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Use Emacs as a C/C++ IDE
授权协议 BSD-3-Clause License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 开发工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邹嘉荣
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Coverage StatusMelpa Status

CppCon 2015 Lightning talk on cmake-ide:

CppCon 2015 Lightning talk on cmake-ide


cmake-ide is a package to enable IDE-like features on Emacs forCMake projects. It also supports non-CMakeprojects as long as acompilation databaseis generated out-of-band.This includes autocompletion and on-the-flysyntax checking in Emacs for CMake projects with minimalconfiguration. It uses other packages to do its heavy lifting, in acombination of:

cmake-ide will set variables and call functions for the installeddependent packages.

It works by running CMake in Emacs in order to obtain the necessarycompiler flags to pass to the other tools. Since allthe dependencies are specified in the CMake scripts, there is noneed to maintain a parallel dependency tracking system for Emacs.Just ask CMake.


  • Sets variables for auto-complete-clang, flycheck and others for a CMakeproject automagically. Hardly any configuration necessary.
  • Automatically reruns CMake when a file is saved. Great when usingCMake file globs to pick up newly created files, but needscmake-ide-build-dir to be set.
  • cmake-ide-delete-file allows you to have the same convenience whendeleting files. I can't figure out a better way to do this. Obviouslysimply deleting the file means having to run CMake again manually forit to register the change in the list of files to be compiled.
  • If cmake-ide-build-dir is set, it is considered to be the builddirectory to run CMake in. Additionally, this will causecmake-ide-compile to compile the project there. It automaticallydetects Ninja and Make builds and sets the compile commandaccordingly. The command to use can be customised by settingthe cmake-compile-command variable.
  • cmake-ide can make usage ofrtags for findingdefinitions, also using clang. If (require 'rtags) is called beforecmake-ide-setup, it will automatically start the rtags server (rdm)and call rc -J to index the project files for 0-config "jump todefinition" and everything else rtags offers. This only works if bothrdm and rc and in the system path or if cmake-ide-rdm-executableand cmake-ide-rc-executable are customized correctly.

Build Pool Directories and Persistent Naming of Automatic Build Directories

cmake-ide can automatically create build directories for you -- either in the system'stmp-directory or under cmake-ide-build-pool-dir (if set). By default, all automaticallycreated build directories (no matter where created) will have temporary and unique names,that will change with each new session and are thus not reusable. You can, however, bysetting cmake-ide-build-pool-use-persistent-naming use a reproducible naming scheme thatis based on the project's path and will not change as long as the project's path is thesame. This way, you can reuse the build directory.

By using both cmake-ide-build-pool-dir and cmake-ide-build-pool-use-persistent-naming,you can fully do away with the need to configure a build directory per project with directorylocal variables (for example).

Non-CMake projects

Use .dir-locals.el to set the cmake-ide-project-dir and cmake-ide-build-dir variables(use absolute paths).

.dir-locals.el:((nil . ((cmake-ide-build-dir . "/path/to/build/dir")(cmake-ide-project-dir . "/path/to/project/dir"))))

If a file called compile_commands.json exists in cmake-ide-build-dir,it will work just as well as for CMake projects. Bear (https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear)can be used to generate a compile_commands.json from a make command.


Install from MELPA or MELPA Stable with:

M-x package-install RET cmake-ide.


Add this to your .emacs / init.el:

(require 'rtags) ;; optional, must have rtags installed

If cmake-ide-flags-c or cmake-ide-flags-c++ are set, they will beadded to ac-clang-flags and company-clang-arguments. Thesevariables should be set. Particularly, they should contain the systeminclude paths (e.g. '("-I/usr/include/c++/4.9.1" "..."). For asystem with gcc, you can get this information by running gcc -v -xc++ /dev/null -fsyntax-only (it's the same prerequisite forauto-complete-clang to work, since that's how clang itself works).

And... that's it. It works by calling cmake and parsing the resultingJSON file with compiler flags. Set cmake-ide-build-dir to where yourproject is being built and you won't have to call CMake manually again (exceptfor the first time to specify options). Best done withdirectory local variables.

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  • 前言 用 CMake 来构建 C/C++ 项目是业内的主流做法。最近,我们的项目代码做了一些拆分和合并:引入其他仓库代码,并且将公共部分拆分以供多个仓库同时使用。为此,就得修改项目中的 CMake 以满足需求。 在做这件事情时,过程是相当痛苦的,修改的难度超过了我的预期。这份痛苦的回忆,让我陷入了沉思:这 CMake 咋这么不好使,是我的使用姿势不对吗?CMake 的最佳实践是啥? 在经过一番搜索

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  • 1.构建系统介绍 构建系统描述如何使用构建工具从其源代码构建项目的可执行文件和库,以自动化该过程。例如,一个构建系统可能是与命令行生成工具一起使用的Makefile,或者是集成开发环境(IDE)的项目文件。为了避免维护多个这样的构建系统,一个项目可以使用用CMake语言编写的文件抽象地指定它的构建系统。 源代码树 —— 源代码顶级目录 包含项目提供的源文件的顶级目录。该项目使用cmake-lang

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  • CMake 是一个跨平台的自动化构建系统,它使用一个名为 CMakeLists.txt 的文件来描述构建过程,可以产生标准的构建文件,如 Unix 的 Makefile 或Windows Visual C++ 的 projects/workspaces 。文件 CMakeLists.txt 需要手工编写,也可以通过编写脚本进行半自动的生成。CMake 提供了比 autoconfig 更简洁的语法。

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  • ?> Hello world,世界 你好 本节选择了一个最简单的例子 Helloworld 来演练一下 cmake 的完整构建过程,本节并不会深入的探讨 cmake,仅仅展示一个简单的例子,并加以粗略的解释。我们选择了Everest Linux 作为基本开发平台,因为这个只有一张 CD 的发行版本,包含了 gcc4.2/gtk/qt3/qt4等完整的开发环境,同时,系统默认集成了 cmake 最新

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