
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 欧阳鸿哲
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

��‍♂️ Made by @thekitze

Other projects:

  • �� React Academy - Interactive React and GraphQL workshops
  • �� Twizzy - A standalone app for Twitter DM
  • �� Sizzy - A tool for testing responsive design on multiple devices at once
  • �� JSUI - A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps

⚠️ This repo is deprecated.

Please use react-app-rewired if you want to customize CRA 1.
Please use customize-cra if you want to customize CRA 2.


Latest version of original react-scripts: 1.1.14

⚠️ Disclaimer:

This is not a fork of create-react-app. It's just a fork of react-scripts with simple babel/webpack modifications that can toggle extra features.

The reason for this fork's existence is explained better in this Medium article.

�� Features:

  • Decorators
  • babel-preset-stage-0
  • Less
  • Sass
  • CSS modules
  • Sass modules
  • Less modules
  • Stylus modules

*the features are optional and can be turned on/off individually

How to use it

create-react-app my-app --scripts-version custom-react-scripts

Modify the .env file in the root of the generated project, and add any of the configuration options below �� to enable that feature.

The generated project comes with every option turned on by default, but you can remove them at any time by removing the options from the .env file.

Adding to an existing project

npm uninstall --save react-scripts;
npm install --save custom-react-scripts;

Add a .env. file with the desired features.

�� Configuration options


  • REACT_APP_SASS=true - enable SASS support
  • REACT_APP_LESS=true - enable LESS support
  • REACT_APP_STYLUS=true - enable Stylus support
  • REACT_APP_CSS_MODULES=true - enable CSS modules
  • REACT_APP_SASS_MODULES=true - enable Sass modules
  • REACT_APP_LESS_MODULES=true - enable Less modules
  • REACT_APP_STYLUS_MODULES=true - enable Stylus modules
  • REACT_APP_CSS_MODULE_CLASSNAME_TEMPLATE='module-[sha512#⃣base32]-[name]-[local]' - add custom CSS Module hash ident name

Note: to use modules the file must be named in the following format: $name.module.$preprocessorName.

For example styles.module.css or header.module.sass or footer.module.less, etc. Files that are not prefixed with module will be parsed normally.


  • REACT_APP_BABEL_STAGE_0=true - enable stage-0 Babel preset
  • REACT_APP_DECORATORS=true - enable decorators support


  • REACT_APP_WEBPACK_DASHBOARD=true - Enables connection to the webpack-dashboard Electron app (the app must be installed on local machine)

�� Why?

The create-react-app app doesn't allow user configuration and modifications for few reasons:

  • Some of the babel presets and plugins that people might use are experimental. If they're used in a project and then they don't make it in the ES spec, they will break backwards compatibility.
  • It's hard to maintain code for all of these custom configurations that people want to use.

But people still want to use some of these features, and they're either ejecting their CRA app, or just don't use create-react-app because they're just missing X feature.

So instead of searching npm for a react-scripts fork with the X feature you need, this fork provides support for all of these extra features with simply adding a line in the .env config.

How does it work?

The CRA team recently added support for an .env file in the root of the generated CRA project.

From the original readme:

To define permanent environment vairables, create a file called .env in the root of your project:REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE=abcdef

I just added support for extra environment variables that actually turn on certain plugins, babel plugins, presets, and loaders in the webpack and babel configs of react-scripts.

Future plans

I will put all of my efforts into supporting this fork to be always on par with features with the newest create-react-app and react-scripts versions.

  • 在前面讲到了使用create-react-app来创建项目,这节我们来分析下原理。  react-scripts有以下支持,都帮你配置好了: React, JSX, ES6, and Flow syntax support. Language extras beyond ES6 like the object spread operator. Import CSS and image files

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