
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 经兴安
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Focus v2.9.0

A presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer that aims at a clean and minimalist design,so to minimize distractions and put the focus directly on the content.

This package is available through the CTAN inmost LaTeX distributions such as MiKTeX and TeXLive.

Requires the packages appendixnumberbeamer,fira and PGF/TikZto be installed in your LaTeX distribution.


A full demo is available. Refer to focus-demo.tex and focus-demo.pdf.


Download the latest release by following this link.


After downloading, copy the files named beamer*themefocus.sty into the same folder as your LaTeX source file.

Then include the theme by writing:



in the preamble of your document.

Customize colors

Focus is based on two colors, namely main and background, that can be customized after including the theme.

For example:


\definecolor{main}{RGB}{92, 138, 168}
\definecolor{background}{RGB}{240, 247, 255}

produces the following ice-blue color theme.

Customize the footline

The footline numbering can be customized through the theme option numbering. The standard value is:


that shows an progress bar of increasing length on the footline.

Alternatively, a full footline bar with the frame numbering can be shown with:


In such case, an optional text to be printed on the left side of the footlinecan be customized with:

\footlineinfo{Custom footline text}

The footline may also be disabled globally by typing:


Customize fonts

Focus is using the Fira fonts by default.

This can be changed by using the option nofirafonts:



This software is released under the GNU GPL v3.0 License.


If you are enjoying this theme please share it with your friends or colleagues!

Any suggestions, comments, criticism or appreciation are welcome!

Contact information are available to registered users on my Github profile page.


Focus was initially created and designed by Pasquale Africa.

The following people deserve appreciation and acknowledgment for improving the template withadditions and modifications (in alphabetical order):

  • Sebastian Friedl
  • Benjamin Goldman

A more detailed contribution list is found here.

  • 描述 (Description) :focus伪类用于在元素具有焦点时为元素添加特殊效果。 在 ... 块中定义伪类时,应注意以下几点 - a:hover必须在a:link和a:在CSS定义中访问才能生效。 a:主动必须在a:hover in CSS定义后才能生效。 伪类名称不区分大小写。 伪类与CSS类不同,但它们可以组合在一起。 可能的值 (Possible Values) color - 任

  • Categories: Method Overrides | Methods | UI Core .focus( delay [, callback ] )Returns: jQuery Description: 异步聚焦到一个元素。 .focus( delay [, callback ] ) delayType: Integer聚焦前等待的毫秒数。 callbackType: Function(

  • J-Focus (JFocus) 是一个Javascript脚本实现的动画应用框架,用于快速地开发基于动画效果的Web应用。其特点如下: 各种过渡动画的快速实现 与ActionScript3有着相似的类型结构,让ActionScript开发者更容易上手。 兼容IE、Chrome、FireFox、Opera、Safari多款浏览器 最新版本更新内容: 1、调整框架结构组成,由原来的一个文件划分成多个

  • Firefox Focus 是 Mozilla 出品的专门为防止隐私泄漏的功能精简版本浏览器,包括屏蔽广告、防广告跟踪器等功能。 Firefox Focus 允许你拦截网站跟踪者通过以下类别: 广告、分析和社交跟踪 其他内容跟踪者 – 这个类别包括了可能跟踪你的嵌入视频、图片和新闻。拦截其他内容跟踪者可能导致许多网站功能不正常。 总的来说,主要是针对广告,让商家没办法追踪到你的设备。要注意,这是隐

  • This plugin allows you to specify the form element on which the initial focus should be set Only sets the focus if the user is yet to type anything into the form field Also supports setting the focus

  • Add an outline and background to text inputs when they are given focus.