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The .NET library for integrating Google Recaptcha V3 into ASP.NET MVC 3 and higher.

Source: image from Google


  • Suppose you have a ASP.NET MVC project.
  • Go to Google Recaptcha V3 to get client key and secret key.
  • Install RecaptchaMvc.NET via Nuget.
  • Download the sample project from this repository.
  • Follow it to integrate Google Recaptcha V3 into your web application.


HtmlHelper static class

  • HtmlHelper.SetupHiddenRecaptcha: insert the recaptcha hidden field.
  • HtmlHelper.SetupClientScript: insert the Google Recaptcha v3 script and lib's script to display captcha.

CommonHelper static class

  • CommonHelper.ValidateRecaptchaV3: validate the captcha against secret key and token.
  • CommonHelper.AddErrorAndRedirectToGetAction: add error to TempData and redirects to the current action.
  • CommonHelper.RedirectToUrl: redirects to a specific action.
  • CommonHelper.AddErrorToModelState(by default): adds an error message to ModelState in the current action.

Recaptcha3ActionFilterAttribute filter

This filter is used for verifying the captcha for a number of required URLs. This accepts three parameters:

  • SecretKey: the secret key of Google Recaptcha V3 service.
  • FilterItems: a number of conditions which are valid for the catpcha verification.
  • OnFailure: in case the catpcha verification is failed, this action will be executed. By default, CommonHelper.AddErrorToModelState
  • RecaptchaFieldName: the HTML field name of the captcha. By default, recaptcha_response.


Any feedback are appreciated a lot.

Change Logs


  • Supports ASP.NET MVC 3 and higher.

Copyright and License

©Copyright 2020 by 1001binaryMIT License

  • reCAPTCHA计划是由卡内基梅隆大学所发展的系统,主要目的是利用CAPTCHA技术来帮助典籍数位化的进行,这个计划将由书本扫描下来无法准确的被光学文字辨识技术识别的文字显示在CAPTCHA问题中,让人类在回答CAPTCHA问题时用人脑加以识别。reCAPTCHA正数位化纽约时报的扫描存档,目前已经完成20年份的资料,并希望在2010年完成110年份的资料。 为了验证人类所输入的文字是正确的,而

  • 比较高级, 比较漂亮也比较有用的一个反垃圾留言插言. 比较著名的reCAPTCHA为Wordpress提供. 但个人觉得太干扰用户了, 尤其是那个验证码, 留个言还要考验用户的视力和英文书法识别能力. 有够累

  • 组件的加价- div class=“g-recaptcha”data-sitekey=“site key val”> 然而,即使在刷新之后,Dartium中也不会显示验证码。如果我使用pub build构建应用程序,将其部署到容器中,然后使用Chrome或其他浏览器访问它,第一次不会显示验证码,但刷新时会显示验证码。是否有类似于Angular recaptcha(https://github.co

  • 提前谢了。

  • 情况: 我有一个带有联系页面的magento网站。我已经为google recaptcha安装了一个扩展(https://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/contacts-form-captcha.html)。 这一切都没有任何问题。现在我正在测试这个扩展,表单如下所示:

  • 我使用的是运行在JBoss7上的Java 1.7应用程序。0.2.最终服务器。 我创建了一个REST终结点来处理用户登录。这工作正常,但当我调用谷歌的recaptcha(v2)url(https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify),我得到以下错误: javax。网ssl。SSLHandshakeException:收到致命警报:握手失败 这是昨天没