nlvm (the nim-level virtual machine?)is an LLVM-based compiler for the Nimlanguage.
From Nim's point of view, it's a backend just like C or JavaScript - fromLLVM's point of view, it's a language frontend that emits IR.
When I started on this little project, I knew neither llvm nor Nim.Therefore, I'd specially like to thank the friendly folks at the #nimchannel that never seemed to tire of my nooby questions.Also, thanks to all tutorial writers out there, on llvm, programmingand other topics for providing such fine sources of copy-pa... er,inspiration!
Questions, patches, improvement suggestions and reviews welcome. Whenyou find bugs, feel free to fix them as well :)
Fork and enjoy!
Jacek Sieka (arnetheduck on gmail point com)
is generally at par with nim
in terms of features, with the followingnotable differences:
compiler stepgdb
debug information with source stepping, typeinformation etcwasm32
support with no extra toolingMost things from nim
work just fine (see notes below however!):
to nlvm
works without needing C
header files - the declaration in the.nim
file needs to be accurateTest coverage is not too bad either:
How you could contribute:
and windows
should be easy, arm
would benice)nlvm
generate better IR - optimizations, builtins, exception handling..nlvm
does not:
- as a consequence, header
, emit
and similar pragmaswill not work - neither will the fancy importcpp
featuresTo do what I do, you will need:
most of the time)Start with a clone:
cd $SRC
git clone
cd nlvm && git submodule update --init
We will need a few development libraries installed, mainly due to how nlvm
processes library dependencies (see dynlib section below):
# Fedora
sudo dnf install pcre-devel openssl-devel sqlite-devel ninja-build
# Debian, ubuntu etc
sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev ninja-build
Compile nlvm
(if needed, this will also build nim
and llvm
Compile with itself and compare:
make compare
Run test suite:
make test
make stats
You can link statically to LLVM to create a stand-alone binary - this willuse a more optimized version of LLVM as well, but takes longer to build:
If you want a faster nlvm
, you can also try the release build - it will becalled nlvmr
make STATIC_LLVM=1 nlvmr
When you update nlvm
from git
, don't forget the submodule:
git pull && git submodule update
To build a docker image, use:
make docker
To run built nlvm
docker image use:
docker run -v $(pwd):/code/ nlvm c -r /code/test.nim
On the command line, nlvm
is mostly compatible with nim
When compiling, nlvm
will generate a single .o
file with all code from yourproject and link it using $CC
- this helps it pick the right flags forlinking with the C library.
cd $SRC/nlvm/Nim/examples
../../nlvm/nlvm c fizzbuzz
If you want to see the generated LLVM IR, use the -c
cd $SRC/nlvm/Nim/examples
../../nlvm/nlvm c -c fizzbuzz
less fizzbuzz.ll
You can then run the LLVM optimizer on it:
opt -Os fizzbuzz.ll | llvm-dis
... or compile it to assembly (.s
llc fizzbuzz.ll
less fizzbuzz.s
Apart from the code of your .nim
files, the compiler will also mix in thecompatibility found library in nlvm-lib/
Generally, the nim
compiler pipeline looks something like this:
nim --> c files --> IR --> object files --> executable
In nlvm
, we remove one step and bunch all the code together:
nim --> IR --> single object file --> executable
Going straight to the IR means it's possible to express nim constructs moreclearly, allowing llvm
to understand the code better and thus do a betterjob at optimization. It also helps keep compile times down, because thec-to-IR
step can be avoided.
The practical effect of generating a single object file is similar togcc -fwhole-program -flto
- it is expensive in terms of memory, but resultsin slightly smaller and faster binaries. Notably, the IR-to-machine-code
step,including any optimizations, is repeated in full for each recompile.
uses a runtime dynamic library loading scheme to gain access to sharedlibraries. When compiling, no linking is done - instead, when running yourapplication, nim
will try to open anything the user has installed.
does not support the {.dynlib.}
pragma - instead you can use{.passL.}
using normal system linking.
# works with `nim`
proc f() {. importc, dynlib: "mylib" .}
# works with both `nim` and `nlvm`
{.passL: "-lmylib".}
proc f() {. importc .}
When nim
compiles code, it will generate c
code which may include otherc
code, from headers or directly via emit
statements. This means nim
hasdirect access do symbols declared in the c
file, which can be both a featureand a problem.
In nlvm
, {.header.}
directives are ignored - nlvm
looks strictly atthe signature of the declaration, meaning the declaration must exactly matchthe c
header file or subtly ABI issues and crashes ensue!
# When `nim` encounters this, it will emit `jmp_buf` in the `c` code without
# knowing the true size of the type, letting the `c` compiler determine it
# instead.
type C_JmpBuf {.importc: "jmp_buf", header: "<setjmp.h>".} = object
# nlvm instead ignores the `header` directive completely and will use the
# declaration as written. Failure to correctly declare the type will result
# in crashes and subtle bugs - memory will be overwritten or fields will be
# read from the wrong offsets.
# The following works with both `nim` and `nlvm`, but requires you to be
# careful to match the binary size and layout exactly (note how `bycopy`
# sometimes help to further nail down the ABI):
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
C_JmpBuf {.importc: "jmp_buf", bycopy.} = object
abi: array[200 div sizeof(clong), clong]
# In `nim`, `C` constant defines are often imported using the following trick,
# which makes `nim` emit the right `C` code that the value from the header
# can be read (no writing of course, even though it's a `var`!)
# assuming a c header with: `#define RTLD_NOW 2`
# works for nim:
var RTLD_NOW* {.importc: "RTLD_NOW", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}: cint
# both nlvm and nim (note how these values often can be platform-specific):
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
const RTLD_NOW* = cint(2)
support is still very bare-bones, so you will need to do a bit oftinkering to get it to work.
Presently, the wasm32-unknown-unknown
target is mapped to --os:standalone
and --cpu:wasm32
- this choice represents a very raw wasm
engine with 32-bitlittle-endian integers and pointers - in the future, the nim
standard libraryand system.nim
will need to be updated to support WASM system interfaces likeemscripten or WASI.
To compile wasm files, you will thus need a panicoverride.nim
- a minimalexample looks like this and discards any errors:
proc rawoutput(s: string) = discard
proc panic(s: string) {.noreturn.} = discard
After placing the above code in your project folder, you can compile .nim
code to wasm32
nim c -c myfile.nim
less myfile.ll
To go from there, follow the steps foundhere.