Here is a Matlab GUI multi-function signal analysis package: Vibrationdata Signal Analysis Package
The main script is: vibrationdata.m
The remaining scripts are supporting functions.
This is a work-in-progress. Some features are not yet installed but will be in a future revision. Please check back for updates.
Example using the GUI are given in Vibrationdata Webinars
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Currently installed features include:
autocorrelation & cross-correlation
Bessel, Butterworth & mean filters
Fourier transform, FFT, waterfall FFT, spectrogram
FFT for Machine Vibration ISO 10816
PSD, cross power spectral density & energy spectral density
PSD time history synthesis
SRS & SRS Tripartite
SRS time history synthesis
SDOF response to base input and applied force
cepstrum & auto-cepstrum
integration & differentiation
trend removal
rainflow cycle counting
fatigue damage spectrum
ISO Generic Vibration Criteria
modal frequency response functions including H1, H2 & coherence
half-power bandwidth method for damping estimation
generate sine, white noise and other time history waveforms
Helmholtz resonator
spring surge natural frequencies
Davenport-King wind spectrum
Dryden & von Karman gust spectra
Pierson-Moskowitz Ocean wave spectrum
rectangular plate analysis using both classical and finite element methods
spherical bearing stress
Future revisions will have additional functions.
Please contact me if you have suggestions for added features or if you find bugs.