Dragable, Dropable and Resizeable plugins in one pack.
clone: true,
opacity: 0.5,
target: '#otherobject',
over: function( obj, target ) {...},
out: function( obj, target ) {...},
drop: function ( obj , target) {...}
Parameters list:
* direction, resizeDirection - 'h' or 'v'
* edge - {x1, x2, y1, y2}
* start, move, end - dragable callback functions( o ) // start(o, dom event), move(o, dom event)
* over, moveover, out, drop - dropable target callback functions( o , target jquery object )
* resizeStart, resize, resizeEnd - resizeable callback functions( o )
* handlerPosition - custom function(o, handler jquery object) for setting the resize handler position
* moveHandler - move handler object / whatever that might be given to $()
* moveHandlerOutside - bool (false by default) - tells plugin to look moveHandler (jquery selector) outside of elem object (useful with mass dragging)
* / if not set, plugin will look inside of elem - $(moveHandler, o.elem)
* target - collection of target objects for dropping / whatever that might be given to $()
* renewTarget - target collection should be renewed before moving
* tolerance - 'intersect', 'leftcorn', 'pointer' - the way two object should intersect / todo: more modes
* clone - bool or callback(o, new jquery object) - do not drag the actual object, use clone
* cloneRemove - callback(o, cloned jquery object) - called before object.remove();
* / if returns false, object.remove() will not be called and also the position of the original element will not be updated
* / useful for drag'n'drop creation of objects
* moveReplacer - jquery object / can be used instead of clone / if both set, plugin will choose replacer
* / clone and cloneRemove callbacks, if set, will be called too with the same logic
* / moveReplacer will not be removed from dom anyway
* opacity, initialOpacity - (string) double - opacity of dragged object ( default element, cloned element, or replacer element - no matter)
* zIndex - if set, it will be used while dragging, and initial z-index from style will be restored on mouseup event
* proportion, min, max - {w, h}
* resizeHandlerClass - initial class for resize handler
* parent - jquery object of parent element / if edge is not set, it will be taken from parent element
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