[root@localhost opt]# ls
lampp xampp-linux-1.8.1.tar.gz
[root@localhost opt]# cd lampp
[root@localhost lampp]# ls
bin cgi-bin error etc htdocs icons lampp lib libexec licenses logs modules php phpmyadmin RELEASENOTES sbin share tmp var
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp start
XAMPP: SELinux is activated. Making XAMPP fit SELinux...
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
-bash: XAMPP:: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# apache2 stop
-bash: apache2: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# find / -name apache
[root@localhost lampp]# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo: /etc/init.d/apache2: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# cd /etc/init.d
[root@localhost init.d]# ls
acpid bluetooth dund httpd kdump mdmonitor network pand restorecond smartd xfs
anacron capi firstboot ibmasm killall mdmpd NetworkManager pcscd rpcgssd sshd ypbind
apmd conman functions ip6tables krb524 messagebus nfs portmap rpcidmapd syslog yum-updatesd
atd cpuspeed gpm ipmi kudzu microcode_ctl nfslock psacct rpcsvcgssd tcsd
auditd crond haldaemon iptables lisa multipathd nscd rawdevices saslauthd vncserver
autofs cups halt irda lm_sensors netconsole ntpd rdisc sendmail wdaemon
avahi-daemon cups-config-daemon hidd irqbalance lvm2-monitor netfs oddjobd readahead_early setroubleshoot winbind
avahi-dnsconfd dnsmasq hsqldb isdn mcstrans netplugd openibd readahead_later single wpa_supplicant
[root@localhost init.d]# ./lampp
-bash: ./lampp: No such file or directory
[root@localhost init.d]# lampp
-bash: lampp: command not found
[root@localhost init.d]# pwd
[root@localhost init.d]# ls
acpid bluetooth dund httpd kdump mdmonitor network pand restorecond smartd xfs
anacron capi firstboot ibmasm killall mdmpd NetworkManager pcscd rpcgssd sshd ypbind
apmd conman functions ip6tables krb524 messagebus nfs portmap rpcidmapd syslog yum-updatesd
atd cpuspeed gpm ipmi kudzu microcode_ctl nfslock psacct rpcsvcgssd tcsd
auditd crond haldaemon iptables lisa multipathd nscd rawdevices saslauthd vncserver
autofs cups halt irda lm_sensors netconsole ntpd rdisc sendmail wdaemon
avahi-daemon cups-config-daemon hidd irqbalance lvm2-monitor netfs oddjobd readahead_early setroubleshoot winbind
avahi-dnsconfd dnsmasq hsqldb isdn mcstrans netplugd openibd readahead_later single wpa_supplicant
[root@localhost init.d]# cd /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ls
lampp xampp-linux-1.8.1.tar.gz
[root@localhost opt]# cd lampp
[root@localhost lampp]# ls
bin cgi-bin error etc htdocs icons lampp lib libexec licenses logs modules php phpmyadmin RELEASENOTES sbin share tmp var
[root@localhost lampp]# lampp
-bash: lampp: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp
Usage: ./lampp <action>
start Start XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
startapache Start only Apache
startssl Start only SSL support
startmysql Start only MySQL
startftp Start only ProFTPD
stop Stop XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
stopapache Stop only Apache
stopssl Stop only SSL support
stopmysql Stop only MySQL
stopftp Stop only ProFTPD
reload Reload XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
reloadapache Reload only Apache
reloadmysql Reload only MySQL
reloadftp Reload only ProFTPD
restart Stop and start XAMPP
security Check XAMPP's security
php5 Activate PHP5
phpstatus Which version of PHP is active?
backup Make backup file of your XAMPP config, log and data files
panel Starts graphical XAMPP control panel
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp panel
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in ?
import gtk
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line 48, in ?
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp stop
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: XAMPP-Apache is not running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is not running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is not running.
XAMPP stopped.
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# rpm -i apache
error: open of apache failed: No such file or directory
[root@localhost lampp]# rpm -i apache2
error: open of apache2 failed: No such file or directory
[root@localhost lampp]# rpm -qa mysql
[root@localhost lampp]# cd /usr
[root@localhost usr]# cd
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop install.log install.log.syslog
[root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local
[root@localhost local]# ls
bin etc games include lib libexec sbin share src srv
[root@localhost local]# rm srv
rm: cannot remove directory `srv': Is a directory
[root@localhost local]# rm -rf srv
[root@localhost local]# ls
bin etc games include lib libexec sbin share src
[root@localhost local]# grep -n mysql
netstat -ano |find "8080"
[root@localhost local]# netstat -ano |find "80"
find: 80: No such file or directory
[root@localhost local]# netstat -ano | grep "80"
tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0)
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 8014 /var/run/audispd_events
unix 19 [ ] DGRAM 8082 /dev/log
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 8090
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 8005
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 8004
[root@localhost local]# rpm -qa | grep MySQL
[root@localhost local]# ./lampp restart
-bash: ./lampp: No such file or directory
[root@localhost local]# cd
[root@localhost ~]# cd ..
[root@localhost /]# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found media misc mnt net opt proc root sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var zh
[root@localhost /]# cd /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ls
lampp xampp-linux-1.8.1.tar.gz
[root@localhost opt]# cd lamp
-bash: cd: lamp: No such file or directory
[root@localhost opt]# cd lampp
[root@localhost lampp]# ls
bin cgi-bin error etc htdocs icons lampp lib libexec licenses logs modules php phpmyadmin RELEASENOTES sbin share tmp var
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restrat
Usage: ./lampp <action>
start Start XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
startapache Start only Apache
startssl Start only SSL support
startmysql Start only MySQL
startftp Start only ProFTPD
stop Stop XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
stopapache Stop only Apache
stopssl Stop only SSL support
stopmysql Stop only MySQL
stopftp Stop only ProFTPD
reload Reload XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
reloadapache Reload only Apache
reloadmysql Reload only MySQL
reloadftp Reload only ProFTPD
restart Stop and start XAMPP
security Check XAMPP's security
php5 Activate PHP5
phpstatus Which version of PHP is active?
backup Make backup file of your XAMPP config, log and data files
panel Starts graphical XAMPP control panel
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: XAMPP-Apache is not running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is not running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is not running.
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# ps -au
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
root 3250 0.0 0.0 1664 420 tty1 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1
root 3251 0.0 0.0 1664 428 tty2 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2
root 3252 0.0 0.0 1664 420 tty3 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3
root 3253 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty4 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4
root 3254 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty5 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5
root 3255 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty6 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6
root 3364 0.0 0.0 11184 5120 tty7 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7
root 5045 0.0 0.0 4540 1416 pts/1 Ss 23:00 0:00 -bash
root 5629 0.0 0.0 4260 948 pts/1 R+ 23:32 0:00 ps -au
[root@localhost lampp]# ps -aux
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
root 1 0.0 0.0 2072 624 ? Ss 22:28 0:01 init [5]
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/0]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/0]
root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/1]
root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/1]
root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/1]
root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/2]
root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/2]
root 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/2]
root 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/3]
root 12 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/3]
root 13 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/3]
root 14 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/4]
root 15 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/4]
root 16 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/4]
root 17 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/5]
root 18 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/5]
root 19 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/5]
root 20 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/6]
root 21 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/6]
root 22 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/6]
root 23 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [migration/7]
root 24 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 22:28 0:00 [ksoftirqd/7]
root 25 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [watchdog/7]
root 26 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/0]
root 27 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/1]
root 28 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/2]
root 29 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/3]
root 30 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/4]
root 31 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/5]
root 32 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/6]
root 33 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [events/7]
root 34 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [khelper]
root 35 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kthread]
root 45 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/0]
root 46 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/1]
root 47 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/2]
root 48 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/3]
root 49 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/4]
root 50 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/5]
root 51 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/6]
root 52 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kblockd/7]
root 53 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kacpid]
root 163 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/0]
root 164 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/1]
root 165 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/2]
root 166 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/3]
root 167 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/4]
root 168 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/5]
root 169 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/6]
root 170 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [cqueue/7]
root 173 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [khubd]
root 175 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kseriod]
root 267 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 22:28 0:00 [khungtaskd]
root 268 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 22:28 0:00 [pdflush]
root 269 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 22:28 0:00 [pdflush]
root 270 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kswapd0]
root 271 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/0]
root 272 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/1]
root 273 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/2]
root 274 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/3]
root 275 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/4]
root 276 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/5]
root 277 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/6]
root 278 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [aio/7]
root 453 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [kpsmoused]
root 559 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [mpt_poll_0]
root 560 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:28 0:00 [mpt/0]
root 561 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [scsi_eh_0]
root 571 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/0]
root 572 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/1]
root 573 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/2]
root 574 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/3]
root 575 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/4]
root 576 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/5]
root 577 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/6]
root 578 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata/7]
root 579 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ata_aux]
root 598 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kstriped]
root 635 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [ksnapd]
root 674 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kjournald]
root 705 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kauditd]
root 738 0.0 0.0 3096 1632 ? S<s 22:29 0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
root 1361 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kedac]
root 2171 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/0]
root 2172 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/1]
root 2174 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/2]
root 2175 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/3]
root 2176 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/4]
root 2177 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/5]
root 2178 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/6]
root 2179 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpathd/7]
root 2180 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kmpath_handlerd]
root 2266 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:29 0:00 [kjournald]
root 2442 0.0 0.0 2172 512 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 mcstransd
root 2625 0.0 0.0 12520 756 ? S<sl 22:30 0:00 auditd
root 2627 0.0 0.0 12076 676 ? S<sl 22:30 0:00 /sbin/audispd
root 2644 0.0 0.0 11984 10536 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/restorecond
root 2653 0.0 0.0 1728 568 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 syslogd -m 0
root 2656 0.0 0.0 1680 400 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 klogd -x
root 2726 0.0 0.0 2472 368 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 irqbalance
rpc 2737 0.0 0.0 1816 548 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 portmap
root 2769 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/0]
root 2770 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/1]
root 2771 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/2]
root 2772 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/3]
root 2773 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/4]
root 2774 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/5]
root 2776 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/6]
root 2777 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [rpciod/7]
root 2790 0.0 0.0 1868 752 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 rpc.statd
root 2814 0.0 0.0 5820 644 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 rpc.idmapd
dbus 2829 0.0 0.0 12992 1076 ? Ssl 22:30 0:00 dbus-daemon --system
root 2841 0.0 0.0 45476 13320 ? Ssl 22:30 0:00 /usr/bin/python -E /usr/sbin/setroubleshootd
root 2850 0.0 0.0 2172 760 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/hcid
root 2854 0.0 0.0 1748 508 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/sdpd
root 2895 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 22:30 0:00 [krfcommd]
root 2933 0.0 0.0 23112 1416 ? Ssl 22:30 0:00 pcscd
root 2943 0.0 0.0 1676 532 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/acpid
68 2956 0.0 0.0 6232 4204 ? Ss 22:30 0:01 hald
root 2957 0.0 0.0 3164 988 ? S 22:30 0:00 hald-runner
68 2965 0.0 0.0 2020 812 ? S 22:30 0:00 hald-addon-acpi: listening on acpid socket /var/run/acpid.socket
root 2973 0.0 0.0 1976 668 ? S 22:30 0:00 hald-addon-storage: polling /dev/hda
root 2997 0.0 0.0 1916 460 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/bin/hidd --server
root 3031 0.0 0.0 27256 1364 ? Ssl 22:30 0:00 automount
root 3051 0.0 0.0 7068 1064 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root 3060 0.0 0.0 10120 2312 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 cupsd
root 3082 0.0 0.0 9304 1712 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
smmsp 3091 0.0 0.0 8148 1516 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 sendmail: Queue runner@01:00:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue
root 3101 0.0 0.0 1908 364 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2
root 3110 0.0 0.0 5288 1188 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 crond
xfs 3139 0.0 0.0 3864 1600 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 xfs -droppriv -daemon
root 3156 0.0 0.0 2268 440 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
avahi 3183 0.0 0.0 2600 1260 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [localhost.local]
avahi 3184 0.0 0.0 2600 316 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
root 3245 0.0 0.0 3516 432 ? S 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/smartd -q never
root 3250 0.0 0.0 1664 420 tty1 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1
root 3251 0.0 0.0 1664 428 tty2 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2
root 3252 0.0 0.0 1664 420 tty3 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3
root 3253 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty4 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4
root 3254 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty5 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5
root 3255 0.0 0.0 1664 424 tty6 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6
root 3256 0.0 0.0 15556 2864 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm-binary -nodaemon
root 3319 0.0 0.0 25568 10272 ? SN 22:30 0:00 /usr/bin/python -tt /usr/sbin/yum-updatesd
root 3353 0.0 0.0 2564 1128 ? SN 22:30 0:00 /usr/libexec/gam_server
root 3361 0.0 0.0 16168 2324 ? S 22:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm-binary -nodaemon
root 3363 0.0 0.0 27496 4224 ? Sl 22:30 0:00 /usr/libexec/gdm-rh-security-token-helper
root 3364 0.0 0.0 11184 5120 tty7 Ss+ 22:30 0:00 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7
gdm 3387 0.0 0.1 33540 17628 ? Ss 22:30 0:00 /usr/libexec/gdmgreeter
root 4570 0.0 0.1 52176 16652 ? Ss 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
root 4588 0.0 0.0 4492 1152 ? S 22:34 0:00 /bin/sh /opt/lampp/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/opt/lampp/var/mysql --pid-file=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/localhost.localdo
nobody 4948 0.0 0.1 216708 25736 ? Sl 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/opt/lampp --datadir=/opt/lampp/var/mysql --plugin-dir=/opt/lampp/lib/mysql/plugin
nobody 4965 0.0 0.0 47684 12060 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4966 0.0 0.0 52444 14540 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4967 0.0 0.0 52308 14396 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4968 0.0 0.0 52444 14548 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4969 0.0 0.0 52308 14484 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4970 0.0 0.0 52308 14484 ? S 22:34 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
nobody 4989 0.0 0.0 8004 1528 ? Ss 22:35 0:00 proftpd: (accepting connections)
nobody 5039 0.0 0.0 52176 13616 ? S 22:58 0:00 /opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DPHP5 -E /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
root 5042 0.0 0.0 10080 2860 ? Rs 23:00 0:00 sshd: root@pts/1
root 5045 0.0 0.0 4540 1416 pts/1 Ss 23:00 0:00 -bash
root 5491 0.1 0.0 58176 14836 ? SN 23:30 0:00 /usr/bin/python -tt /usr/libexec/yum-updatesd-helper --check --dbus
root 5630 0.0 0.0 4260 952 pts/1 R+ 23:32 0:00 ps -aux
[root@localhost lampp]# rpm -qa | grep MySQL
[root@localhost lampp]# rpm -qa | grep MySQL
[root@localhost lampp]# ls
bin etc lampp licenses php sbin var
cgi-bin htdocs lib logs phpmyadmin share
error icons libexec modules RELEASENOTES tmp
[root@localhost lampp]#
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restrat
Usage: ./lampp <action>
start Start XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
startapache Start only Apache
startssl Start only SSL support
startmysql Start only MySQL
startftp Start only ProFTPD
stop Stop XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
stopapache Stop only Apache
stopssl Stop only SSL support
stopmysql Stop only MySQL
stopftp Stop only ProFTPD
reload Reload XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
reloadapache Reload only Apache
reloadmysql Reload only MySQL
reloadftp Reload only ProFTPD
restart Stop and start XAMPP
security Check XAMPP's security
php5 Activate PHP5
phpstatus Which version of PHP is active?
backup Make backup file of your XAMPP config, log and data files
panel Starts graphical XAMPP control panel
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp reload
XAMPP: Apache isn't running...
XAMPP: MySQL isn't running...
XAMPP: ProFTPD isn't running...
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lamp start
-bash: ./lamp: No such file or directory
[root@localhost lampp]#
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo: /etc/init.d/apache2: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# apache2 stop
-bash: apache2: command not found
[root@localhost lampp]# netstat -lntp | grep :80
tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 4570/httpd
[root@localhost lampp]# kill 4570
[root@localhost lampp]# netstat -lntp | grep :80
[root@localhost lampp]# netstat -lntp | grep :mysql
[root@localhost lampp]# netstat -lntp | grep mysql
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4948/mysqld
[root@localhost lampp]# kill 4948
[root@localhost lampp]# netstat -lntp |grep ftp
tcp 0 0 :::21 :::* LISTEN 4989/proftpd: (acce
[root@localhost lampp]# kill 4989
[root@localhost lampp]# pwd
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# #/etc/init.d/iptable stop
[root@localhost lampp]# chkconfig --level 35 iptables off
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp stopssl
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]# ./lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost lampp]#