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✨ Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
授权协议 Artistic-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 开发工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 易雅畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Mojolicious is a fresh take on Perl web development, based on years of experience developing the Catalyst framework,and utilizing the latest web standards and technologies. You can get started with your project quickly, with aframework that grows with your needs.

The Mojo stack provides a consistent set of components that can be used in any project. The guides cover most aspectsof using the framework and the components have comprehensive reference documentation. Mojolicious is a real-time webframework, which allows a new class of web applications using WebSockets and having long-running requests withoutblocking.

Join us now, and be a part of a friendly and knowledgeable community of developers!


  • An amazing real-time web framework, allowing you to easily grow single file prototypes into well-structured MVCweb applications.
    • Everything you need to build cloud-native web applications for state of the art container environments.
    • Powerful out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, commands, Perl-ish templates, content negotiation, sessionmanagement, form validation, testing framework, static file server, CGI/PSGI detection,first class Unicode support and much more for you to discover.
  • A powerful web development toolkit, that you can use for all kinds of applications, independently of the webframework.
    • Full stack HTTP and WebSocket client/server implementation with IPv6, TLS, SNI, IDNA, HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy, UNIXdomain socket, Comet (long polling), Promises/A+, async/await, keep-alive, connection pooling, timeout, cookie,multipart, and gzip compression support.
    • Built-in non-blocking I/O web server, supporting multiple event loops as well as optional pre-forking and hotdeployment, perfect for building highly scalable web services.
    • JSON and HTML/XML parser with CSS selector support.
  • Very clean, portable and object-oriented pure-Perl API with no hidden magic and no requirements besides Perl 5.26.0(versions as old as 5.16.0 can be used too, but may require additional CPAN modules to be installed)
  • Fresh code based upon years of experience developing Catalyst, free and opensource.
  • Hundreds of 3rd party extensions and high quality spin-offprojects like the Minion job queue.


All you need is a one-liner, it takes less than a minute.

$ curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - -M https://cpan.metacpan.org -n Mojolicious

We recommend the use of a Perlbrew environment.

Getting Started

These three lines are a whole web application.

use Mojolicious::Lite;

get '/' => {text => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!'};


To run the example with the built-in development web server, just put the code into a file and start it with morbo.

$ morbo hello.pl
Web application available at

Test it with any HTTP client you prefer.

$ curl
I ♥ Mojolicious!

Duct tape for the HTML5 web

Use all the latest Perl and HTML features in beautiful single file prototypes like this one, andgrow them easily into well-structuredModel-View-Controller web applications.

use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;

# Render template "index.html.ep" from the DATA section
get '/' => sub ($c) {
  $c->render(template => 'index');

# WebSocket service used by the template to extract the title from a website
websocket '/title' => sub ($c) {
  $c->on(message => sub ($c, $msg) {
    my $title = $c->ua->get($msg)->result->dom->at('title')->text;


@@ index.html.ep
% my $url = url_for 'title';
  var ws = new WebSocket('<%= $url->to_abs %>');
  ws.onmessage = function (event) { document.body.innerHTML += event.data };
  ws.onopen    = function (event) { ws.send('https://mojolicious.org') };

Want to know more?

Take a look at our excellent documentation!

  • 前面实现了简单自定义 Maven 插件的编写和测试,在代码中用到了 @goal 和 @parameter,分别用来标记插件的目标和参数。接下来详细介绍编写 Maven 插件要用到的标记。 Mojo 标记 自定义 Maven 插件的常用标记如下所示。 1)@goal 这是自定义 Maven 插件 Mojo 代码中唯一必须声明的标记,用来声明该 Mojo 的目标名称。 2)@phase 声明默认将该目

  • 原文路径:https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/docs/mojo_ipc_conversion.md 目录 总览 旧版IPC概念 Mojo接口作为路由 订购注意事项 通道相关接口 决定如何进行转化 处理回复 目的和调用 Blink 具体建议 变量 绑定回调 在Blink中实现Mojo接口 内容的类型映射跟Blink

  • Mojolicious 是下一代的 Perl 语言的 Web 编程框架,提供强大的功能而无需第三方包依赖,功能包括:RESTful 的路由、插件管理、Perl风格的模板系统、会话管理、签名的 cookie、静态文件服务、测试框架、文件级的Unicode支持等等。 同时 Mojolicious 也是一个全堆栈的 HTTP/1.1 和 WebSocket 的客户端和服务器端的实现,还包括 TLS、Go

  • Mojo-Weixin v1.4.6 使用Perl语言编写的微信客户端框架,基于Mojolicious,要求Perl版本5.10+,可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用 郑重声明 本项目完全遵循微信官方提供的原始功能,不包含任何破坏、盗号等行为,本项目完全开源,目的是为了促进技术交流学习,禁止任何对国家、企业、个人等构成危害的非法用途,否则后果自负 特色功能 支持 发送/

  • !!!重要通知:WebQQ将在2019年1月1日停止服务,项目目前已停止维护,感谢大家四年来一路陪伴 使用Perl语言编写的Smartqq客户端框架,基于Mojolicious,要求Perl版本5.10+,可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用。 郑重声明 本项目完全遵循QQ官方提供的原始功能,不包含任何破坏、盗号等行为,本项目完全开源,目的是为了促进技术交流学习,禁止任何

  • 我有一个带有两个maven插件模块的mutli项目:base和child()。孩子依赖基础。 带POM: 基本编译正确,子级通过编译但失败: 未能在项目plugin-child上执行goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugin-plugin:3.4:descriptor(default-descriptor):mojo扫描器的API与此插件版本不兼容。请检查

  • 我的问题是:根据这些参数,我可以在哪里归档标准maven插件的API fefinition?

  • 最近要面试用户研究的朋友,按照以下题集来准备,拿心仪offer没问题💫 谁还在自己傻傻写答案?右下角【真题解析】一秒标答💯 你对用户研究工作的理解是什么? 你为什么想做用户研究? 你的突出优势是什么? 你认为用户研究在产品设计过程中的作用是什么? 你了解哪些用户研究方法论?使用过哪些? 请介绍一种你熟悉的用户研究方法 你如何界定研究目标和研究问题? 解释一下定量研究和定性研究的区别 你如何进行