
授权协议 View license
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 赵同
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Project Organization

  • Each chapter's content is in one of the eight chapter folders that start with "ch_". Within each folder, there is a "figures" folder and a "TeX" folder. The TeX folder contains the text files that are used to typeset the chapters in the textbook.
  • In many cases, R code is supplied with figures to regenerate the figure. It will often be necessary to install the "openintro" R package that is available from GitHub ( if you would like to regenerate a figure. Other packages may also occasionally be required.
  • Exercise figures may be found in [chapter folder] > figures > eoce > [exercise figure folders]. "EOCE" means end-of-chapter exercises.
  • The extraTeX folder contains files for the front and back matter of the textbook and also the style files. Note that use of any style files, like all other files here, is under the Creative Commons license cited in the LICENSE file.

Typesetting the Textbook

The textbook may be typeset using the main.tex file. This file pulls in all of the necessary TeX files and figures. For a final typesetting event, typeset in the following order

  • LaTeX 3 times.
  • MakeIndex once.
  • BibTeX once.
  • LaTeX once.
  • MakeIndex once.
  • LaTeX once.

This isn't important for casual browsing, but it is important for a "final" version. The repetitive typesetting is to account for when typesetting changes references slightly, since typesetting the first few times can move content from one page to the next, e.g. as a \ref{...} gets filled in.

Learning LaTeX

If you are not familiar with LaTeX but would like to learn how to use it, check out the slides from two LaTeX mini-courses at


Basics of LaTeX

Math and BibTeX

For a more authoritative review, the book "Guide to LaTeX" is an excellent resource.

Also, see the branches of this repo by Kwangchun Lee for Korean translations of these mini-course materials.

  • is the second most accessed website in the world (surpassed only by its parent, It has a whopping 1 billion unique views a month. [1, 2] It is a force to be reckoned with. In

  • 完整页签如下图: Statistics 页签显示当前用户选择的 Sessions 的汇总信息,包括:选择的 Sessions 总数、发送字节数、接收字节数、响应类型的汇总表、世界各地通过不同请求方式所需的时间等。 Statistics 页签底部图表 Show Chart 可以将汇总结果显示为一个饼状图,按照响应类型,在饼图中显示不同的比例和不同的色块,见上图。 Copy this chart 可以

  • 本文向大家介绍Python统计分析模块statistics用法示例,包括了Python统计分析模块statistics用法示例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了Python统计分析模块statistics用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 一 计算平均数函数mean() 二 中位数函数median()、median_low()、median_high()、median_g

  • Xdebug's built-in garbage collection statistics profiler allows you to find out when the PHP internal garbage collector triggers, how many variables it was able to clean up, how long it took, and how

  • 大量方法共同计算DataFrame上的描述性统计和其他相关操作。 其中大多数是sum(), mean(),等聚合sum(), mean(),但其中一些(如sumsum()生成相同大小的对象。 一般来说,这些方法采用axis参数,就像ndarray.{sum, std, ...},但轴可以通过名称或整数指定 DataFrame - “index”(axis = 0,默认值),“columns”(ax

  • 在本章中,我们将讨论cPanel统计信息和仪表板以及一些示例和屏幕截图,以便更好地理解。 cPanel统计 cPanel的统计界面显示了cPanel帐户的快速统计信息。 它包括以下几种类型的信息。 要查看cPanel帐户的快速统计信息,请单击左侧边栏中的第二个图标统计信息。 您可以在cPanel快速统计中找到此信息。 General - 它将显示分配给您帐户的带宽量以及您使用的带宽量。 它还会显示

  • 描述 (Description) 无论何时处理仪表板,都需要突出显示一些重要的数字。 您可以使用.stat类来实现此.stat 。 例子 (Example) 以下示例演示了在Foundation中使用statistics 。 <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Statistics</title> <link rel = "sty



