fedora 软件 目录_Fedora中的免费目录服务


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As many have already explored, Fedora Core 4 has been out in test release since May. Even better, Red Hat, after several months of licensing and development has made available an enterprise class directory server based on its acquisition of Netscape Security Solutions from AOL.

正如许多人已经探索过的那样, Fedora Core 4自5月以来一直处于测试发布中。 甚至更好的是,经过数月的许可和开发,红帽基于从AOL收购Netscape安全解决方案而提供了企业级目录服务器。

The free GPL’d version is available for Fedora and enables the Fedora community to experiment with directory services for user bases large and small. This certainly advances the capabilities of those web professionals seeking to test and implement single sign on solutions among other opportunities.

免费的GPL版本可用于Fedora,并使Fedora社区能够为大小用户群体试用目录服务。 这无疑会提高那些寻求测试和实施单点登录解决方案以及其他机会的网络专业人员的能力。

As our web sites have evolved into web applications and further into multiple interacting portals of varying scales, we begin to face authentication challenges. This especially when dropping our solutions into existing client infrastructures including intranets, extranets and third party vendor systems. With a robust LDAP, we now have the ability to tap into Microsoft Active Directory Services, Lotus Domino directories and other LDAP-like environments and add further value.

随着我们的网站发展成Web应用程序,并进一步发展成具有不同规模的多个交互门户,我们开始面临认证挑战。 在将我们的解决方案放到现有客户端基础结构(包括内部网,外部网和第三方供应商系统)中时,尤其如此。 有了强大的LDAP,我们现在能够利用Microsoft Active Directory Services,Lotus Domino目录和其他类似LDAP的环境并增加更多价值。

I continue to both observe and participate in increasingly sophisticated environments, which by nature demands multiple administrators, larger groups of users and challenging cross-platform integration. Single sign on becomes more of a requirement than ever as clients and end users grapple with numerous sets of user credentials.

我将继续观察并参与日益复杂的环境,这自然要求多个管理员,更大的用户组和具有挑战性的跨平台集成。 随着客户端和最终用户努力处理大量用户凭证,单点登录变得比以往任何时候都更为重要。

I am curious who has already been delving into existing open source LDAP solutions (on any Unix or Windows platform) and feedback on any development tests with this new Fedora capability.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/free-directory-services-in-fedora/

fedora 软件 目录
