
The starter theme for building Flynt projects.
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 茹正初
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


The starter theme for building Flynt projects.

⚠️ DEPRECATED. This repository is no longer in active development. For the latest version of Flynt please use the new Flynt repository. ⚠️

Table of Contents


Flynt is a sustainable approach to website development and content management with a component-based philosophy.

Flynt Theme is a ready-to-go WordPress theme that implements all of Flynt's best practices.


  1. Install Node.
  2. Install Yarn.
  3. Create a new project folder and setup a new WordPress installation.
  4. Install and activate the following plugins:
  1. Clone the flynt-starter-theme repo to <your-project>/wp-content/themes.
  2. Change the host variable in flynt-starter-theme/gulpfile.js/config.js to match your host URL.
const host = 'your-host-url.test'
  1. In your terminal, navigate to <your-project>/wp-content/themes/flynt-starter-theme. Run yarn and then yarn build.
  2. Go to the administrator back-end of your WordPress site and activate the flynt-starter-theme theme.


In your terminal, navigate to <your-project>/wp-content/themes/flynt-starter-theme and run yarn start. This will start a local server at localhost:3000.

Changes to files made in Components and Features will now be watched for changes and compiled to the dist folder.

Configuring Page Templates

All template files can be found under the theme root, in the templates directory.

The structure of each page within the theme is created using a nested JSON object. Each PHP template within the templates directory takes a simple JSON configuration file, and using the Flynt Core plugin, parses and renders this into HTML.

For example, take templates/page.php:



The JSON template configuration files are found in config/templates. These configuration files define the components and their areas which are loaded into the template.

Take config/templates/default.json as an example. This template contains the DocumentDefault component, with one area within it: layout. The layout area contains the LayoutSinglePost component, which in turn has three nested areas: mainHeader, pageComponents, and mainFooter. In addition, the pageComponents area contains the ComponentLoaderFlexible component.

  "name": "DocumentDefault",
  "areas": {
    "layout": [
        "name": "LayoutSinglePost",
        "areas": {
          "mainHeader": [],
          "pageComponents": [
              "name": "ComponentLoaderFlexible",
              "customData": {
                "fieldGroup": "pageComponents"
          "mainFooter": []

The layout area is then rendered in the Components/DocumentDefault/index.twig template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="flyntComponent {{ body_class }}" lang="{{ site.language }}" dir="{{ dir }}" is="flynt-document-default">
  <body role="document">
    {{ area('layout') }}
    {{ wp_footer }}


A component is a self-contained building-block. As such, each component is kept within its own folder which contains everything it requires; the layout, the ACF field setup, all necessary WordPress filter and hook logic, scripting, styles, and images.

  ├── assets/
  |   ├── exampleImage.jpg
  |   └── exampleIcon.svg
  ├── fields.json
  ├── functions.php
  ├── index.twig
  ├── script.js
  ├── style.styl

Building components is a sustainable process, meaning every component you develop can be reused within a project, or in another; increasing your head-start with every new Flynt project.


Since components are self-contained, areas provide a way to stack our building-blocks together. An area is simply a location within a component where it is possible to add other components.


With WordPress, it is easy to create one large functions.php file, crammed full of all the custom logic your theme may need. This can get messy. In Flynt, we split each piece of functionality into smaller, self-contained feature bundles.

In most cases, features add global hooks and filters that affect the project on a global level. With this in mind, each feature is built with reusability in mind.

Flynt comes with a core set of ready to go features, each with its own readme. To learn more, look through the Features directory.

Theme Structure

flynt-starter-theme/             # → Root of the theme
├── Components/                  # → All base components
├── config/                      # → WP/ACF Configuration
│   ├── customPostTypes/         # → Configure custom post types
│   ├── fieldGroups/             # → Configure ACF field groups
│   ├── templates/               # → Page templates (JSON)
├── dist/                        # → Built theme files (never edit)
├── Features/                    # → All features
├── gulpfile.js/                 # → Gulp tasks and setup
│   ├── tasks/                   # → Individual gulp-tasks, e.g. webpack, stylus
│   ├── config.js                # → Gulp config
│   ├── index.js                 # → Load gulp tasks with config
│   ├── webpack.config.js        # → Webpack config
├── lib/                         # → Hold utils and setup features
│   ├── Utils/                   # → Small utility functions
│   ├── Bootstrap.php            # → Flynt Bootstrap
│   ├── Init.php                 # → Setup theme, register features
├── node_modules/                # → Node.js packages (never edit)
├── templates/                   # → Page templates (PHP)
├── .gitignore                   # → Files/Folders that will not be committed to Git.
├── .stylintrc                   # → Define Stylus linting rules
├── functions.php                # → Set template directory and load lib/Init.php
├── index.php                    # → Theme entry point (never edit)
├── package.json                 # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── phpcs.ruleset.xml            # → Define PHP linting rules
├── screenshot.png               # → Theme screenshot for WP admin
├── style.css                    # → Required WordPress theme style file.
├── yarn.lock                    # → Yarn lock file (never edit)

You can read the full documentation here.


This project is maintained by bleech.

The main people in charge of this repo are:


To contribute, please use GitHub issues. Pull requests are accepted. Please also take a moment to read the Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct.

If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © bleech

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