
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 鲜于浩淼
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A babel plugin to use PrismJS with standard bundlers.

How to Use

This plugin allows you to treat PrismJS as a standard module and configure what languages, plugins, & themes you want to bundle with Prism.

In your code, import prismjs:

import Prism from 'prismjs';

// if you are intending to use Prism functions manually, you will need to set:
Prism.manual = true;


The exported Prism object will be the fully-configured Prism instance.


  • You must be using ES6 imports to load PrismJS.

Configuring the plugin

In your .babelrc, register the plugin and configure its dependencies:

  "plugins": [
    ["prismjs", {
        "languages": ["javascript", "css", "markup"],
        "plugins": ["line-numbers"],
        "theme": "twilight",
        "css": true

Each key are used as follows:

  • languages: Array of languages to include in the bundle or "all" to include all languages. Those languages can be found here.
  • plugins: Array of plugins to include in the bundle. Those plugins can be found here.
  • theme: Name of theme to include in the bundle. Themes can be found here.
  • css: Boolean indicating whether to include .css files in the result. Defaults to false. If true, imports will be added for .css files. Must be true in order for theme to work.
  • vue nuxt.js 代码高亮 prismjs 或 highlight.js 插件的用法 功能点分析: 前端vue2.0 + nuxt.js 实现代码高亮 使用的插件是 prismjs 和 babel-plugin-prismjs编译器插件 1.安装 prismjs 插件 和 babel-plugin-prismjs npm install prismjs // 这里也可以使用 yarn add

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  • vue2 集成prismjs 1.下载 npm install prismjs -S npm install babel-plugin-prismjs -D 2.配置 babel.config.js module.exports = { presets: ['@vue/app'], plugins: [ [ 'prismjs',

  • 安装 # prismjs npm i prismjs -S # prismjs 类型 npm i -D @types/prismjs # vite npm install babel-plugin-prismjs -D # bable webpack npm install vite-plugin-prismjs -D 配置 babel // babel.config.js modul

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  • 更改历史 * 2018-1-7 高天阳 2.2.2图片改文字 * 2018-1-6 高天阳 格式化文档 * 2017-5-11 高天阳 初始化文档 1 简介、用途 1.1 简介 标准的制定者计划,以后每年发布一次标准,使用年份作为版本号。ES6是在2015年发布的,所以又称为ES2015。 但ES6其实多用于泛指ES5.1版本后的下一代JS标准,它涵盖在ES2015版本上