D2Admin is a fully open source and free enterprise back-end product front-end integration solution, using the latest front-end technology stack, javascript files loading of local first screen less than 60kb, has prepared most of the project preparations, and with a lot of sample code to help the management system agile development.
中文 | English
The following access addresses are built and deployed by the latest master branch code at the same time. The access effect is completely consistent. Please select the appropriate access link according to your own network situation.
server | link | server |
d2.pub | Link | China server |
cdn.d2.pub | Link | qiniu CDN |
github | Link | GitHub pages |
netlify | Link | Netlify CDN |
d2.pub CDN mirror deployment https://cdn.d2.pub
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type | link |
gitee | https://gitee.com/d2-projects/d2-admin |
coding | https://d2-projects.coding.net/p/d2-projects/d/d2-admin/git |
Name | HomePage | Preview | Introduction |
Starter template | Link | Link | The simplest version |
The backend is contributed by the open source community. The latest version of D2Admin is not guaranteed. Please contact its open source author for related usage issues.
Name | technology | HomePage | Preview | Introduction |
django-vue-admin-pro | Django | Link | Link | Django + Jwt + D2Admin |
boot-admin | SpringBoot | Link | Link | Management system based on SpringBoot |
FlaskPermission | Flask | Link | Link | Permission management based on Flask |
CareyShop | ThinkPHP5 | Link | Link | High Performance Mall Framework System for CareyShop |
jiiiiiin-security | Spring Boot | Link | Link | Content management infrastructure projects |
Taroco | Spring Cloud | Link | Link | Complete microservice enterprise solution |
Aooms | Spring Cloud | Link | Link | Extremely fast microservice development, not just as simple as JFinal |
GOA | Beego | Link | Link | Online question answering system based on Beego + Vue |
CMDB | Django | Link | Link | authority system with dynamic menu |
These projects are contributed by the open source community and are not guaranteed to use the latest version of D2Admin. Please contact their open source authors for related usage questions.
Name | HomePage | Preview | Introduction |
d2-admin-xiya-go-cms | Link | Link | D2Admin + authority system + dynamic router |
d2-advance | Link | Link | Technical exploration inspired by D2Admin |
d2-crud-plus | Link | Link | Easy development of crud function |
d2-crud | Link | Link | Encapsulation of common operations in tables |
d2-admin-pm | Link | Link | RBAC privilege management solution based on D2Admin |
LanBlog | Link | Link | Vue + Beego restful api personal blog system |
d2-admin-start-kit-plus | Link | Link | D2Admin Start kit modular version |
d2-ribbons | Link | Link | Open source project logo Library |
If your open source project is based on D2Admin development, please add the following badge to your README:
Copy the following code into the README to:
<a href="https://github.com/d2-projects/d2-admin" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FairyEver/d2-admin/master/docs/image/d2-admin@2x.png" width="200"></a>
At the same time, you can report your project to us. We will place the excellent project in D2Admin and help you publicize it.
cochlea | Baron | 苦行僧 | 吴地安宁 | KingDong | sunyongmofang
Total visitor since 2019.08.27
更改服务启动端口与配置代理 Vue-Cli默认无法配置端口与代理,可以自己添加,在根目录下vue.config.js文件中找到devServer修改其中配置即可 devServer: { port: 8080, proxy: { '/api': { target: '', //更换源
d2-admin 路由菜单记录 路由格式如下 expore const frameIn =[ { path: "index", name: "index", title: "首页", icon: "home", component: _import("system/index"), children:[ { path: "r
项目仓库 https://gitee.com/d2-projects/d2-admin-start-kit 导入的reques路径的不对,导致网络请求公用地址一直不对 /index.vue <script> import request from axios' //原生axios不会使用.env中的环境变量 VUE_APP_API import request
https://d2-admin.netlify.app/#/index https://gitee.com/d2-projects/d2-admin
第一家创业型公司(几百人) 面备选实习生?(一面) 1. 微信聊天界面测试 2.数据库语句,查询去重 第二家国内某北斗(一面) 0.如何进行一个页面测试 1.购物查询怎么测 2.开发不认bug 3.测试条件模糊怎么办 4.与其他竞争者有什么优势 5.接口测试会不会 反问 1.大概什么时候收到面试结果 2.主要是自动化测试还是功能测试 3.还有什么能提升的地方(答:接口测试) #实习生应该准时下班吗
1.5米内1秒多人快速识别, 自动开门并完成考勤, 支持离线识别。 产品清单 包材产品清单配图 主机、挂墙件 10PIN接线端子、电源适配器、 电源线 膨胀管、GB/T819螺钉、 GB/T846螺钉 安装说明 将电源线、开关信号线等接到10PIN端上 使用两颗GB/T819螺钉将挂墙件固定在86暗盒上 将10PIN端子插到主机上,并将主机扣在挂墙件上 产品结构 产品结构-正面 产品结构-反面 配
用于排序的日期比较不起作用。请指教。 我的代码: 错误: 错误:找不到返回d1的符号。与(d2)比较 符号:方法比较到(日期) 位置:日期类型的变量d1 注意:某些输入文件使用或重写了不推荐的API 注意:使用-Xlint:deprecation重新编译以获取详细信息 注意:某些输入文件使用未检查或不安全的操作 注意:使用-Xlint重新编译:未选中以获取详细信息。
问题内容: 我对以下python表达式很感兴趣: 任务是将2个字典合并为第三个字典,以上表达式可以很好地完成任务。我对运算符及其对表达式的作用很感兴趣。我以为是幂运算符,并且尚未在上面的上下文中看到它。 完整的代码段是这样的: 问题答案: 参数列表中的in有特殊含义,如本教程的4.7节所述。随其传递的字典(或类似字典的)对象被扩展为可调用对象的关键字参数,就像被扩展为单独的位置参数一样。