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It's very convenient to use  Xserver for accessing Unix server applications. Unfortunately, the Mac OS  doesn't provide Xserver any longer now. So,  Mac users must install XQuartz as a Xserver to keep this working style. But the XQuartz has lots of weird behaviors that annoy us often. This article records solutions to some malfunctions of it.

1. The slow repainting speed.
Don't use the most recently version of XQuartz, but use the most oldest version that works for your system. As for my Sierra 10.12.6, I downgraded it from 2.7.10 to 2.7.7.

2. The messy code when inputting English characters.
Open XQuartz->preference->input setting. Disable "Enable key equivalents Under XQuartz", and Enable "Follow system Keyboard layout" and "Option Key send ALT_L and ALT_R"

3. Issue command "ssh -X user@host_name/ip" in xterm or terminal to access to Unix server
