A bare-bones starter-template to get your hands dirty with awesome Vue.js library.
Built with:
from the project rootSee instructions for example usage of single file components.
yarn start
Runs the Webpack module-bundler, starts watching for changes & launches the BrowserSync server to http://localhost:3000 (it's possible to change the port from package.json
config-section). Uses Webpack Dashboard
Note! Webpack handles all the reloading stuff while BrowserSync just proxies the default webpack-port (8080
) giving the possibility to connect to dev-server from multiple devices:
yarn lint:js
Lints javascript-files inside /src
yarn build
Runs the webpack module-bundler with production-settings (compress etc.) and builds the project to /build
Navigate to https://vue-starter.ville.io/ and see the awesomeness IRL
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参考文献:https://www.jianshu.com/p/c4a87e1b4ef7 1 vue 挂载点 模板 与实例 挂载点:Vue中的el属性所绑定的DOM节点,Vue只会处理挂载点内的内容; 模板:挂载点内部的内容都是模板 模板不仅仅可以放在挂载点内部,也可以放在Vue实例中,用template属性,写在template属性中; 实例:如:new Vue({……}) 2 实例中的常用的
Vue.js 和 spring boot 入门教程 本文我们通过示例说明如何整合使用vue和spring boot,示例通过vue渲染单个页面,spring boot作为后端提供数据。为了对比说明,也使用Thymeleaf模板技术渲染页面部分内容。 搭建spring boot 应用pom.xml使用spring-boot-starter-web 和 spring-boot-starter-thym
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