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所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
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Easy, rich and fully validated koa routing.


Node compatibility

NodeJS >= 12 is required.


const koa = require('koa');
const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const Joi = router.Joi;

const public = router();

public.get('/', async (ctx) => {
  ctx.body = 'hello joi-router!';

  method: 'post',
  path: '/signup',
  validate: {
    body: {
      name: Joi.string().max(100),
      email: Joi.string().lowercase().email(),
      password: Joi.string().max(100),
      _csrf: Joi.string().token()
    type: 'form',
    output: {
      200: {
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    const user = await createUser(ctx.request.body);
    ctx.status = 201;
    ctx.body = user;

const app = new koa();


koa-joi-router returns a constructor which you use to define your routes.The design is such that you construct multiple router instances, one foreach section of your application which you then add as koa middleware.

const Koa = require("koa")
const router = require('koa-joi-router');

const pub = router();
const admin = router();
const auth = router();

// add some routes ..
pub.get('/some/path', async () => {});
admin.get('/admin', async () => {});
auth.post('/auth', async () => {});

const app = new Koa();

Module properties


It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use this bundled version of Joito avoid bugs related to passing an object created with a differentrelease of Joi into the router.

const koa = require('koa');
const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const Joi = router.Joi;

Router instance methods


Adds a new route to the router. route() accepts an object or array of objectsdescribing route behavior.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const public = router();

  method: 'post',
  path: '/signup',
  validate: {
    header: joiObject,
    query: joiObject,
    params: joiObject,
    body: joiObject,
    maxBody: '64kb',
    output: { '400-600': { body: joiObject } },
    type: 'form',
    failure: 400,
    continueOnError: false
  pre: async (ctx, next) => {
    await checkAuth(ctx);
    return next();
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    await createUser(ctx.request.body);
    ctx.status = 201;
  meta: { 'this': { is: 'stored internally with the route definition' }}


const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const public = router();

const routes = [
    method: 'post',
    path: '/users',
    handler: async (ctx) => {}
    method: 'get',
    path: '/users',
    handler: async (ctx) => {}

.route() options
  • method: required HTTP method like "get", "post", "put", etc
  • path: required string
  • validate
    • header: object which conforms to Joi validation
    • query: object which conforms to Joi validation
    • params: object which conforms to Joi validation
    • body: object which conforms to Joi validation
    • maxBody: max incoming body size for forms or json input
    • failure: HTTP response code to use when input validation fails. default 400
    • type: if validating the request body, this is required. either form, json or multipart
    • formOptions: options for co-body form parsing when type: 'form'
    • jsonOptions: options for co-body json parsing when type: 'json'
    • multipartOptions: options for busboy parsing when type: 'multipart'
    • output: see output validation
    • continueOnError: if validation fails, this flags determines if koa-joi-router should continue processing the middleware stack or stop and respond with an error immediately. useful when you want your route to handle the error response. default false
    • validateOptions: options for Joi validate. default {}
  • handler: required async function or functions
  • pre: async function or function, will be called before parser and validators
  • meta: meta data about this route. koa-joi-router ignores this but stores it along with all other route data

.get(),post(),put(),delete() etc - HTTP methods

koa-joi-router supports the traditional router.get(), router.post() type APIsas well.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();

// signature: router.method(path [, config], handler [, handler])

admin.put('/thing', handler);
admin.get('/thing', middleware, handler);
admin.post('/thing', config, handler);
admin.delete('/thing', config, middleware, handler);


Middleware run in the order they are defined by .use()(or .get(), etc.) They are invoked sequentially, requests start at the first middleware and work their way "down" the middleware stack which matches Express 4 API.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const users = router();

users.get('/:id', handler);
users.use('/:id', runThisAfterHandler);


Defines a route prefix for all defined routes. This is handy in "mounting" scenarios.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const users = router();

users.get('/:id', handler);
// GET /users/3 -> 404
// GET /3 -> 200

// GET /users/3 -> 200
// GET /3 -> 404


Defines middleware for named route parameters. Useful for auto-loading or validation.

See @koa/router

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const users = router();

const findUser = (id) => {
  // stub
  return Promise.resolve('Cheddar');

users.param('user', async (id, ctx, next) => {
  const user = await findUser(id);
  if (!user) return ctx.status = 404;
  ctx.user = user;
  await next();

users.get('/users/:user', (ctx) => {
  ctx.body = `Hello ${ctx.user}`;

// GET /users/3 -> 'Hello Cheddar'


Generates routing middleware to be used with koa. If this middleware isnever added to your koa application, your routes will not work.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const public = router();

public.get('/home', homepage);

const app = koa();
app.use(public.middleware()); // wired up

Additions to ctx.state

The route definition for the currently matched route is availablevia ctx.state.route. This object is not the exact same routedefinition object which was passed into koa-joi-router, nor is itused internally - any changes made to this object willnot have an affect on your running application but is availableto meet your introspection needs.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const public = router();
public.get('/hello', async (ctx) => {

Additions to ctx.request

When using the validate.type option, koa-joi-router adds a few new propertiesto ctx.request to faciliate input validation.


The ctx.request.body property will be set when either of the followingvalidate.types are set:

  • json
  • form


When validate.type is set to json, the incoming data must be JSON. If it is not,validation will fail and the response status will be set to 400 or the value ofvalidate.failure if specified. If successful, ctx.request.body will be set to theparsed request input.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/blog',
  validate: { type: 'json' },
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    console.log(ctx.request.body); // the incoming json as an object


When validate.type is set to form, the incoming data must be form data(x-www-form-urlencoded). If it is not, validation will fail and the responsestatus will be set to 400 or the value of validate.failure if specified.If successful, ctx.request.body will be set to the parsed request input.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/blog',
  validate: { type: 'form' },
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    console.log(ctx.request.body) // the incoming form as an object


The ctx.request.parts property will be set when either of the followingvalidate.types are set:

  • multipart


When validate.type is set to multipart, the incoming data must be multipart data.If it is not, validation will fail and the responsestatus will be set to 400 or the value of validate.failure if specified.If successful, ctx.request.parts will be set to anawait-busboy object.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/blog',
  validate: { type: 'multipart' },
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    const parts = ctx.request.parts;
    let part;

    try {
      while ((part = await parts)) {
        // do something with the incoming part stream
    } catch (err) {
      // handle the error

    console.log(parts.field.name); // form data

Handling non-validated input

Note: if you do not specify a value for validate.type, theincoming payload will not be parsed or validated. It is up to you toparse the incoming data however you see fit.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/blog',
  validate: { },
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    console.log(ctx.request.body, ctx.request.parts); // undefined undefined

Validating output

Validating the output body and/or headers your service generates on aper-status-code basis is supported. This comes in handy when contractsbetween your API and client are strict e.g. any change in responseschema could break your downstream clients. In a very active codebase, thisfeature buys you stability. If the output is invalid, an HTTP status 500will be used.

Let's look at some examples:

Validation of an individual status code

  method: 'post',
  path: '/user',
  validate: {
    output: {
      200: { // individual status code
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
  handler: handler

Validation of multiple individual status codes

  method: 'post',
  path: '/user',
  validate: {
    output: {
      '200,201': { // multiple individual status codes
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
  handler: handler

Validation of a status code range

  method: 'post',
  path: '/user',
  validate: {
    output: {
      '200-299': { // status code range
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
  handler: handler

Validation of multiple individual status codes and ranges combined

You are free to mix and match ranges and individual status codes.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/user',
  validate: {
    output: {
      '200,201,300-600': { // mix it up
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
  handler: handler

Validation of output headers

Validating your output headers is also supported via the headers property:

  method: 'post',
  path: '/user',
  validate: {
    output: {
      '200,201': {
        body: {
          userId: Joi.string(),
          name: Joi.string()
        headers: Joi.object({ // validate headers too
          authorization: Joi.string().required()
          allowUnknown: true
      '500-600': {
        body: { // this rule only runs when a status 500 - 600 is used
          error_code: Joi.number(),
          error_msg: Joi.string()
  handler: handler

Router instance properties


Each router exposes it's route definitions through it's routes property.This is helpful when you'd like to introspect the previous definitions andtake action e.g. to generate API documentation etc.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
admin.post('/thing', { validate: { type: 'multipart' }}, handler);

// [ { path: '/thing',
//     method: [ 'post' ],
//     handler: [ [Function] ],
//     validate: { type: 'multipart' } } ]

Path RegExps

Sometimes you need RegExp-like syntax support for your route definitions.Because path-to-regexpsupports it, so do we!

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
admin.get('/blog/:year(\\d{4})-:day(\\d{2})-:article(\\d{3})', async (ctx, next) => { 
 console.log(ctx.request.params) // { year: '2017', day: '01', article: '011' } 

Multiple methods support

Defining a route for multiple HTTP methods in a single shot is supported.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
  path: '/',
  method: ['POST', 'PUT'],
  handler: fn

Multiple middleware support

Often times you may need to add additional, route specific middleware to asingle route.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
  path: '/',
  method: ['POST', 'PUT'],
  handler: [ yourMiddleware, yourHandler ]

Nested middleware support

You may want to bundle and nest middleware in different ways for reuse andorganization purposes.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
const commonMiddleware = [ yourMiddleware, someOtherMiddleware ];
  path: '/',
  method: ['POST', 'PUT'],
  handler: [ commonMiddleware, yourHandler ]

This also works with the .get(),post(),put(),delete(), etc HTTP method helpers.

const router = require('koa-joi-router');
const admin = router();
const commonMiddleware = [ yourMiddleware, someOtherMiddleware ];
admin.get('/', commonMiddleware, yourHandler);

Handling errors

By default, koa-joi-router stops processing the middleware stack when eitherinput validation fails. This means your route will not be reached. Ifthis isn't what you want, for example, if you're writing a web app which needsto respond with custom html describing the errors, set the validate.continueOnErrorflag to true. You can find out if validation failed by checking ctx.invalid.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/add',
  validate: {
    type: 'form',
    body: {
      id: Joi.string().length(10)
    continueOnError: true
  handler: async (ctx) => {
    if (ctx.invalid) {

    ctx.body = await render('add', { errors: ctx.invalid });


Running tests

  • npm test runs tests + code coverage + lint
  • npm run lint runs lint only
  • npm run lint-fix runs lint and attempts to fix syntax issues
  • npm run test-cov runs tests + test coverage
  • npm run open-cov opens test coverage results in your browser
  • npm run test-only runs tests only



  • 前言 对每个接口的传入参数进行校验,是一个Web后端项目的必备功能,有一个npm包叫Joi可以很优雅的完成这个工作,比如这样子: const schema = { userId: Joi.string() }; const {error, value} = Joi.validate({ userId: 'a string' }, schema); 复制代码 我们使用Typescript是希

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  • 在nodejs做后端开发的过程中,尤其是基于Restful的API服务,在前端发起请求的时候,如果没有对参数的校验,很容易在接口联调测试阶段出现各种上传参数名称错误/格式错误/字段遗漏等情况,这时候前后端工程师不得不一起去排查问题,有时候一个单词的拼写错误会造成大量的时间浪费,笔者在阅读《hapi.js实战》的时候了解到Joi这个包,感觉非常好用,于是团队引入了express的研发框架中,真的是好

  • Joi

    Joi 是用于 JavaScript 的强大的模式描述语言和数据验证器,让你可以使用简单、直观且可读的语言来描述数据。 示例: const Joi = require('joi');const schema = Joi.object({ username: Joi.string() .alphanum() .min(3) .max(30)

  • Koa-Joi-Router Docs Generator This project is based on paul42/joi-router-swagger-docs. A node module for generating Swagger 2.0 JSONdefinitions from existing koa-joi-routerroutes. Aiming to be a repla

  • koa-joi-swagger Using joi schema to validate request & response, and generate swagger document to create beautiful API documents. Feature Router agnostic. Using your favorite library for validation, a

  • 我想允许Joi在表单的标题字段中允许空格/空白。 明天和裘德一起工作。 也应该被允许 晨间漫步 此时,只有最后一个验证为真。以下是我的joi验证: 我添加了正则表达式,但没有结果。 什么是正确的方式?

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