A Normal Simple Color Picker is just that..NORMAL! It can be attached to a textbox, and will pop out a square element that has colors a person can pick from. You can then get the value by clicking and set an element's property to that value. If you have been looking for a "normal" color picker to offer your visitors then this is it!
1.color picker http://www.colorpicker.com/ black = (0,0,0) white = (255,255,255) red = (255,0,0) green = (0,255,0) 2.编辑注释的工具 http://sphinx-doc.org/ 3.免费下游戏图片、音乐 http://opengameart.org/ 4.Audacity®是免费
进入后 右上角点击进入 点击进入 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/sofire/archive/2010/10/12/1849141.html