本文是对《Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in smart cities》的翻译,只针对文字部分的翻译,具体图表请查看原文。 摘要 智慧城市旨在有效管理日益增长的城市化、能源消耗、维护绿色环境、提高公民的经济和生活水平,并提高人们有效使用和采用现代信息和通信技术的能力。在智慧城市概念中,信息和通信技术在政策设
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Branches Machine Learning: for simple task. (FCL, Bayesian inference,AutoML) Deep Learning: for complex data structures. (CNNs, Autoencoders, Capsule Networks) Natural Language Processing (NLP): To un
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INTRODUCTION Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) research is an interdisciplinary research field involving academic researchers in information technologies, computer science, public policy,
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By Julia Bossmann Optimizing logistics, detecting fraud, composing art, conducting research, providing translations: intelligent machine systems are transforming our lives for the better. As these sys