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LLVM-based compiler for the Nim language
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Nim
所属分类 开发工具、 编译器
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 酆光熙
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


nlvm (the nim-level virtual machine?)is an LLVM-based compiler for the Nimlanguage.

From Nim's point of view, it's a backend just like C or JavaScript - fromLLVM's point of view, it's a language frontend that emits IR.

When I started on this little project, I knew neither llvm nor Nim.Therefore, I'd specially like to thank the friendly folks at the #nimchannel that never seemed to tire of my nooby questions.Also, thanks to all tutorial writers out there, on llvm, programmingand other topics for providing such fine sources of copy-pa... er,inspiration!

Questions, patches, improvement suggestions and reviews welcome. Whenyou find bugs, feel free to fix them as well :)

Fork and enjoy!

Jacek Sieka (arnetheduck on gmail point com)


nlvm is generally at par with nim in terms of features, with the followingnotable differences:

  • Fast compile times - no intermediate C compiler step
  • DWARF ("zero-cost") exception handling
  • High-quality gdb/lldb debug information with source stepping, typeinformation etc
  • Smart code generation - compiler intrinsics for overflow checking,smart constant initialization, etc
  • Native wasm32 support with no extra tooling

Most things from nim work just fine (see notes below however!):

  • the same standard library is used
  • similar command line options are supported (just change nim to nlvm!)
  • importc works without needing C header files - the declaration in the.nim file needs to be accurate

Test coverage is not too bad either:

  • bootstrapping and compiling itself
  • ~95% of all upstream tests - most failures can be traced tothe standard library and compiler relying on C implementation details - seeskipped-tests.txt for an updated list of issues
  • compiling most applications
  • platforms: linux/x86_64, wasm32 (pre-alpha!)
  • majority of the nim standard library (the rest can be fixed easily -requires upstream changes however)

How you could contribute:

  • work on making skipped-tests.txt smaller
  • improve platform support (osx and windows should be easy, arm would benice)
  • help nlvm generate better IR - optimizations, builtins, exception handling..
  • help upstream make std library smaller and more nlvm-compatible
  • send me success stories :)
  • leave the computer for a bit and do something real for your fellow earthlings

nlvm does not:

  • understand C - as a consequence, header, emit and similar pragmaswill not work - neither will the fancy importcpp/C++ features
  • support all nim compiler flags and features - do file bugs for anythinguseful that's missing

Compile instructions

To do what I do, you will need:

  • Linux
  • A C/C++ compiler (ironically, I happen to use gcc most of the time)

Start with a clone:

cd $SRC
git clone https://github.com/arnetheduck/nlvm.git
cd nlvm && git submodule update --init

We will need a few development libraries installed, mainly due to how nlvmprocesses library dependencies (see dynlib section below):

# Fedora
sudo dnf install pcre-devel openssl-devel sqlite-devel ninja-build

# Debian, ubuntu etc
sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev ninja-build

Compile nlvm (if needed, this will also build nim and llvm):


Compile with itself and compare:

make compare

Run test suite:

make test
make stats

You can link statically to LLVM to create a stand-alone binary - this willuse a more optimized version of LLVM as well, but takes longer to build:


If you want a faster nlvm, you can also try the release build - it will becalled nlvmr:

make STATIC_LLVM=1 nlvmr

When you update nlvm from git, don't forget the submodule:

git pull && git submodule update

To build a docker image, use:

make docker

To run built nlvm docker image use:

docker run -v $(pwd):/code/ nlvm c -r /code/test.nim

Compiling your code

On the command line, nlvm is mostly compatible with nim.

When compiling, nlvm will generate a single .o file with all code from yourproject and link it using $CC - this helps it pick the right flags forlinking with the C library.

cd $SRC/nlvm/Nim/examples
../../nlvm/nlvm c fizzbuzz

If you want to see the generated LLVM IR, use the -c option:

cd $SRC/nlvm/Nim/examples
../../nlvm/nlvm c -c fizzbuzz
less fizzbuzz.ll

You can then run the LLVM optimizer on it:

opt -Os fizzbuzz.ll | llvm-dis

... or compile it to assembly (.s):

llc fizzbuzz.ll
less fizzbuzz.s

Apart from the code of your .nim files, the compiler will also mix in thecompatibility found library in nlvm-lib/.


Generally, the nim compiler pipeline looks something like this:

nim --> c files --> IR --> object files --> executable

In nlvm, we remove one step and bunch all the code together:

nim --> IR --> single object file --> executable

Going straight to the IR means it's possible to express nim constructs moreclearly, allowing llvm to understand the code better and thus do a betterjob at optimization. It also helps keep compile times down, because thec-to-IR step can be avoided.

The practical effect of generating a single object file is similar togcc -fwhole-program -flto - it is expensive in terms of memory, but resultsin slightly smaller and faster binaries. Notably, the IR-to-machine-code step,including any optimizations, is repeated in full for each recompile.

Common issues


nim uses a runtime dynamic library loading scheme to gain access to sharedlibraries. When compiling, no linking is done - instead, when running yourapplication, nim will try to open anything the user has installed.

nlvm does not support the {.dynlib.} pragma - instead you can use{.passL.} using normal system linking.

# works with `nim`
proc f() {. importc, dynlib: "mylib" .}

# works with both `nim` and `nlvm`
{.passL: "-lmylib".}
proc f() {. importc .}

header and emit

When nim compiles code, it will generate c code which may include otherc code, from headers or directly via emit statements. This means nim hasdirect access do symbols declared in the c file, which can be both a featureand a problem.

In nlvm, {.header.} directives are ignored - nlvm looks strictly atthe signature of the declaration, meaning the declaration must exactly matchthe c header file or subtly ABI issues and crashes ensue!

# When `nim` encounters this, it will emit `jmp_buf` in the `c` code without
# knowing the true size of the type, letting the `c` compiler determine it
# instead.
type C_JmpBuf {.importc: "jmp_buf", header: "<setjmp.h>".} = object

# nlvm instead ignores the `header` directive completely and will use the
# declaration as written. Failure to correctly declare the type will result
# in crashes and subtle bugs - memory will be overwritten or fields will be
# read from the wrong offsets.
# The following works with both `nim` and `nlvm`, but requires you to be
# careful to match the binary size and layout exactly (note how `bycopy`
# sometimes help to further nail down the ABI):

when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
    C_JmpBuf {.importc: "jmp_buf", bycopy.} = object
      abi: array[200 div sizeof(clong), clong]

# In `nim`, `C` constant defines are often imported using the following trick,
# which makes `nim` emit the right `C` code that the value from the header
# can be read (no writing of course, even though it's a `var`!)
# assuming a c header with: `#define RTLD_NOW 2`
# works for nim:
var RTLD_NOW* {.importc: "RTLD_NOW", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}: cint

# both nlvm and nim (note how these values often can be platform-specific):
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
  const RTLD_NOW* = cint(2)

wasm32 support

wasm32 support is still very bare-bones, so you will need to do a bit oftinkering to get it to work.

Presently, the wasm32-unknown-unknown target is mapped to --os:standaloneand --cpu:wasm32 - this choice represents a very raw wasm engine with 32-bitlittle-endian integers and pointers - in the future, the nim standard libraryand system.nim will need to be updated to support WASM system interfaces likeemscripten or WASI.

To compile wasm files, you will thus need a panicoverride.nim - a minimalexample looks like this and discards any errors:

proc rawoutput(s: string) = discard
proc panic(s: string) {.noreturn.} = discard

After placing the above code in your project folder, you can compile .nimcode to wasm32:

nim c -c --nlvm.target=wasm32-unknown-unkown myfile.nim
less myfile.ll

To go from there, follow the steps foundhere.

Random notes

  • Upstream is pinned using a submodule - nlvm relies heavily on internalsthat keep changing - it's unlikely that it works with any other versions,patches welcome to update it
  • The nim standard library likes to import C headers directly which worksbecause the upstream nim compiler uses a C compiler underneath - ergo,large parts of the standard library don't work with nlvm.
  • Happy to take patches for anything, including better platform support!
  • For development, it's convenient to build LLVM with assertions turned on -the API is pretty unforgiving



