
Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts
授权协议 MIT License
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 方长卿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Better BibTeX for Zotero

Better BibTeX (BBT) is an extension for Zotero and Juris-M that makes it easier to manage bibliographic data, especially for people authoring documents using text-based toolchains (e.g. based on LaTeX / Markdown).


Facilities for generating citation keys

  • Automatically generate citation keys without key clashes! Generate citation keys that take into account existing keys in your library even when they are not part of the items you export. Prevent random breakage!
  • Generate citation keys based on JabRef patterns.
  • Set your own, stable citation keys, drag and drop LaTeX citations, add other custom BibLaTeX fields.

Conversion between formats and encodings

  • Zotero does all its work in UTF-8 Unicode, which is absolutely the right thing to do. Unfortunately, for those shackledto BibTeX and who cannot (yet) move to BibLaTeX, unicode is a major PITA. Also, Zotero supports some simple HTML markupin your references that Bib(La)TeX won't understand.

  • BBT will convert from/to HTML/LaTeX:

    • <i>...</i>\emph{...}/\textit{...}
    • <b>...</b>\textbf{...}
    • <sup>...</sup>\textsuperscript{...} and <sub>...</sub>\textsubscript{...}.

    More can be added on request.

    BBT contains a comprehensive list of LaTeX constructs, so stuff like \"{o} or \"o will be converted to their unicode equivalents on import (e.g., \"{o} to ö), and their unicode equivalents back to \"{o} if you have that option enabled (but you don't have to if you use BibLaTeX, which has fairly good Unicode support).

    If you need literal LaTeX in your export: surround it with <script>...</script> (or <pre>...</pre>, which do the same) markers.

Facilities for exporting data from Zotero

  • Highly customized exports.
  • Fixes date field exports: export dates like 'forthcoming' as 'forthcoming' instead of empty, but normalize valid datesto unambiguous international format.
  • Auto export of collections or entire libraries when they change.
  • Pull export from the embedded webserver.
  • Automatic journal abbreviation.

Getting started

To get started, read the installation instructions.

How does it work ?

At its core, BBT behaves like any Zotero import/export module; anywhere you can export or import bibliography items in Zotero,you'll find Better X listed among the choices.

If nothing else, you could keep your existing workflow as-is, and just enjoy the improved LaTeX unicode translation on import and export and more accurate field mapping.

Better BibTeX works from BibTeXing and Tame theBeaST for BibTeX, andThe Biblatex Package for BibLaTeX, butsince there isn't really a definitive manual for either format that is universally followed by Bib(La)TeXeditors/processors, I'm pragmatic about implementing what works.

Got problems? We got fixes!

If you have any questions on BBT's use, do not hesitate to file a GitHub issue and ask for help.

If you're reporting a bug in BBT, please take a moment to glance through the support request guidelines; it will make sure I get your problem fixed as quick as possible.Clear bug reports commonly have really short time-to-fix, so if you report something, stick around -- it may be done as you wait.

The support request guidelines are very detailed, perhaps to the point of being off-putting, but please do not fret; these guidelines simply express my ideal bug submission.I of course prefer very clearly documented issue reports over fuzzy ones, but I prefer fuzzy ones over missed ones.

Sponsoring BBT

While the development needs of BBT are to a large extent coveredby the generosity towards open-source developers of services suchas github and travis, my development system does require theoccasional upgrade; also, I enjoy getting the occasional frivoloustech-toy that I wouldn't otherwise grant myself. While you shouldfeel in no way obligated to pay for BBT, anything you can spare is very much appreciated.If you'd rather contribute a little bit each month (and a littlemeans a lot) so I can save up for a replacement a year or so downthe line, head on over to Patreon,but mind that Patreon takes a fairly large cut of what you give.

Many, many thanks, also to the existing contributors -- thanks to you I've hit my first target and have been able to replace my trusty macbook air with a newer macbook pro which has much more breathing room.

My github stats


  • 最近在撰写论文时,由于发现Zotero+Better BibTex导出参考文献时,会与Google Scholar上有诸多不一致,引起了很多不必要的麻烦,奈何网上关于如何自定义导出格式的教程寥寥无几,在查阅官方文档后,经过一番摸索,将最终的设置整理如下。 介绍 Better BibTex(官方文档)是针对文献管理工具Zotero所开发的一款插件,其主要功能为格式化所需要导出的参考文献citatio

  • Google scholar一直是得心应手的学术搜索工具,特别是文献导入非常方便。Zotero这款跨平台的小巧工具也是文件管理中的佼佼者。然而,Zotero导出的Bibtex文献格式与Google scholar的citation key却格式不一致。在同时交叉使用Google scholar与Zotero带来了极大的困扰,有时候会误引用相同的文献。 这里,为了解决此问题,我在Zotero中安装了

  • Zotero 是一个免费易用的 Firefox 扩展与客户端软件,可以协助我们收集、管理及引用研究资源,包括期刊、书籍等各类文献和网页、图片等。与Endnote等不同的是,它既可以单独使用,也可以内嵌于 Firefox 与 Google 浏览器等环境下使用。随着互联网的发展,我们获取文献资源大都是通过浏览器,而 Zotero 与浏览器的密切结合使我们的工作更加方便。 Zotero 的最大优点是能够

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