Koaton is a FullStack Javascript Web Framework. That Allows you to easily create your web application.
It's being a long time since I started this project, I'm working in a personal project and that's why I have not being active in this project, but In the next month I will be moving to version 2, with full support for Koa2, and also I will start to develop an Atom.io puglin to make and IDE for Koaton.
I will also start making a ORM. I had a lot of ilusions with CaminteJS, but it is just not enough, so I migth use the knowledge I adquire making LORM and I will write (hopefullly a decent CrossDatabase ORM for javascript in ES6)
In the next days a a v2 Branch will be created and Code-Documentation will appear. The next week I'l make a video explaning how to get started with Koaton and Koaton CLI.
If you like this project please Watch It, Fork It and Star It.
I wish to be able to make all my projects come true, and make my contribution to the software wold.
See You Soon,
Gerardo Pérez Pérez
Koaton is a CLI tool that provides a nice starting point for full stack JavaScript Web development with Koa, Ember, and Node.js along with CaminateJS and WebSockets.
Documentation will be avaliable at: http://www.koaton.io/docs/
npm i koaton
Other programs you may need:
npm i forever -g
npm i ember-cli -g
Koaton actually has a CLI tool to please go to that repo and you will find how to use the hole sistem.