
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 蒋培
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Simple LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex conversion

Unicode Text to LaTeX code

The pylatexenc.latexencode module provides a function unicode_to_latex()which converts a unicode string into LaTeX text and escape sequences. It shouldrecognize accented characters and most math symbols. A couple of switches allowyou to alter how this function behaves.

You can also run latexencode in command-line to convert plain unicode text(from the standard input or from files given on the command line) into LaTeXcode, written on to the standard output.

A third party plug-in for Vimvim-latexencodeby @Konfektprovides a corresponding command to operate on a given range.

Parsing LaTeX code & converting to plain text (unicode)

The pylatexenc.latexwalker module provides a series of routines that parsethe LaTeX structure of given LaTeX code and returns a logical structure ofobjects, which can then be used to produce output in another format such asplain text. This is not a replacement for a full (La)TeX engine, rather, thismodule provides a way to parse a chunk of LaTeX code as mark-up code.

The pylatexenc.latex2text module builds up on top ofpylatexenc.latexwalker and provides functions to convert given LaTeX code toplain text with unicode characters.

You can also run latex2text in command-line to convert LaTeX input (eitherfrom the standard input, or from files given on the command line) into plaintext written on the standard output.


Full documentation is available at


See LICENSE.txt (MIT License).

NOTE: See copyright notice and license information for filetools/unicode.xml provided in tools/unicode.xml.LICENSE. (The filetools/unicode.xml was downloaded from as linked from



