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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 开发工具、 PHP开发工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 秦伯寅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Awes.io logo

Platform for Interactive Business Applications

10x faster to create than the traditional way • 3x increase application experiences • 60% decrease in development cost

License vue laravel Last commit Patreon


  • Free and Open-Source
  • 34 ready-to-use dedicated open-source packages
  • Awesome interface with a dark mode as an out-of-the-box feature
  • Easy to customize, based on Laravel & Vue.js
  • Well-designed for CRM, ERP, SaaS, Admin Dashboards, and Startups
  • Simple support of the applications

Online Demo



Awes.io is a platform that provides an awesome UI interface and list of packages to build custom interactive web applications.

Quick Start

1. Try It Out

We have developed the Demo for approximately 1 day. It's really a fast presentation what could be created based on the platform.

Go to Live Demo

2. Install Demo to your machine

When you are satisfied with the demo online version and want to start coding, we have prepared for you a docker-compose build for quick installation. Everything is ready for your experiments. ��

Go to repository with demo.

3. Build your "Hello World" application

If you have played enough in the demo on your local machine, you can install an empty build and create your first hello world app.

Go to installation guide

Available Packages

All packages from the table are ready to install within Composer. Unfortunately, we have a limit of resources and have not published all list of packages to GitHub yet. Most parts of it located in our private repositories. We are working hard to open them as quickly as possible.

For installation the packages you have to create a project on Package Kit (it's free) and add the packages to your project. Then it will be ready by the Composer.

Package        Version        Downloads          Framework
The basic and two-factor authentications, as well as the possibility to log in by using a social network account.
Auto Captcha
Shows Google reCAPTCHA automatically, depending on API request frequency, to prevents DoS and Brute Force attacks
Awes SPA
Transformation of Awes.io to Single-page application.
Base js
A minimalistic bundle, that includes shared JS methods, common event bus, and also provides functionality for other component modules registration
Simple billing system to use it on the platform.
Billing Paypal
Billing integration with PayPal.
Billing Stripe
Billing integration with Stripe.
Chart Builder
Vue.js module for building Charts based on chart.js
Context Menu
A dropdown menu component with extended functionality, like pushing GET-params in browser query string and sending AJAX requests
Crop Image
Vue.js module for cropping and resizing images on the client.
This package provides an easy way to create beautiful documentation for your product or application inside your Laravel app.
Filter Wrapper
The component allows form-builder to send data to the address bar of the browser.
Form Builder
A component that allows creating forms with two-way binding from data object with default HTML fields and custom, like multi-block or AJAX-select
GEO Location
Checking location based on IP user.
Google Cloud Images
Image server for Google Cloud App for cropping and delivery images.
Indigo Layout
Basic styles and components set for building user interfaces.
Localization Helper
Helper packages for simple translating of the interfaces.
Subscriptions, Blacklist, Logging - everything that you need for mail.
Modal Window
Modal window component, with HTML5-history navigation
Build any menus in the project.
The package which enables to create news announcements and to combine them in categories, and etc.
Helper Laravel package for building backend structure for the app.
Page Map
Automatically creates anchor-links navigation from provided content.
The package allows to add permissions to roles and roles to users.
Library with pre-configured reports to build charts on the pages.
The package which implements the repository pattern with the possibility to select data by means of criteria and filters - both basic, initial filters and new one's design by the developer.
Sticky Params
Vue.js module to save filter results and reinstall it after reloading the page.
System Notify
4 types of notifications for the Awes.io.
Tab Builder
A component for tabs with responsive navigation
Table Builder
A component that allows creating responsive HTML tables or lists from data object
Simple packages for building tag system for any models.
Theme Switcher
Helper component for setting light or dark theme on a website which stores it is value in Cookie
Virtual Tour
It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.


The build inside of the repository does not exist any backend logic. The build is needed if you would like to start a new project.

��️ if you see this system for the first time, we strongly recommend installing our demo first!

Via Awes.io Installer

Awes.io utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Awes.io, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

First, download the installer using Composer:

composer global require awes-io/installer

Make sure to place composer's system-wide vendor bin directory in your $PATH so the awes-io executable can be located by your system. This directory exists in different locations based on your operating system; however, some common locations include:

  • macOS: $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin, command: export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
  • GNU / Linux Distributions: $HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin

Once installed, the awes-io new command will create a fresh Awes.io installation in the directory you specify. For instance, awes-io new crm will create a directory named crm containing a fresh Awes.io installation with all of Awes.io's dependencies already installed:

awes-io new crm

Manual installation

For the fast start, we recommend using AwesIO Installer.If for some reason it's not an option, please follow the instruction:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:awes-io/awes-io.git
  2. Create a project by the link: https://www.pkgkit.com/awes-io/create
  3. Copy project's API key and save it to your composer.json
  4. composer install
  5. Done! ��


Full documentation please follow to official website of Awes.io.

Support Us

Become a Patreon



  • 问题内容: 我的硬盘上有两个(每个2GB)文件,想要将它们相互比较: 使用Windows资源管理器复制原始文件大约需要花费时间。2-4分钟(即在同一物理和逻辑磁盘上进行读写)。 读取两次并逐字节比较字节数组需要20多分钟。 缓冲区为64kb,将文件分块读取然后进行比较。 比较完成是一个紧密的循环 我该怎么做才能加快速度?NIO是否应该比普通流更快?Java是否无法使用DMA / SATA技术,而是

  • 问题内容: 这是我目前拥有的代码: 一切都会按预期进行(调用writeToFile方法时将文件写入)。但是,当第二次调用writeToFile方法时,出现以下错误: 该文件仍按预期第二次写入,但是它将在第二次以及以后对writeToFile()的调用中引发此错误。我想知道是什么导致此错误发生。 问题答案: 写完后就在打电话。流关闭后,将无法再次写入。通常,实现此目标的方法是将结束状态移至write

  • 问题内容: 我想让Spring IoC配置一个对象并将其注入到我的类中,以便可以通过XML对其配置进行自定义。 从我看到的情况来看,似乎非常有力地抵制了这种模式。他们希望您做类似的事情 ck 没有可以用来制作单例bean的机制吗? 问题答案: 这似乎为我工作: 这使我在“ httpClient” bean中获得一个CloseableHttpClient,并配置了套接字和连接超时。您应该能够将更多属

  • 问题内容: class Y { public static void main(String[] args) throws RuntimeException{//Line 1 try { doSomething(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.out.println(e); } } static void doSomething() throws

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试使用以下使用JAVA将数据集结果写入单个CSV中 但是它超时了,文件没有被写入。 投掷 错误: 问题答案: 您可能想缩小范围来解决以下异常: 尝试设置为该SO问题中报告的子目录。如果那没有帮助,则在另一个SO链接上报告了一种变通方法。

  • 问题内容: 如何配置Eclipse安装以使用Apache Commons IO中的类? 我想使用以下代码: 但是它给出了错误: IOUtil无法解决 问题答案: 您还可以使用构建工具eclipse插件,例如 m2eclipse 或 IAM (以前称为 Q4e )。 可以按照这些说明安装IAM ,并且它具有出色的依赖性查看器 m2eclipse和IAM之间的差异将在此处,此处和此处进行讨论。 Q4E