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Interval arithmetic for Ada

授权协议 GMGPL
所属分类 程序开发、 数学计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 宋健柏
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Interval arithmetic for Ada 提供实现 Ada 间隔的功能,包括算术和关系操作。

  • 3.12 Exercises 3.1 // unsigned 16-bit hex 5ED4 - 07A4 = 5730 3.2 // signed 16-bit hex 5ED4 - 07A4 = 5730 3.3 // convert 5ED4 into a binary number 5ED4 = 0101 1110 1101 0100 3.4 // unsigned 12-bit o

  • time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output An array bb of length kk is called good if its arithmetic mean is equal to 11. More formall

  • First, if N is prime, then ab≡0 (mod N) is true if and only if a≡0(mod N) or b≡0(mod N). In other words, if a prime number N divides a prime number N divides a product of two numbers, it divides at le

  • 题目链接:Arithmetic Progressions 直接令 dp[i][j] 为 a[i] 为序列最后一个数,a[j]为倒数第二个数的最大值。 每次枚举j的时候,找到对应的k,使得a[k]+a[i]=2*a[j],直接转移即可。 AC代码: #pragma GCC optimize("-Ofast","-funroll-all-loops") #include<bits/stdc++.h>

  • IDA 介绍 IDA是一种数据分片备份容错算法,将一个文件F,假设长度为L,分成n个小片Fi, 1<= i <=n,每片大小为L/m,因而只要任意选择n中的m片,即可重建整个文件F.这种分片重构算法很适合容错,也可以用来保证重要数据的传输,整个的数据容量为n/m*L,由于n/m可以接近于1,所以IDA空间较之分片前数据容量比率不大,比主从双备份节省空间,并且只要n片中任意m即可. IDA算法原理介

  • A. Almost Arithmetic Progression time limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Polycarp likes arithmetic progressions. A sequence [a1,a2,…,an

  • Bill is a good student and an intelligent boy. He likes to study arithmetic, and he can do all of the arithmetic problems in his book easily. One day on his way to school Bill passed a fruit store. Th

  • 题目 (多选)Which statement declares a variable a which is suitable for referring to an array of 50 string objects?(Java) A. char a[][]; B. String a[]; C. String[] a; D. Object a[50]; E. String a[50]; F. O

  • DDA直线扫描算法:   void CDraw::DDALine(CDC* pDC,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,COLORREF color) {  double dx,dy,e,x,y;  dx = x2-x1;  dy = y2-y1;  e = (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy))? fabs(dx):fabs(dy);  dx /= e;  dy /= e



