的原点
    float alt_above_origin = pv_alt_above_origin(loc.alt);  // convert alt-relative-to-home to alt-relative-to-origin
    return Vector3f((loc.lat-origin.lat) * LATLON_TO_CM, (loc.lng-origin.lng) * LATLON_TO_CM * scaleLongDown, alt_above_origin);
// pv_alt_above_origin - convert altitude above home to altitude above EKF origin
float Copter::pv_alt_above_origin(float alt_above_home_cm)//相对于HOME点的高度
    const struct Location &origin = inertial_nav.get_origin();//惯性导航原点的坐标
    return alt_above_home_cm + (ahrs.get_home().alt - origin.alt);//alt_above_home_cm  = ahrs.get_home().alt


// The location of home in relation to the vehicle in centi-degrees
int32_t Copter::home_bearing()
    if (position_ok()) {
        const Vector3f home = pv_location_to_vector(ahrs.get_home());
        const Vector3f curr = inertial_nav.get_position();
        _home_bearing = get_bearing_cd(curr,home);
    return _home_bearing;


// return bearing in centi-degrees between two locations
int32_t get_bearing_cd(const struct Location &loc1, const struct Location &loc2)
    int32_t off_x = loc2.lng - loc1.lng;
    int32_t off_y = (loc2.lat - loc1.lat) / longitude_scale(loc2);
    int32_t bearing = 9000 + atan2f(-off_y, off_x) * DEGX100;
    if (bearing < 0) bearing += 36000;
    return bearing;


float longitude_scale(const struct Location &loc)
    float scale = cosf(loc.lat * 1.0e-7f * DEG_TO_RAD);
    return constrain_float(scale, 0.01f, 1.0f);



void Copter::Mode::update_navigation()
    // run autopilot to make high level decisions about control modes(运行自动驾驶仪,对控制模式做出高水平的决策)



// update mission
void Copter::ModeAuto::run_autopilot()//


/// update - ensures the command queues are loaded with the next command and calls main programs command_init and command_verify functions to progress the mission
///     should be called at 10hz or higher
void AP_Mission::update()//
    // exit immediately if not running or no mission commands(如果不运行或没有任务命令,立即退出)
    if (_flags.state != MISSION_RUNNING || _cmd_total == 0) {

    // check if we have an active nav command(检查我们是否有一个活动的nav命令)
    if (!_flags.nav_cmd_loaded || _nav_cmd.index == AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE) {
        // advance in mission if no active nav command(如果没有主动导航命令,在任务中前进)
        if (!advance_current_nav_cmd()) {
            // failure to advance nav command means mission has completed(未能推进导航命令意味着任务已经完成)
        // run the active nav command
        if (_cmd_verify_fn(_nav_cmd)) {
            // market _nav_cmd as complete (it will be started on the next iteration)
            _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = false;
            // immediately advance to the next mission command
            if (!advance_current_nav_cmd()) {
                // failure to advance nav command means mission has completed

    // check if we have an active do command
    if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
        // run the active do command
        if (_cmd_verify_fn(_do_cmd)) {
            // market _nav_cmd as complete (it will be started on the next iteration)
            _flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;


/// advance_current_nav_cmd - moves current nav command forward
///     do command will also be loaded
///     accounts for do-jump commands
//      returns true if command is advanced, false if failed (i.e. mission completed)
bool AP_Mission::advance_current_nav_cmd()
    Mission_Command cmd;
    uint16_t cmd_index;

    // exit immediately if we're not running
    if (_flags.state != MISSION_RUNNING) {
        return false;

    // exit immediately if current nav command has not completed
    if (_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {
        return false;

    // stop the current running do command
    _do_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;//65535
    _flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;
    _flags.do_cmd_all_done = false;

    // get starting point for search
    cmd_index = _nav_cmd.index;
    if (cmd_index == AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE) {//65535
        // start from beginning of the mission command list
        cmd_index = AP_MISSION_FIRST_REAL_COMMAND;//1
        // start from one position past the current nav command

    // avoid endless loops
    uint8_t max_loops = 255;

    // search until we find next nav command or reach end of command list
    while (!_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {//检测到导航命令之后退出
        // get next command
        if (!get_next_cmd(cmd_index, cmd, true)) {
            return false;

        // check if navigation or "do" command
        if (is_nav_cmd(cmd)) {
            // save previous nav command index
            _prev_nav_cmd_id = _nav_cmd.id;
            _prev_nav_cmd_index = _nav_cmd.index;
            // save separate previous nav command index if it contains lat,long,alt
            if (!(cmd.content.location.lat == 0 && cmd.content.location.lng == 0)) {
                _prev_nav_cmd_wp_index = _nav_cmd.index;//存储导航命令之前的索引
            // set current navigation command and start it
            _nav_cmd = cmd;//将获取的导航命令赋给,要执行的导航命令的位置
            _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = true;//检测到导航命令,执行
            // set current do command and start it (if not already set)
            if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
                _do_cmd = cmd;
                _flags.do_cmd_loaded = true;
            } else {
                // protect against endless loops of do-commands
                if (max_loops-- == 0) {
                    return false;
        // move onto next command
        cmd_index = cmd.index+1;

    // if we have not found a do command then set flag to show there are no do-commands to be run before nav command completes
    if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
        _flags.do_cmd_all_done = true;//在导航命令完成之前,不会执行do-命令。

    // if we got this far we must have successfully advanced the nav command
    return true;
/// complete - mission is marked complete and clean-up performed including calling the mission_complete_fn
void AP_Mission::complete()
    // flag mission as complete
    _flags.state = MISSION_COMPLETE;

    // callback to main program's mission complete function


// constructor
    AP_Mission(AP_AHRS &ahrs, mission_cmd_fn_t cmd_start_fn, mission_cmd_fn_t cmd_verify_fn, mission_complete_fn_t mission_complete_fn) :
        // load parameter defaults
        AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);

        // clear commands
        _nav_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
        _do_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;

        // initialise other internal variables
        _flags.state = MISSION_STOPPED;
        _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = false;
        _flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;


// Mission library
    AP_Mission mission{ahrs,
            FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&Copter::start_command, bool, const AP_Mission::Mission_Command &),
            FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&Copter::verify_command_callback, bool, const AP_Mission::Mission_Command &),
            FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&Copter::exit_mission, void)};

void exit_mission() {



// exit_mission - function that is called once the mission completes(任务完成后调用的函数)
void Copter::ModeAuto::exit_mission()
    // play a tone
    AP_Notify::events.mission_complete = 1;
    // if we are not on the ground switch to loiter or land(如果我们不在地面上切换到loiter或陆地)
    if(!ap.land_complete) {
        // try to enter loiter but if that fails land(试着进入loiter但如果这失败了)
        if(!loiter_start()) {
            set_mode(LAND, MODE_REASON_MISSION_END);
        // if we've landed it's safe to disarm(如果我们着陆了,可以安全的上锁)


// auto_loiter_start - initialises loitering in auto mode
//  returns success/failure because this can be called by exit_mission
bool Copter::ModeAuto::loiter_start()
    // return failure if GPS is bad(如果GPS不好,返回失败)
    if (!copter.position_ok()) {
        return false;
    _mode = Auto_Loiter;

    // calculate stopping point(计算停止点)
    Vector3f stopping_point;

    // initialise waypoint controller target to stopping point(将waypoint控制器目标初始化到停止点)

    // hold yaw at current heading(在当前航向保持偏航)

    return true;


/// get_wp_stopping_point - returns vector to stopping point based on 3D position and velocity
void AC_WPNav::get_wp_stopping_point(Vector3f& stopping_point) const


/// get_stopping_point_xy - calculates stopping point based on current position, velocity, vehicle acceleration
///     distance_max allows limiting distance to stopping point
///     results placed in stopping_position vector
///     set_accel_xy() should be called before this method to set vehicle acceleration
///     set_leash_length() should have been called before this method
void AC_PosControl::get_stopping_point_xy(Vector3f &stopping_point) const
    const Vector3f curr_pos = _inav.get_position();
    Vector3f curr_vel = _inav.get_velocity();
    float linear_distance;      // the distance at which we swap from a linear to sqrt response
    float linear_velocity;      // the velocity above which we swap from a linear to sqrt response
    float stopping_dist;		// the distance within the vehicle can stop
    float kP = _p_pos_xy.kP();

    // add velocity error to current velocity
    if (is_active_xy()) {
        curr_vel.x += _vel_error.x;
        curr_vel.y += _vel_error.y;

    // calculate current velocity
    float vel_total = norm(curr_vel.x, curr_vel.y);

    // avoid divide by zero by using current position if the velocity is below 10cm/s, kP is very low or acceleration is zero
    if (kP <= 0.0f || _accel_cms <= 0.0f || is_zero(vel_total)) {
        stopping_point.x = curr_pos.x;
        stopping_point.y = curr_pos.y;

    // calculate point at which velocity switches from linear to sqrt
    linear_velocity = _accel_cms/kP;

    // calculate distance within which we can stop
    if (vel_total < linear_velocity) {
    	stopping_dist = vel_total/kP;
    } else {
        linear_distance = _accel_cms/(2.0f*kP*kP);
        stopping_dist = linear_distance + (vel_total*vel_total)/(2.0f*_accel_cms);

    // constrain stopping distance
    stopping_dist = constrain_float(stopping_dist, 0, _leash);

    // convert the stopping distance into a stopping point using velocity vector
    stopping_point.x = curr_pos.x + (stopping_dist * curr_vel.x / vel_total);
    stopping_point.y = curr_pos.y + (stopping_dist * curr_vel.y / vel_total);


/// get_stopping_point_z - calculates stopping point based on current position, velocity, vehicle acceleration
void AC_PosControl::get_stopping_point_z(Vector3f& stopping_point) const
    const float curr_pos_z = _inav.get_altitude();
    float curr_vel_z = _inav.get_velocity_z();

    float linear_distance;  // half the distance we swap between linear and sqrt and the distance we offset sqrt
    float linear_velocity;  // the velocity we swap between linear and sqrt

    // if position controller is active add current velocity error to avoid sudden jump in acceleration
    if (is_active_z()) {
        curr_vel_z += _vel_error.z;
        if (_flags.use_desvel_ff_z) {
            curr_vel_z -= _vel_desired.z;

    // avoid divide by zero by using current position if kP is very low or acceleration is zero
    if (_p_pos_z.kP() <= 0.0f || _accel_z_cms <= 0.0f) {
        stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z;

    // calculate the velocity at which we switch from calculating the stopping point using a linear function to a sqrt function
    linear_velocity = _accel_z_cms/_p_pos_z.kP();

    if (fabsf(curr_vel_z) < linear_velocity) {
        // if our current velocity is below the cross-over point we use a linear function
        stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z + curr_vel_z/_p_pos_z.kP();
    } else {
        linear_distance = _accel_z_cms/(2.0f*_p_pos_z.kP()*_p_pos_z.kP());
        if (curr_vel_z > 0){
            stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z + (linear_distance + curr_vel_z*curr_vel_z/(2.0f*_accel_z_cms));
        } else {
            stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z - (linear_distance + curr_vel_z*curr_vel_z/(2.0f*_accel_z_cms));
    stopping_point.z = constrain_float(stopping_point.z, curr_pos_z - POSCONTROL_STOPPING_DIST_DOWN_MAX, curr_pos_z + POSCONTROL_STOPPING_DIST_UP_MAX);



/// set_wp_destination waypoint using location class
///     returns false if conversion from location to vector from ekf origin cannot be calculated
bool AC_WPNav::set_wp_destination(const Location_Class& destination)
    bool terr_alt;
    Vector3f dest_neu;

    // convert destination location to vector(将目标位置转换为矢量)
    if (!get_vector_NEU(destination, dest_neu, terr_alt)) {
        return false;

    // set target as vector from EKF origin(将目标设定为来自EKF原点的矢量)
    return set_wp_destination(dest_neu, terr_alt);

/// set_wp_destination waypoint using position vector (distance from home in cm)
///     terrain_alt should be true if destination.z is a desired altitude above terrain
bool AC_WPNav::set_wp_destination(const Vector3f& destination, bool terrain_alt)
	Vector3f origin;

    // if waypoint controller is active use the existing position target as the origin
    if ((AP_HAL::millis() - _wp_last_update) < 1000) {
        origin = _pos_control.get_pos_target();//最近1秒内使用过waypoint
    } else {
        // if waypoint controller is not active, set origin to reasonable stopping point (using curr pos and velocity)

    // convert origin to alt-above-terrain(转换为地形高度)
    if (terrain_alt) {
        float origin_terr_offset;
        if (!get_terrain_offset(origin_terr_offset)) {
            return false;
        origin.z -= origin_terr_offset;//修正高度

    // set origin and destination(设置出发地和目的地)
    return set_wp_origin_and_destination(origin, destination, terrain_alt);


/// set_origin_and_destination - set origin and destination waypoints using position vectors (distance from home in cm)
///     terrain_alt should be true if origin.z and destination.z are desired altitudes above terrain (false if these are alt-above-ekf-origin)
///     returns false on failure (likely caused by missing terrain data)
bool AC_WPNav::set_wp_origin_and_destination(const Vector3f& origin, const Vector3f& destination, bool terrain_alt)
    // store origin and destination locations(存储源和目标位置)
    _origin = origin;
    _destination = destination;
    _terrain_alt = terrain_alt;
    Vector3f pos_delta = _destination - _origin;//位置之间的距离

    _track_length = pos_delta.length(); // get track length(得到轨道长度)
    _track_length_xy = safe_sqrt(sq(pos_delta.x)+sq(pos_delta.y));  // get horizontal track length (used to decide if we should update yaw)

    // calculate each axis' percentage of the total distance to the destination(计算每个轴向目的地的总距离的百分比)
    if (is_zero(_track_length)) {
        // avoid possible divide by zero
        _pos_delta_unit.x = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit.y = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit.z = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit = pos_delta/_track_length;

    // calculate leash lengths(计算刹车的长度)

    // get origin's alt-above-terrain
    float origin_terr_offset = 0.0f;
    if (terrain_alt) {
        if (!get_terrain_offset(origin_terr_offset)) {
            return false;

    // initialise intermediate point to the origin(将中间点初始化到原点)
    _pos_control.set_pos_target(origin + Vector3f(0,0,origin_terr_offset));
    _track_desired = 0;             // target is at beginning of track
    _flags.reached_destination = false;
    _flags.fast_waypoint = false;   // default waypoint back to slow
    _flags.slowing_down = false;    // target is not slowing down yet
    _flags.segment_type = SEGMENT_STRAIGHT;
    _flags.new_wp_destination = true;   // flag new waypoint so we can freeze the pos controller's feed forward and smooth the transition
    _flags.wp_yaw_set = false;

    // initialise the limited speed to current speed along the track(将有限的速度初始化到沿着轨道的速度)
    const Vector3f &curr_vel = _inav.get_velocity();
    // get speed along track (note: we convert vertical speed into horizontal speed equivalent)(沿着轨道加速(注意:我们将垂直速度转换为水平速度等效))
    float speed_along_track = curr_vel.x * _pos_delta_unit.x + curr_vel.y * _pos_delta_unit.y + curr_vel.z * _pos_delta_unit.z;
    _limited_speed_xy_cms = constrain_float(speed_along_track,0,_wp_speed_cms);// maximum horizontal speed in cm/s during missions

    return true;
/// calculate_wp_leash_length - calculates horizontal and vertical leash lengths for waypoint controller(计算水平和垂直的刹车长度)
void AC_WPNav::calculate_wp_leash_length()
    // length of the unit direction vector in the horizontal(水平方向矢量的长度)
    float pos_delta_unit_xy = norm(_pos_delta_unit.x, _pos_delta_unit.y);
    float pos_delta_unit_z = fabsf(_pos_delta_unit.z);

    float speed_z;
    float leash_z;
    if (_pos_delta_unit.z >= 0.0f) {
        speed_z = _wp_speed_up_cms;// climb speed target in cm/s
        leash_z = _pos_control.get_leash_up_z();// vertical leash up in cm.
        speed_z = _wp_speed_down_cms;// descent speed target in cm/s
        leash_z = _pos_control.get_leash_down_z();// vertical leash down in cm.

    // calculate the maximum acceleration, maximum velocity, and leash length in the direction of travel
    if(is_zero(pos_delta_unit_z) && is_zero(pos_delta_unit_xy)){
        _track_accel = 0;
        _track_speed = 0;
        _track_leash_length = WPNAV_LEASH_LENGTH_MIN;
    }else if(is_zero(_pos_delta_unit.z)){//Z轴方向为0
        _track_accel = _wp_accel_cms/pos_delta_unit_xy;
        _track_speed = _wp_speed_cms/pos_delta_unit_xy;
        _track_leash_length = _pos_control.get_leash_xy()/pos_delta_unit_xy;
    }else if(is_zero(pos_delta_unit_xy)){//水平方向为0
        _track_accel = _wp_accel_z_cms/pos_delta_unit_z;
        _track_speed = speed_z/pos_delta_unit_z;
        _track_leash_length = leash_z/pos_delta_unit_z;
        _track_accel = MIN(_wp_accel_z_cms/pos_delta_unit_z, _wp_accel_cms/pos_delta_unit_xy);
        _track_speed = MIN(speed_z/pos_delta_unit_z, _wp_speed_cms/pos_delta_unit_xy);
        _track_leash_length = MIN(leash_z/pos_delta_unit_z, _pos_control.get_leash_xy()/pos_delta_unit_xy);

    // calculate slow down distance (the distance from the destination when the target point should begin to slow down)
    calc_slow_down_distance(_track_speed, _track_accel);// speed in cm/s along track , acceleration along track

    // set recalc leash flag to false
    _flags.recalc_wp_leash = false;
/// calc_slow_down_distance - calculates distance before waypoint that target point should begin to slow-down assuming it is travelling at full speed
void AC_WPNav::calc_slow_down_distance(float speed_cms, float accel_cmss)
	// protect against divide by zero
	if (accel_cmss <= 0.0f) {
		_slow_down_dist = 0.0f;
    // To-Do: should we use a combination of horizontal and vertical speeds?
    // To-Do: update this automatically when speed or acceleration is changed
    _slow_down_dist = speed_cms * speed_cms / (4.0f*accel_cmss);//这是什么公式?



/// get_stopping_point_xy - calculates stopping point based on current position, velocity, vehicle acceleration
///     distance_max allows limiting distance to stopping point
///     results placed in stopping_position vector
///     set_accel_xy() should be called before this method to set vehicle acceleration
///     set_leash_length() should have been called before this method
void AC_PosControl::get_stopping_point_xy(Vector3f &stopping_point) const
    const Vector3f curr_pos = _inav.get_position();//获取惯性导航的位置
    Vector3f curr_vel = _inav.get_velocity();//获取惯性导航的速度
    float linear_distance;      // the distance at which we swap from a linear to sqrt response
    float linear_velocity;      // the velocity above which we swap from a linear to sqrt response
    float stopping_dist;		// the distance within the vehicle can stop
    float kP = _p_pos_xy.kP();

    // add velocity error to current velocity(将速度误差加到当前速度)
    if (is_active_xy()) {//判断速度控制器是否活跃
        curr_vel.x += _vel_error.x;
        curr_vel.y += _vel_error.y;

    // calculate current velocity(计算当前的速度)
    float vel_total = norm(curr_vel.x, curr_vel.y);

    // avoid divide by zero by using current position if the velocity is below 10cm/s, kP is very low or acceleration is zero
    if (kP <= 0.0f || _accel_cms <= 0.0f || is_zero(vel_total)) {
        stopping_point.x = curr_pos.x;
        stopping_point.y = curr_pos.y;//设置当前点为停止点

    // calculate point at which velocity switches from linear to sqrt
    linear_velocity = _accel_cms/kP;

    // calculate distance within which we can stop(计算我们可以停止的距离)
    if (vel_total < linear_velocity) {
    	stopping_dist = vel_total/kP;
    } else {
        linear_distance = _accel_cms/(2.0f*kP*kP);
        stopping_dist = linear_distance + (vel_total*vel_total)/(2.0f*_accel_cms);

    // constrain stopping distance
    stopping_dist = constrain_float(stopping_dist, 0, _leash);

    // convert the stopping distance into a stopping point using velocity vector
    stopping_point.x = curr_pos.x + (stopping_dist * curr_vel.x / vel_total);
    stopping_point.y = curr_pos.y + (stopping_dist * curr_vel.y / vel_total);//当前位置 + 停止距离


/// get_stopping_point_z - calculates stopping point based on current position, velocity, vehicle acceleration
void AC_PosControl::get_stopping_point_z(Vector3f& stopping_point) const
    const float curr_pos_z = _inav.get_altitude();//获取当前位置的高度
    float curr_vel_z = _inav.get_velocity_z();//获取Z方向的速度

    float linear_distance;  // half the distance we swap between linear and sqrt and the distance we offset sqrt
    float linear_velocity;  // the velocity we swap between linear and sqrt

    // if position controller is active add current velocity error to avoid sudden jump in acceleration
    if (is_active_z()) {
        curr_vel_z += _vel_error.z;
        if (_flags.use_desvel_ff_z) {
            curr_vel_z -= _vel_desired.z;

    // avoid divide by zero by using current position if kP is very low or acceleration is zero
    if (_p_pos_z.kP() <= 0.0f || _accel_z_cms <= 0.0f) {
        stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z;//停止Z轴位置

    // calculate the velocity at which we switch from calculating the stopping point using a linear function to a sqrt function
    // 计算我们从计算停止点的速度,使用一个线性函数到一个sqrt函数
    linear_velocity = _accel_z_cms/_p_pos_z.kP();

    if (fabsf(curr_vel_z) < linear_velocity) {
        // if our current velocity is below the cross-over point we use a linear function
        // 如果我们现在的速度低于交叉点我们使用一个线性函数
        stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z + curr_vel_z/_p_pos_z.kP();//计算停止位置 = 当前位置 + 停止距离
    } else {
        linear_distance = _accel_z_cms/(2.0f*_p_pos_z.kP()*_p_pos_z.kP());
        if (curr_vel_z > 0){
            stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z + (linear_distance + curr_vel_z*curr_vel_z/(2.0f*_accel_z_cms));//计算停止位置 = 当前位置 + 停止距离
        } else {
            stopping_point.z = curr_pos_z - (linear_distance + curr_vel_z*curr_vel_z/(2.0f*_accel_z_cms));//计算停止位置 = 当前位置 + 停止距离
    stopping_point.z = constrain_float(stopping_point.z, curr_pos_z - POSCONTROL_STOPPING_DIST_DOWN_MAX, curr_pos_z + POSCONTROL_STOPPING_DIST_UP_MAX);

// convert location to vector from ekf origin.  terrain_alt is set to true if resulting vector's z-axis should be treated as alt-above-terrain
//      returns false if conversion failed (likely because terrain data was not available)
bool AC_WPNav::get_vector_NEU(const Location_Class &loc, Vector3f &vec, bool &terrain_alt)
    // convert location to NE vector2f
    Vector2f res_vec;
    if (!loc.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(res_vec)) {
        return false;

    // convert altitude
    if (loc.get_alt_frame() == Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN) {
        int32_t terr_alt;
        if (!loc.get_alt_cm(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN, terr_alt)) {
            return false;
        vec.z = terr_alt;
        terrain_alt = true;
    } else {
        terrain_alt = false;
        int32_t temp_alt;
        if (!loc.get_alt_cm(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_ORIGIN, temp_alt)) {
            return false;
        vec.z = temp_alt;
        terrain_alt = false;

    // copy xy (we do this to ensure we do not adjust vector unless the overall conversion is successful
    vec.x = res_vec.x;
    vec.y = res_vec.y;

    return true;


bool Location_Class::get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(Vector2f &vec_ne) const
    Location ekf_origin;
    if (!_ahrs->get_origin(ekf_origin)) {
        return false;
    vec_ne.x = (lat-ekf_origin.lat) * LATLON_TO_CM;
    vec_ne.y = (lng-ekf_origin.lng) * LATLON_TO_CM * longitude_scale(ekf_origin);//EAST值需要修正,用为纬度
    return true;


float longitude_scale(const struct Location &loc)
    float scale = cosf(loc.lat * 1.0e-7f * DEG_TO_RAD);//纬度值
    return constrain_float(scale, 0.01f, 1.0f);




/// set_origin_and_destination - set origin and destination waypoints using position vectors (distance from home in cm)
///     terrain_alt should be true if origin.z and destination.z are desired altitudes above terrain (false if these are alt-above-ekf-origin)
///     returns false on failure (likely caused by missing terrain data)
bool AC_WPNav::set_wp_origin_and_destination(const Vector3f& origin, const Vector3f& destination, bool terrain_alt)
    // store origin and destination locations
    _origin = origin;
    _destination = destination;
    _terrain_alt = terrain_alt;
    Vector3f pos_delta = _destination - _origin;

    _track_length = pos_delta.length(); // get track length
    _track_length_xy = safe_sqrt(sq(pos_delta.x)+sq(pos_delta.y));  // get horizontal track length (used to decide if we should update yaw)

    // calculate each axis' percentage of the total distance to the destination
    if (is_zero(_track_length)) {
        // avoid possible divide by zero
        _pos_delta_unit.x = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit.y = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit.z = 0;
        _pos_delta_unit = pos_delta/_track_length;

    // calculate leash lengths

    // get origin's alt-above-terrain
    float origin_terr_offset = 0.0f;
    if (terrain_alt) {
        if (!get_terrain_offset(origin_terr_offset)) {
            return false;

    // initialise intermediate point to the origin
    _pos_control.set_pos_target(origin + Vector3f(0,0,origin_terr_offset));
    _track_desired = 0;             // target is at beginning of track
    _flags.reached_destination = false;
    _flags.fast_waypoint = false;   // default waypoint back to slow
    _flags.slowing_down = false;    // target is not slowing down yet
    _flags.segment_type = SEGMENT_STRAIGHT;
    _flags.new_wp_destination = true;   // flag new waypoint so we can freeze the pos controller's feed forward and smooth the transition
    _flags.wp_yaw_set = false;

    // initialise the limited speed to current speed along the track
    const Vector3f &curr_vel = _inav.get_velocity();
    // get speed along track (note: we convert vertical speed into horizontal speed equivalent)
    float speed_along_track = curr_vel.x * _pos_delta_unit.x + curr_vel.y * _pos_delta_unit.y + curr_vel.z * _pos_delta_unit.z;
    _limited_speed_xy_cms = constrain_float(speed_along_track,0,_wp_speed_cms);

    return true;


void Copter::Mode::set_auto_yaw_mode(uint8_t yaw_mode)
    return copter.set_auto_yaw_mode(yaw_mode);


// set_auto_yaw_mode - sets the yaw mode for auto
void Copter::set_auto_yaw_mode(uint8_t yaw_mode)
    // return immediately if no change(跟原来模式相同的话,直接退出)
    if (auto_yaw_mode == yaw_mode) {
    auto_yaw_mode = yaw_mode;

    // perform initialisation
    switch (auto_yaw_mode) {

        // wpnav will initialise heading when wpnav's set_destination method is called

    case AUTO_YAW_ROI:
        // point towards a location held in yaw_look_at_WP
        yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor;

        // keep heading pointing in the direction held in yaw_look_at_heading
        // caller should set the yaw_look_at_heading

        // Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead.
        yaw_look_ahead_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor;

        // initial_armed_bearing will be set during arming so no init required

    case AUTO_YAW_RATE:
        // initialise target yaw rate to zero
        auto_yaw_rate_cds = 0.0f;
// Autopilot Yaw Mode enumeration
enum autopilot_yaw_mode {
    AUTO_YAW_HOLD =             0,  // pilot controls the heading
    AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP =  1,  // point towards next waypoint (no pilot input accepted)
    AUTO_YAW_ROI =              2,  // point towards a location held in roi_WP (no pilot input accepted)
    AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING =  3,  // point towards a particular angle (not pilot input accepted)
    AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AHEAD =       4,  // point in the direction the copter is moving
    AUTO_YAW_RESETTOARMEDYAW =  5,  // point towards heading at time motors were armed
    AUTO_YAW_RATE =             6,  // turn at a specified rate (held in auto_yaw_rate)

