No Spam

授权协议 未知
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 其他jQuery插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 贲凌
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知


This jQuery plugin turns an obfuscated e-mail address into a human-readable one. It's lightweight and accepts multiple filtering levels for additional security. No Spam works on mailto links and other HTML elements, automatically detecting which you're applying it to.

Filter Levels

No Spam has two filter levels that determine how your e-mail address should be formatted when it's passed in: low and normal (default).


normal looks for a reversed email address with the at sign (@) to be replaced with two forward slashes (//) and periods (.) to be replaced with single slashes (/). Reversing it provides an extra level of protection. Example: should be passed as



low looks for an email address with the at sign (@) to be replaced with two forward slashes (//) and periods (.) to be replaced with single slashes (/). The only difference between low and normal is that low does not require the e-mail to be reversed. This method is still effective and is also more natural to read and type, but still tricky for a bot to untangle. Example: should be passed as



Default (no options)


<a href="#" rel="moc/elpmaxe//liame" class="email">Email Me!</a> would become Email Me!

Replacing text

$('').nospam({ replaceText: true });

<a href="#" rel="moc/elpmaxe//liame" class="email">Email Me!</a> would become

Filter level low

$('').nospam({ filterLevel: 'low' });

<a href="#" rel="email//example/com" class="email">Email Me!</a> would become

Non-link element

$('').nospam(); // always replaces text when not a link

<span>moc/elpmaxe//liame</span> would become

Multiple dots (.), Filter Level low

$('').nospam({ filterLevel: 'low' });

<span>firstname/lastname//example/co/uk</span> would become


I created a PHP companion function to No Spam that allows you to wrap an e-mail address in a PHP function that will automatically format it for use with No Spam so you don't have to manually change anything! More details here

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