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授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 顾斌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

FOSSA Status

Koaton is a FullStack Javascript Web Framework. That Allows you to easily create your web application.

It's being a long time since I started this project, I'm working in a personal project and that's why I have not being active in this project, but In the next month I will be moving to version 2, with full support for Koa2, and also I will start to develop an Atom.io puglin to make and IDE for Koaton.

I will also start making a ORM. I had a lot of ilusions with CaminteJS, but it is just not enough, so I migth use the knowledge I adquire making LORM and I will write (hopefullly a decent CrossDatabase ORM for javascript in ES6)

In the next days a a v2 Branch will be created and Code-Documentation will appear. The next week I'l make a video explaning how to get started with Koaton and Koaton CLI.

If you like this project please Watch It, Fork It and Star It.

I wish to be able to make all my projects come true, and make my contribution to the software wold.

See You Soon,
Gerardo Pérez Pérez


  1. World Class Router. Inspired by ASP.NET, Laravel.
  2. MongoDB support via CaminteJS.
  3. Multiple Subdomains.
  4. Web Applications via Ember.
  5. Support Handlebars, Nunjucks, EJS via consolidate.
  6. Built in Inflector thanks to inflection.
  7. Model to REST urls. (GET, GET/single, POST, POST/single, PUT, DELETE).
  8. Relations: One-To-One, One-To-Many. (Works with POST/PUT).
  9. Secure Urls featuring Passport.
  10. Built in Authorization Server thanks to oauth2orize-koa.
  11. Bundles (Pack your CSS and JS file into one).

Koaton is a CLI tool that provides a nice starting point for full stack JavaScript Web development with Koa, Ember, and Node.js along with CaminateJS and WebSockets.

The Latest Version


Documentation will be avaliable at: http://www.koaton.io/docs/


npm i koaton

Other programs you may need:

npm i forever -g
npm i ember-cli -g


Koaton actually has a CLI tool to please go to that repo and you will find how to use the hole sistem.

Future Plans

  1. Add Full Support for localization.
  2. Build my own ORM to extend database support. Currently only MongoDB support all the features of Koaton, but you could use any of the CaminteJS database support for the most basic operations. (FilterSets only supported by MongoDB).
  3. Koaton Editor based on Atom.io

Some other things

  1. I have written all the repo in ES6, ESNEXT but it is transpiled to ES5 so i can be run with Node 6+.
  2. I'm doing all the posible so the project can be run without the need of Koaton-CLI (so you don't have to install it in your server), but koaton-cli is the official way to developt a Koaton project.

Comming Soon

  1. DOCs from code. This is something I'm really excited about. but I need to fix the CLI tool first.
  2. Write your project in ES6/ESNEXT. (So you can directly code with Koa2).


  1. Gerardo Pérez Pérez gerard2perez@outlook.com



FOSSA Status



