This plugin makes it easy to have auto-growing textareas. Meaning, if you have a textarea, as the user types it will expand vertically to accommodate the size of the entry. This was inspired by Facebook's auto-expanding text areas.
To make a textarea autogrow, simply do this
1.随笔提示: 可以依靠 AutoCompleteTextView 实现; 定义: java.lang.Object |-android.view.View |-android.widget.TextView |-android.widget.EditText |-android.widget.AutoCompleteTextVie
range-for 是对一定范围内的(如容器vector或者一段string)的循环遍历语句,从头到尾。参考Range-based for loop (since C++11) -< Executes a for loop over a range. Used as a more readable equivalent to the traditional for
auto:用来声明自动变量。它是存储类型标识符,表明变量(自动)具有本地范围 auto让编译器通过初始值来推算变量的类型 auto常见于for循环 (以string s为例) 1:for(auto x:s) 表示对s中逐个元素的复制引用(类似于将数据结构传入void函数中不加“&”) 这表明对x操作并不会影响s中逐个元素的值 string s = "hello"; for (auto i : s
this is the answer. 转载于:
auto为C++语言存储类型,仅在语句块内部使用,初始化可为任何表达式,其特点是当执行流程进入该语句块时初始化可为任何表达式。auto被解释为一个自动存储变量的关键字,也就是申明一块临时内存。 例如:auto double a=3.7;表示a是一个自动存储的临时变量。简单来说,auto是类型说明符,它让编译器自己去分析表达式的类型,用起来比较方便。