PostHTML is a tool for transforming HTML/XML with JS plugins. PostHTML itself is very small. It includes only a HTML parser, a HTML node tree API and a node tree stringifier.
All HTML transformations are made by plugins. And these plugins are just small plain JS functions, which receive a HTML node tree, transform it, and return a modified tree.
For more detailed information about PostHTML in general take a look at the docs.
Name | Status | Description |
posthtml-parser | Parser HTML/XML to PostHTMLTree | |
posthtml-render | Render PostHTMLTree to HTML/XML |
npm init posthtml
npm i -D posthtml
import posthtml from 'posthtml'
const html = `
<title>Super Title</title>
<text>Awesome Text</text>
const result = posthtml()
.process(html, { sync: true })
<div class="component">
<div class="title">Super Title</div>
<div class="text">Awesome Text</div>
⚠️ Async Plugins can't be used in sync mode and will throw an Error. It's recommended to use PostHTML asynchronously whenever possible.
import posthtml from 'posthtml'
const html = `
<p class="wow">OMG</p>
attrsTree: {
'.wow' : {
id: 'wow_id',
fill: '#4A83B4',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
'font-family': 'Verdana'
.process(html/*, options */)
.then((result) => console.log(result.html))
<svg xmlns="">
fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="Verdana">
import posthtml from 'posthtml'
const php = `
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<text><?php echo $article; ?></text>
const result = posthtml()
.process(html, {
directives: [
{ name: '?php', start: '<', end: '>' }
<div class="component">
<div class="title"><?php echo $title; ?></div>
<div class="text"><?php echo $article; ?></div>
npm i posthtml-cli
"scripts": {
"posthtml": "posthtml -o output.html -i input.html -c config.json"
npm run posthtml
npm i -D gulp-posthtml
import tap from 'gulp-tap'
import posthtml from 'gulp-posthtml'
import { task, src, dest } from 'gulp'
task('html', () => {
let path
const plugins = [ require('posthtml-include')({ root: `${path}` }) ]
const options = {}
.pipe(tap((file) => path = file.path))
.pipe(posthtml(plugins, options))
Check project-stub for an example with Gulp
npm i -D grunt-posthtml
posthtml: {
options: {
use: [
require('posthtml-doctype')({ doctype: 'HTML 5' }),
require('posthtml-include')({ root: './', encoding: 'utf-8' })
build: {
files: [
dot: true,
cwd: 'html/',
src: ['*.html'],
dest: 'tmp/',
expand: true,
npm i -D html-loader posthtml-loader
const config = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.html$/,
loader: 'html!posthtml'
posthtml: (ctx) => ({
parser: require('posthtml-pug'),
plugins: [
export default config
import { LoaderOptionsPlugin } from 'webpack'
const config = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.html$/,
use: [
loader: 'html-loader',
options: { minimize: true }
loader: 'posthtml-loader'
plugins: [
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {
posthtml(ctx) {
return {
parser: require('posthtml-pug'),
plugins: [
export default config
$ npm i rollup-plugin-posthtml -D
# or
$ npm i rollup-plugin-posthtml-template -D
import { join } from 'path';
import posthtml from 'rollup-plugin-posthtml-template';
// or
// import posthtml from 'rollup-plugin-posthtml';
import sugarml from 'posthtml-sugarml'; // npm i posthtml-sugarml -D
import include from 'posthtml-include'; // npm i posthtml-include -D
export default {
entry: join(__dirname, 'main.js'),
dest: join(__dirname, 'bundle.js'),
format: 'iife',
plugins: [
parser: sugarml(),
plugins: [include()],
template: true // only rollup-plugin-posthtml-template
import pug from 'posthtml-pug'
posthtml().process(html, { parser: pug(options) }).then((result) => result.html)
Name | Status | Description |
posthtml-pug | Pug Parser | |
sugarml | SugarML Parser |
In case you want to develop your own plugin, we recommend using posthtml-plugin-starter to get started.
![]() Ivan Demidov |
![]() Ivan Voischev |
Thank you to all our backers!
看到 PostHTML,你应该自然就会想起 PostCSS,后者作为新一代的 CSS 处理器,一扫 SASS LESS 的威风,在社区中刮起了一阵旋风。虽然 PostHTML 后起,也不知道能否秀起来,先带着大家揭开 PostHTML 的神秘面纱。 PostHTML 能干什么呢?先给大家上个小例子。如下一个 HTML 文档: 在段落中包含了一些 emoji 表情的文本表示,比如 :speak_no
记录一下 PostHtml 中的一些比较有用的插件 参考自PostHtml文档 posthtml-pug 将pug转化成html posthtml-md 将md语法转化为html语法 posthtml-retext 根据规则转化自然语言(例如特定字符串转成emoji表情) posthtml-head-elements 将JSON配置生成head元素内容 posthtml-include 引入htm
我有一个自定义的WP插件,它注册了一些短代码并在Post中运行它们。一个Post通常有两个或多个这样的短代码。我需要找出第一个短代码是否在HTML之后执行并以某种方式更改了——因此第二次和下一次运行的短代码不会替换第一次运行的短代码所生成的HTML。 但我不知道怎么做。 我知道,这应该通过向shortcode添加一些参数来实现,比如[shortcode first_run=“true”],但这是最
介绍 PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins. By team github organization coolie-cli 在 posthtml 的基础