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💡 A website and user system starter
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 宋高谊
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

No longer maintained

Boilerplates can be a huge time sink to maintain and I've decieded to archivethis project.

I started the work for upgrading to hapi v17 and using async/await instead ofcallbacks, that work can be found in the hapi-17-async-await branch.

Thanks for your interest in my projects.


A website and user system starter.


  • Universal front-end website
    • Basic web pages ready to customize
    • Contact page with form to email
    • Account sign-up page
    • Login pages including forgot and reset password
  • My account area
    • Stub dashboard ready to customize
    • Settings screen to update contact info and login credentials
  • Admin back office
    • Stub dashboard ready to customize
    • Manage accounts, admins, groups and users
    • Use groups (like departments) for shared permissions
    • Granular permissions override group permissions

Live demo

url username password
https://getaqua.herokuapp.com/ root root


Server side, Aqua is built with the hapi framework.We're using MongoDB as a data store.

The front-end is built with React. We useRedux as our state container. Client siderouting is done with React Router.We're using Gulp for the build system.

We use bcrypt for hashingsecrets. If you have issues during installation related to bcrypt then referto this wikipage.

API only

If you don't use React and/or would rather bring your own front-end, checkoutFrame. It's just the HTTP API parts of Aqua.


$ git clone git@github.com:jedireza/aqua.git
$ cd aqua
$ npm install


Simply edit config.js. The configuration usesconfidence which makes it easy tomanage configuration settings across environments. Don't store secrets inthis file or commit them to your repository.

Instead, access secrets via environment variables. We usedotenv to help make setting localenvironment variables easy (not to be used in production).

Simply copy .env-sample to .env and edit as needed. Don't commit .envto your repository.

First time setup

WARNING: This will clear all data in the following MongoDB collections ifthey exist: accounts, adminGroups, admins, authAttempts, sessions,statuses, and users.

$ npm run first-time-setup

# > aqua@0.0.0 first-time-setup /home/jedireza/projects/aqua
# > node first-time-setup.js

# MongoDB URL: (mongodb://localhost:27017/aqua)
# Root user email: jedireza@gmail.com
# Root user password:
# Setup complete.

Running the app

$ npm start

# > aqua@0.0.0 start /Users/jedireza/projects/aqua
# > gulp react && gulp

# [23:41:44] Using gulpfile ~/projects/aqua/gulpfile.js
# ...

Now you should be able to point your browser to and seethe welcome page.

nodemon watches for changes in server codeand restarts the app automatically. gulp andwebpack watch the front-end files andre-build those automatically too.

We also pass the --inspect flag to Node so you have a debugger available.Watch the output of $ npm start and look for the debugging URL and open it inChrome. It looks something like this:


Running in production

$ node server.js

Unlike $ npm start this doesn't watch for file changes. Also be sure to setthese environment variables in your production environment:

  • NODE_ENV=production - This is important for many different optimizations,both server-side and with the front-end build files.
  • NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false - This tells $ npm install to not skipinstalling devDependencies, which we need to build the front-end files.

Have a question?

Any issues or questions (no matter how basic), open an issue. Please take theinitiative to read relevant documentation and be proactive with debugging.

Want to contribute?

Contributions are welcome. If you're changing something non-trivial, you maywant to submit an issue before creating a large pull request.

Running tests

Lab is part of the hapi ecosystem and what weuse to write all of our tests.

$ npm test

# > aqua@0.0.0 test /Users/jedireza/projects/aqua
# > lab -t 100 -S -T ./test/lab/transform -L --lint-options '{"extensions":[".js",".jsx"]}' ./test/lab/client-before.js ./test/client/ ./test/lab/client-after.js ./test/server/ ./test/lab/server-after.js ./test/misc/

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# 865 tests complete
# Test duration: 6382 ms
# No global variable leaks detected
# Coverage: 100.00%
# Linting results: No issues

Targeted tests

If you'd like to run a specific test or subset of tests you can use thetest-client and test-server scripts included in the package.json file.

You specificy the path(s) via the TEST_TARGET environment variable like:

$ TEST_TARGET=test/server/web/main.js npm run test-server

# or

$ TEST_TARGET=test/client/actions/api.js npm run test-client



Don't forget

What you build with Aqua is more important than Aqua.

  • Aqua-Sim 安装 1、下载Ubuntu14.04 ubuntu 14.04:http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu-releases/14.04/ 2、Ubuntu源需要更新 sudo apt-get update #更新源列表 sudo apt-get upgrade #更新已经安装的包 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade #更

  • Aqua Data Studio 是一个为数据库开发人员准备的集成开发环境,可以对数据库做查询、管理,提供大量的数据库工具,例如数据库比较、源码控制等,目前支持的数据库包括:Oracle, DB2 iSeries, DB2 LUW, MS SQL Server, Sybase ASE, Sybase Anywhere, Sybase IQ, Informix, PostgreSQL, MySQL,

  • [错误]脚本行:39-40----------------------ORA-06550:第2行,第7列:PLS-00103:当需要下列情况之一时,遇到符号“文件结束”: &=-+;in是mod余数而不是rem<>或!=或~=>=<=<>和或类似于2类似于4类似于multiset成员submultiset脚本第38行,语句第2行,第7列