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Peer-to-peer networking with browsers
授权协议 View license
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 程序开发、 网络工具包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 程俊力
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

P is for peer-to-peer networking with browsers

P is a small framework used to create browser-to-browser networks (as opposed to just a connection). With P, you can:

  • Connect to other browsers using a simple WebSocket server.
  • Connect to other browsers using your established connections to other browsers. This is what makes P unique: it allows for transitive connections across peers, allowing easy creation of mesh networks.

After a connection is established the middleman is no longer necessary – no proxies are involved.

This is made possible by an unstable and young technology -- WebRTC.Currently, only Chrome and Firefox support this technology.

onramp, a simple WebSocket server, is used as the signaling channelto establish initial connections.


// Initializing
var rootNode = P.create(); // create the root node

// Connection management
var webSocketNode = rootNode.connect(address); // connect to an onramp WebSocket server
var webRtcNode = webSocketNode.connect(address); // connect to a peer using an onramp connection
var webRtcNode = webRtcNode.connect(address); // connect to a peer using an existing peer connection
anyNode.close(); // close the connection
anyNode.isOpen(); // return true if the connection is open
var nodeArray = anyNode.getPeers(); // returns an array of all peer connections

// Firewalling connections
var protectedNode = P.create({
  firewall: function(offerData){
    // Only accept RTC connection offers which send 'secret' as the offer data
    // this firewall rule will apply to any child nodes as well
    return offerData === 'secret';

// Send offerData with a connection request
anyNode.connect({address: address, offerData: 'secret'});

// Sending and receiving messages
webRtcNode.send(message); // send a message to a peer; can be json, string, or arraybuffer
webRtcNode.on('message', function(message){}); // listens for messages from a peer
webRtcNode.on('array buffer', function(arrayBuffer){}); // listens for array buffers from a peer

// Events
anyNode.on('connection', function(peerNode){}); // emitted when a connection is made via this peer
anyNode.on('open', function(){}); // emitted when this connection is open and ready
anyNode.on('close', function(){}); // emitted when this connection is closed
anyNode.on('error', function(err){}); // listens for errors for this connection
anyNode.removeListener(eventName, optionalCallback); // stops listening to an event


Release Notes

  • 0.3.3 - Fixed an issue in FF which caused disconnections shorting after successful connections due to a GC miscommunication which seems to clean up DataChannels which are still in use (thereby closing them).
  • 0.3.2 - Updated the library to align it with the latest WebRTC standards -- mainly changes in configuration objects.
  • 0.3.1 - Added 'firewall' option to firewall RTC requests.
  • 0.3 - Major refactor of internals and simplification of API, Firefox support, and respectable unit test coverage.
  • 0.2 - Public release
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  • (*p)[5]与*P[5]有什么区别,看代码 main() { char a[5]={'A','E','C','D'}; //数组指针 char (*p3)[5] = a; //在栈中产生一个大小为 5个char的空间 p代表的的是整个空间的首地址 printf("p3 is %x\n",p3); printf("*p3 is %x\n",*p3

  • 一,++p,p++ ++p是先对p自增,再使用p的值. p++是先使用p的值,再自增 二,*p++,*(p++) 两者相同 " * 和++ "优先级相同 自右向左结合,*p++可以看作为*(p++) 其中(p++)先使用p的值,再自增1 假设地址为0x00, *(p+1)则取0x00的地址值. 三,(*p)++ 先分析优先级,有括号,先计算括号内,即先计算(*p)得到X,再计算X++. 四,*++

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