当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > Pipenv > 使用案例 >


  1. install: pip install pipenv

  2. 切换到工作目录myproject

  3. 安装requests pipenv install requests

    1. 在工作目录下

      ├── Pipfile
      └── Pipfile.lock

      Pipfile和requirements.txt 很相似

      url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
      verify_ssl = true
      name = "pypi"
      requests = "*"
      python_version = "3.9"

      Pipfile.lock, 是锁定的python版本,便于以后项目发布,使用固定的包


          "_meta": {
              "hash": {
                  "sha256": "b8c2e1580c53e383cfe4254c1f16560b855d984fde8b2beb3bf6ee8fc2fe5a22"
              "pipfile-spec": 6,
              "requires": {
                  "python_version": "3.9"
              "sources": [
                      "name": "pypi",
                      "url": "https://pypi.org/simple",
                      "verify_ssl": true
          "default": {
              "certifi": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "version": "==2021.5.30"
              "charset-normalizer": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "markers": "python_version >= '3'",
                  "version": "==2.0.4"
              "idna": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "markers": "python_version >= '3'",
                  "version": "==3.2"
              "requests": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "index": "pypi",
                  "version": "==2.26.0"
              "urllib3": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' and python_version < '4'",
                  "version": "==1.26.6"
          "develop": {}
    2. pytho 环境在~/.local/share/virtualenvs/myproject-kjlcaje

  4. pip install ,可以指定安装源。只需要在Pipfile,修改

    url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
    verify_ssl = true
    name = "pypi"
    url = "http://pypi.home.kennethreitz.org/simple"
    verify_ssl = false
    name = "home"
    requests = {version="*", index="home"}
    maya = {version="*", index="pypi"}
    records = "*"

    records=’*’: 不指定版本,默认最新

  5. 不想在生成环境安装,而只是在开发中安装 pipenv install pytest --dev

    url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
    verify_ssl = true
    name = "pypi"
    requests = "==2.25.1"
    numpy = "==1.21.2"
    certifi = "==2021.5.30"
    chardet = "==4.0.0"
    idna = "==2.10"
    urllib3 = "==1.26.6"
    pytest = "*"
    python_version = "3.9"
  6. pipenv shell 进入 新建的环境

  7. pipenv run +command pipenv run ptrhon main.py 不激活该环境,而使用该环境。

  8. 从requerements.txt 安装 pipenv install -r requirements.txt

  9. 生成requerements.txt pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt

    1. pipenv lock -r --dev 将包含开发环境在安装的包
    2. pipenv lock -r --dev-only 只是包含开发环境中包
    3. 默认是生产环境中的包
  10. 如果指定python版本 使用 pipenv --python=/path/to/python, 如果还想使用conda已经安装的第三方包 pipenv --python=/path/to/python --site-packages

  11. pipenv graph: 描绘你安装的包需要安装的第三方依赖

    (py39) andy@andy:~/myproject$ pipenv graph
      - certifi [required: >=2017.4.17, installed: 2021.5.30]
      - chardet [required: >=3.0.2,<5, installed: 4.0.0]
      - idna [required: >=2.5,<3, installed: 2.10]
      - urllib3 [required: >=1.21.1,<1.27, installed: 1.26.6]
  12. pipenv check: 检查包依赖有没有问题等一些安全问题

  13. 在生产环境中,我们使用的是稳定的环境

    1. pipenv lock 更新Pipfile.lock
    2. pipenv install --ignore-pipfile 使用Pipfile.lock 安装第三方包
  14. 如果包含一些密码,但是要提交到github上,我们可以这样使用

    1. 在项目根目录建立.env文件

    2. 在python中测试

      import os