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10-row School abacus

#                 10-row School abacus
#                         by
#                      Michael H
#       Description partially extracted from from wikipedia
#  Around the world, abaci have been used in pre-schools and elementary
# In Western countries, a bead frame similar to the Russian abacus but
# with straight wires and a vertical frame has been common (see image).
# Helps schools as an aid in teaching the numeral system and arithmetic
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 1000000000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 100000000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 10000000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 1000000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 100000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 10000
#         |00000*****   |     row factor 1000
#         |00000****   *|     row factor 100     * 1
#         |00000***   **|     row factor 10      * 2
#         |00000**   ***|     row factor 1       * 3
#                                        -----------    
#                             Sum                123
# Each row represents a different row factor, starting with x1 at the
# bottom, ascending up to x1000000000 at the top row.     

# Define a procedure print_abacus(integer) that takes a positive integer
# and prints a visual representation (image) of an abacus setup for a
# given positive integer value.
# Ranking
# 1 STAR: solved the problem!
# 2 STARS: 6 < lines <= 9
# 3 STARS: 3 < lines <= 6
# 4 STARS: 0 < lines <= 3

def print_abacus(value):
       ### Add you code here
    for c in ((10 - len(str(value))) * '0' + str(value)):
        print('|00000*****|'[ : -1 - int(c)] + '   ' + '|00000*****|'[-1 - int(c) : ])

print "Abacus showing 0:"
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
print "Abacus showing 12345678:"
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000****   *|
#>>>|00000***   **|
#>>>|00000**   ***|
#>>>|00000*   ****|
#>>>|00000   *****|
#>>>|0000   0*****|
#>>>|000   00*****|
#>>>|00   000*****|
print "Abacus showing 1337:"
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000*****   |
#>>>|00000****   *|
#>>>|00000**   ***|
#>>>|00000**   ***|
#>>>|000   00*****|