
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 柯乐童
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Laravue (pronounced /ˈlarəvjuː/) is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by vue-element-admin with our love on top of that. With the powerful Laravel framework as the backend, Vue.js as the high performance on the frontend, Laravue appears to be a full-stack solution for an enterprise application level.



Getting started


  • Laravue is positioned as an enterprise management solution, and it is highly recommended to use it to start from scratch.
  • For existing Laravel project, you should check Laravue Core for integration.
  • Your machine needs to be ready for the latest Laravel and Node.js.



# Clone the project and run composer
composer create-project tuandm/laravue
cd laravue

# Migration and DB seeder (after changing your DB settings in .env)
php artisan migrate --seed

# Install dependency with NPM
npm install

# develop
npm run dev # or npm run watch

# Build on production
npm run production


docker-compose up -d

Build static files within Laravel container with npm

# Get laravel docker container ID from containers list
docker ps

docker exec -it <container ID> npm run dev # or npm run watch
# Where <container ID> is the "laravel" container name, ex: src_laravel_1

Open http://localhost:8000 (laravel container port declared in docker-compose.yml) to access Laravue

Running the tests

  • Tests system is under development

Deployment and/or CI/CD

This project uses Envoy for deployment, and GitLab CI/CD. Please check Envoy.blade.php and .gitlab-ci.yml for more detail.

Built with

  • Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
  • Laravel Sanctum - Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs.
  • spatie/laravel-permission - Associate users with permissions and roles.
  • VueJS - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
  • Element - A Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers
  • Vue Admin Template - A minimal vue admin template with Element UI


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, please look at the release tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Related projects

  • Laravue-core - Laravel package which provides core functionalities of Laravue.


  • vue-element-admin A magical vue admin which insprited Laravue project.
  • tui.editor - Markdown WYSIWYG Editor.
  • Echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser.


If you find this project useful, you can buy me a coffee

  • 后台样式: Laravue Laravue DEMO 提示:Laravue的项目演示挂掉了,这里借用vue-element-admin的演示 Dcat Admin Dcat Admin DEMO 开发背景: Laravue 是一个受 vue-element-admin 启发的漂亮的仪表盘。它提供了所有构建企业应用所必须的组件, 管理员可以控制业务并管理其他人。 Dcat Admin 是一个基于 l