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js 拖动图片移动位置插件jquery.dad.js




 * jquery.dad.js v2 (http://konsolestudio.com/dad)
 * Author William Lima

(function ($) {
  "use strict";

  var global = {};

  global.supportsTouch = "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;
  global.shouldScroll = true;

  if (global.supportsTouch) {
    var scrollListener = function (e) {
      if (!global.shouldScroll) {

    document.addEventListener("touchmove", scrollListener, { passive: false });

   * Mouse constructor
  function DadMouse() {
    this.positionX = 0;
    this.positionY = 0;
    this.offsetX = 0;
    this.offsetY = 0;

   * Mouse udpate event
   * @param {Event}
  DadMouse.prototype.update = function (e) {
    // Check if it is touch
    if (global.supportsTouch && e.type == "touchmove") {
      var targetEvent = e.originalEvent.touches[0];
      var mouseTarget = document.elementFromPoint(

      // update mouse coordinates from touch
      this.positionX = targetEvent.pageX;
      this.positionY = targetEvent.pageY;
    } else {
      this.positionX = e.pageX;
      this.positionY = e.pageY;

   * DAD class constructor
   * @param {element} element
   * @param {options} options
  function Dad(element, options) {
    this.options = this.parseOptions(options);

    // jQuery elements
    this.$container = $(element);
    this.$current = null;
    this.$target = null;
    this.$clone = null;

    // Inner variables
    this.mouse = new DadMouse();
    this.holding = false;
    this.dragging = false;
    this.dropzones = [];

    // Configure and setup

   * Static attribute that stores default dad options
  Dad.defaultOptions = {
    active: true,
    draggable: false,
    exchangeable: true,
    placeholderTarget: false,
    placeholderTemplate: "<div />",
    placeholderClass: "dad-placeholder",
    targetClass: "dad-target",
    cloneClass: "dad-clone",
    transition: 200,

   * Merge provided options with the defaults
  Dad.prototype.parseOptions = function (options) {
    // Make defaults immutable
    var parsedOptions = $.extend(true, {}, Dad.defaultOptions);

    if (options) {
      $.each(parsedOptions, function (key, value) {
        var overrideValue = options[key];

        if (typeof overrideValue !== "undefined") {
          // Valid for arrays as well
          if (typeof overrideValue === "object") {
            parsedOptions[key] = $.extend(parsedOptions[key], overrideValue);
          } else {
            parsedOptions[key] = overrideValue;

    return parsedOptions;

   * Add all required listeners and
   * styles that prevents some issues when dragging
  Dad.prototype.setup = function () {
    var self = this;

    // Prevent user from highlight text
      position: "relative",
      "-webkit-touch-callout": "none",
      "-webkit-user-select": "none",
      "-khtml-user-select": "none",
      "-moz-user-select": "none",
      "-ms-user-select": "none",
      "user-select": "none",

    // Prevent dragging images on IE
    this.$container.find("img").attr("ondragstart", "return false");

    // Create a callback for click event
    function onChildClick(e) {
      var $target = $(this);
      self.prepare(e, $target);

    // Create a callback for enter event
    function onChildEnter(e) {
      if (self.$current) {
        var $this = $(this);
        var isFromCurrent = !!self.$current.find(this).length;
        var isExchangeable = self.options.exchangeable;

        var shouldExchange = self.dragging && (isFromCurrent || isExchangeable);

        if (shouldExchange) {
          self.updatePlaceholder(e, $this);

    // Set container communication
    this.$container.on("mouseenter touchenter", function (e) {
      if (self.$current) {
        var $this = $(this);
        var isNotCurrent = !$this.is(self.$current);
        var isExchangeable = self.options.exchangeable;

        var shouldExchange = self.dragging && isNotCurrent && isExchangeable;

        if (shouldExchange) {
          self.updatePlaceholder(e, $this, true);

    // Add element event listeners
    this.$container.on("mousedown touchstart", "> *", onChildClick);
    this.$container.on("mouseenter touchenter", "> *", onChildEnter);

    // Add window event listeners
    $("body").on("mousemove touchmove", this.update.bind(this));
    $("body").on("mouseup touchend", this.end.bind(this));

    // Cancelling drag due to browser native actions
    // Note: Using window on mouseleave causes a bug...
    $("body").on("mouseleave", this.end.bind(this));
    $(window).on("blur", this.end.bind(this));

   * Prepare container to start dragging
   * @param {*} event click/mousedown event
   * @param {*} element target element
  Dad.prototype.prepare = function (e, $target) {
    var draggable = this.options.draggable;
    var $draggable = draggable && $(draggable);
    var shouldStartDragging =
      this.active &&
        ? $draggable.is(e.target) || $draggable.find(e.target).length
        : true);

    if (shouldStartDragging) {
      this.holding = true;
      this.$target = $target;
      this.$current = $target.closest(this.$container);

   * First step, occurs on mousedown
   * @param {Event}
  Dad.prototype.start = function (e) {
    var options = this.options;
    var $target = this.$target;
    var $current = this.$current;

    // Add clone
    var $clone = $target.clone().css({
      position: "absolute",
      zIndex: 9999,
      pointerEvents: "none",
      height: $target.outerHeight(),
      width: $target.outerWidth(),

    // Add placeholder
    var $placeholder = $(options.placeholderTemplate).css({
      position: "absolute",
      pointerEvents: "none",
      zIndex: 9998,
      margin: 0,
      padding: 0,
      height: $target.outerHeight(),
      width: $target.outerWidth(),

    // Set mouse offset values
    this.mouse.offsetX = this.mouse.positionX - $target.offset().left;
    this.mouse.offsetY = this.mouse.positionY - $target.offset().top;

    // Hide target
    $target.css("visibility", "hidden");

    // Add custom classes

    // Setting variables
    if (global.supportsTouch) global.shouldScroll = false;

    this.dragging = true;
    this.$target = $target;
    this.$clone = $clone;
    this.$placeholder = $placeholder;

    // Add elements to container

    // Set clone and placeholder position

    // Trigger custom events
    $($current).trigger("dadDragStart", [$target[0]]);

   * Middle step, occurs on mousemove
  Dad.prototype.update = function (e) {

    // If user is holding but not dragging
    // Call start method
    if (this.holding && !this.dragging) {

    if (this.dragging) {

   * Final step, ocurrs on mouseup
  Dad.prototype.end = function (e) {
    this.holding = false;

    // Finish dragging if is dragging
    if (this.dragging) {
      if (global.supportsTouch) global.shouldScroll = true;

      var options = this.options;
      var $current = this.$current;
      var $target = this.$target;
      var $clone = this.$clone;
      var $placeholder = this.$placeholder;

      var animateToX = $target.offset().left - this.getContainerX();
      var animateToY = $target.offset().top - this.getContainerY();

      // Trigger callback
      $($current).trigger("dadDragEnd", [$target[0]]);

      // Do transition from clone to target
          top: animateToY,
          left: animateToX,
          height: $target.outerHeight(),
          width: $target.outerWidth(),
        function () {
          // Remove dad elements

          // Normalize target
          $target.css("visibility", "");

          // On dad dropped
          $($current).trigger("dadDrop", [$target[0]]);

      // Reset variables
      this.dragging = false;

      // Reset elements
      this.$current = null;
      this.$target = null;
      this.$clone = null;
      this.$placeholder = null;

   * Get current container X position, including horizontal scroll
  Dad.prototype.getContainerX = function () {
    return this.$current.offset().left - this.$current.scrollLeft()

   * Get current container Y position, including vertical scroll
  Dad.prototype.getContainerY = function () {
    return this.$current.offset().top - this.$current.scrollTop()

   * Dad update clone position based on the mouse position
  Dad.prototype.updateClonePosition = function () {
    // Get positions
    var targetX =
      this.mouse.positionX - this.getContainerX() - this.mouse.offsetX;
    var targetY =
      this.mouse.positionY - this.getContainerY() - this.mouse.offsetY;

    // Update clone
    this.$clone.css({ top: targetY, left: targetX });

   * Dad update placeholder position by
   * checking the current placeholder position
  Dad.prototype.updatePlaceholder = function (e, $element, isContainer) {
    var $current = this.$current;
    var $target = this.$target;
    var $clone = this.$clone;
    var $placeholder = this.$placeholder;

    if (isContainer) {
      // Move target

      // And also move dad elements for positioning

      // Update current container
      this.$current = $element;

      // Exchange custom event
      $($current).trigger("dadDragExchange", [$current[0], $element[0]]);
    } else {
      if ($element.index() > $target.index()) {
      } else {

      // Update custom event
      $($current).trigger("dadDragUpdate", [$target[0]]);


   * Update placeholder position based on its options
  Dad.prototype.updatePlaceholderPosition = function () {
    var placeholderTarget = this.options.placeholderTarget;

    var $target = placeholderTarget
      ? this.$target.find(placeholderTarget)
      : this.$target;

    var targetTop = $target.offset().top - this.getContainerY();
    var targetLeft = $target.offset().left - this.getContainerX();

    var targetHeight = $target.outerHeight();
    var targetWidth = $target.outerWidth();

      top: targetTop,
      left: targetLeft,
      width: targetWidth,
      height: targetHeight,

  Dad.prototype.onDrop = function (selector, onDrop) {
    var $dropzone = $(selector);

    function onDropzoneEnter(e) {
      var $this = $(this);

      $this.attr("data-dad-active", true);

    $dropzone.on("mouseenter touchenter", onDropzoneEnter);

   * Update container active status which later
   * will prevent the dragging to start on the prepare function
  Dad.prototype.setActive = function (isActive) {
    this.active = isActive;
    this.$container.attr("data-dad-active", isActive);

  Dad.prototype.activate = function () {

  Dad.prototype.deactivate = function () {

  $.fn.dad = function (options) {
    return new Dad(this, options);
