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Application Insights Best Practices

Tried to gather various best practices for using Application Insights. Starting with ASP .NET MVC and Web API projects and including various suggestions gathered from the community and the Application Insights team.


Including Application Insights in a .NET Web API project is a fairly easy task and with Visual Studio 2015 onwards it is as easy as ticking a checkbox in the new project template, or via the dropdown menu in each Web project. You can also add it by adding the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web Nuget package along with 6 other dependencies. Application Insights will also help you track your onboarding progress via the Application Insights extension which is part of VS15 and VS17. However there might still be work needed to maximize your AI experience.

1. Dependencies and async operations don't correlate with the Request

One of the important features in the Application Insights is viewing all Telemetry for the same operation which essentially means that for a Web API action, each custom event, dependency, exception, trace should all be linked with the request. Unfortunately this doesn't quite work for a few async scenarios. After a bit of testing I've observed the correlation fail in two scenarios:

  • Any asychronous dependency call (HttpClient, SQL calls, etc)

    await (new HttpClient()).GetAsync("http://www.github.com");
  • Any telemetry logged on a background thread (including custom events, exceptions etc)

    Task.Run(async () =>
        telemetryClient.TrackException(new System.InvalidOperationException("Background Thread Exception"));
  • https://blog.rubylearning.com/best-practices-for-a-new-go-developer-8660384302fc This year I had the privilege to organize GopherConIndia 2015 and also interview a number of Gophers. Read what Gophers

  • 原文 Table of contents: Introduction Best practices Word embeddings Depth Layer connections Dropout Multi-task learning Attention Optimization Ensembling Hyperparameter optimization LSTM tricks Task-spe

  • Angular Azure Application Insights implementation Connect your Angular client-side to Microsofts Application Insights with this easy-to-use Module Application Insights is an extensible Application Per

  • Application Insights Java SDK 是 Java Web 服务所采用的最早的原型,请点击 AppInsights-Home 获取更多信息。

  • Application Insights Asp.Net v5 是 Web 应用监视中间控件。 示例代码: // Add Application Insights monitoring to the request pipeline as a very first middleware.app.UseApplicationInsightsRequestTelemetry();...// Add t

  • 然而,这使用的是使用log4j而不是log4j2的较旧版本的solr。 我尝试将insights错误下载到一个文件夹(/opt/solr/server/lib)中,并通过插件加载它们(日志提示JAR已加载--但我仍然得到一个关于log4j2.xml config的错误...说找不到insights附加器的类, 配置如下所示。 你知道我哪里错了吗?

  • 我正在使用azure application insights在我的应用程序中进行日志记录,这是一个带有Gradle的spring boot应用程序。我在logback-spring.xml中使用application insights作为附加器。我使用的是Java8和Appinsights版本1.0.8。我没有看到实时度量。我看到的消息是应用程序脱机或更新到较新版本的SDK。我尝试更新build