谷歌adsense怎么赚钱_借助Google AdSense为您的网站赚钱



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本文是与Google合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

No matter how large or small your website is, there’s a good chance that you might like to earn extra revenue from it. Google AdSense is a simple and free way for website publishers to earn money by showing relevant and engaging ads alongside your online content.

无论您的网站大小,您都有很大可能希望从中获得额外的收入。 Google AdSense是网站发布商通过在您的在线内容旁边显示相关且引人入胜的广告来赚钱的一种简单而免费的方式。

AdWords lets you tap into the world’s largest network of online advertisers. They bid for your ad space, helping you get the most from your ads while saving you time to focus on growing the rest of your business.

通过AdWords,您可以利用世界上最大的在线广告客户网络。 他们竞标您的广告空间,帮助您从广告中获得最大收益,同时节省您的时间来专注于发展其余业务。

Getting set up is simple:


  • Select the ad types and formats you want to include on your site.

  • Copy and paste a piece of code on pages where you want ads to appear.

  • Advertisers bid for your ad space in a real-time auction, so sit back and watch the highest paying ads go live.

  • When ads are seen or clicked on by users, you earn money.

  • AdWords handles the billing of advertisers and networks, so you don’t have to manage advertiser relationships.

  • Once you’ve earned a certain amount, your payment is sent automatically.


Once you’re set up, you can start enjoying these benefits:


1.您控制出现的内容。 (1. You control what appears.)

Not only are you able to specify where you want ads to appear, but you can also change the look and feel of your ads to fit with your website. Plus, automatic targeting enables you to show ads that are relevant to your users. Control the categories of ads you allow, choose which types of ads fit your site best, and block ads you don’t like.

您不仅可以指定广告的显示位置,还可以更改广告的外观以适合您的网站。 另外,通过自动定位,您可以展示与用户相关的广告。 控制您允许的广告类别,选择最适合您网站的广告类型,并屏蔽您不喜欢的广告。

2.审核广告以保持质量。 (2. Ads are reviewed to maintain quality.)

Ads that run with AdSense are reviewed to ensure they’re high quality, that their content is family safe, and they’re relevant to your content or audience. This applies to all types of ads, including text, display, rich media, and more.

我们对使用AdSense投放的广告进行了审核,以确保其质量高,内容安全,并且与您的内容或受众群体相关。 这适用于所有类型的广告,包括文字广告,展示广告,富媒体广告等等。

3.您可以选择各种尺寸和格式。 (3. You can choose from a variety of sizes and formats.)

Text ads


A text ad typically includes a title that’s also a clickable link to a webpage, one or two lines of text, and a website address. Sometimes known as “sponsored links,” these ads can appear on Google search results pages and across the Google Display Network.

文字广告通常包含标题,该标题也是网页的可点击链接,一两行文字以及一个网站地址。 这些广告有时也称为“赞助商链接”,可以显示在Google搜索结果页面和整个Google展示广告网络中。

Display ads


Display ads are graphical ads offered in a wide range of ad formats with square, horizontal, or vertical orientations. In order for display ads to appear in the ad space of your content pages, you’ll need to opt in for display ads.

展示广告是图形广告,以正方形,水平或垂直方向的多种广告格式提供。 为了使展示广告出现在内容页面的广告空间中,您需要选择加入展示广告。

Rich media ads


This group of interactive ad types includes HTML, Flash, video, and dynamic image ads. You can choose whether you’d like to display rich media ads when you set default ad type preferences for your account or when you create or edit an ad unit.

这组互动广告类型包括HTML ,Flash,视频和动态图片广告。 您可以选择在设置帐户的默认广告类型偏好设置时还是在创建或修改广告单元时展示富媒体广告。

Link units


A link unit displays a list of topics relevant to the content of your site. Whenever a user clicks on one of these topics, he or she goes to a page of Google ads related to that topic. While you don’t receive earnings for clicks on topics, you will be paid for clicks on any ads on the resulting page.

链接单元显示与您的网站内容相关的主题列表。 每当用户点击这些主题之一时,他或她都会进入与该主题相关的Google广告页面。 虽然您没有获得因点击主题而获得的收入,但您会获得针对所获得页面上任何广告的点击的收入。

Responsive ads


A responsive ad unit allows you to dynamically adjust the size of the ad on your page according to the screen and device that it’s being viewed on. This format provides automatic sizing based on the space available, and even supports ad size changes after a screen orientation change, such as when the user switches from portrait to landscape.

自适应广告单元可让您根据所查看的屏幕和设备动态调整页面上广告的尺寸。 这种格式可根据可用空间自动调整尺寸,甚至支持在屏幕方向更改后(例如,用户从纵向切换为横向时)更改广告尺寸。

Native ads


This suite of ad formats is designed to match the look and feel of your pages, giving your visitors a seamless, consistent experience. AdSense Native ads come in three categories: In-feed, In-article, and Matched content. Native ads are built to fit naturally across different screen sizes on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Easy-to-use editing tools help you make sure the ads look great on your site.

该广告格式套件旨在匹配您页面的外观,从而为访问者带来无缝,一致的体验。 AdSense本机广告分为三类:供稿,文章内和匹配内容。 原生广告可以自然地适应移动设备,台式机和平板电脑上不同尺寸的屏幕。 易于使用的编辑工具可帮助您确保广告在您的网站上看起来不错。

Native In-article ads


This format allows you to position native ads between the paragraphs of your pages. By using a layout that follows the reader’s flow, they blend in easily with the user experience.

通过这种格式,您可以在网页的各个段落之间放置原生广告。 通过使用遵循读者流程的布局,他们可以轻松融入用户体验。

Native In-feed ads


You may have a feed on your site, such as an editorial feed showing a list of articles or news, or a listings feed displaying products or services. Placing In-feed ads between the content of your feed or where your feed begins or ends means that visitors who are scrolling down your content will encounter them. And because In-feed ads fit unobtrusively within your feed, they won’t disrupt the user’s flow.

您的站点上可能有一个提要,例如显示文章或新闻列表的社论提要,或显示产品或服务的列表提要。 在Feed的内容之间或Feed的开始或结束位置之间放置Feed广告意味着向下滚动您的内容的访问者会遇到它们。 而且,由于Feed中的广告在您的Feed中的位置很吸引人,因此不会干扰用户的流量。

Native Matched content


Matched content is a free recommendation tool providing a simple way to promote your content to your site visitors. Matched content recommendations are based on topic similarity and are personalized for the reader. In giving readers more content that’s relevant to them, you can increase page views, time spent on site, reader loyalty, ad impressions, and ad revenue.

匹配内容是一种免费的推荐工具,它提供了一种简单的方法来向您的网站访问者推广您的内容。 匹配的内容推荐基于主题相似度,并为读者量身定制。 通过为读者提供与他们相关的更多内容,您可以增加页面浏览量,在网站上花费的时间,读者忠诚度,广告展示次数和广告收入。

Auto ads


Auto ads use machine learning to make smart placement and monetization decisions on your behalf, saving you time. Once you add one piece of code just once to all of your pages, Google will automatically show ads at optimal times when they’re likely to perform well and provide a good experience for users.

汽车广告使用机器学习来代表您做出明智的展示位置和获利决策,从而节省了时间。 一旦您在所有网页上仅添加了一段代码,Google就会在可能效果良好并为用户提供良好体验的最佳时间自动展示广告。

数以百万计的广告商争夺您的广告空间。 (Millions of advertisers compete for your ad space.)

Ad space on your website is in demand. With advertisers constantly looking to connect with potential customers on your website, AdSense helps to connect you with advertiser demand. More advertisers means more competition for your ad space and more relevant ads – which adds up to more of your ad spaces being filled and more revenue for you.

网站上的广告空间需求巨大。 随着广告客户不断寻求与您网站上的潜在客户建立联系, AdSense可以帮助您满足广告客户的需求。 更多的广告商意味着对您的广告空间和更多相关广告的竞争–这将为您填补更多的广告空间,并为您带来更多收入。

Make your website earn for you and sign up for Google AdSense today.

让您的网站赚钱,并立即注册Google AdSense


