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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 裴俊能
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

�� LittleLink-Server

This project is based on the great work from littlelinkIt takes the same simple approach to a link page and hosts it within a NodeJS server with React Server Side Rendering, containerized for you to use. Now, customizing LittleLink with littlelink-server is as easy as passing in some environment variables. If you need help configuring this, please see this video that explains everything and a live example at technotim.live.

�� Getting Started

�� Supported Links & Buttons

Check the config file for all supported buttons!

�� Analytics Support

Google Analytics

See Getting Started with Analytics. After getting your GA Tracking Id, use your tracking Id as environment variable like GA_TRACKING_ID=G-XXXXXXXXXX (See the example below)

All buttons clicked will be tracked automatically if GA_TRACKING_ID exists.

Sample event for YouTube button.

window.gtag('event', 'youtube-button');


See Adding a website & Collecting data page to add and generate your tracking code.

Generated tracking code should look like:

<script async defer data-website-id="00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444" src="https://your-umami-app.com/umami.js"></script>

Use data-website-id as environment variable UMAMI_WEBSITE_ID and src as UMAMI_APP_URL.

Sample event for YouTube button.


�� Health Check

A health check endpoint exists on /healthcheck. If healthy, it will return with a 200 and the following response:

  "status": "ok"

�� Docker

This container image is published on both GitHub Container Registry and DockerHub choose whichever one works for you. They will both be updated during CI.


version: "3.0"
    image: ghcr.io/techno-tim/littlelink-server:latest
    # dockerhub is also supported timothystewart6/littlelink-server
    #image: timothystewart6/littlelink-server:latest
    container_name: littlelink-server
      - META_TITLE=Techno Tim
      - META_DESCRIPTION=Techno Tim Link page
      - META_AUTHOR=Techno Tim
      - LANG=en
      - THEME=Dark
      - FAVICON_URL=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_200x200.jpg
      - AVATAR_URL=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_200x200.jpg
      - AVATAR_2X_URL=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_400x400.jpg
      - AVATAR_ALT=Techno Tim Profile Pic
      - NAME=TechnoTim
      - BIO=Hey! Just a place where you can connect with me!
      - FOOTER=Thanks for stopping by!
      - GITHUB=https://github.com/timothystewart6
      - TWITTER=https://twitter.com/TechnoTimLive
      - INSTAGRAM=https://www.instagram.com/techno.tim
      - YOUTUBE=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOk-gHyjcWZNj3Br4oxwh0A
      - TWITCH=https://www.twitch.tv/technotim/
      - DISCORD=https://discord.gg/DJKexrJ
      - TIKTOK=https://www.tiktok.com/@technotim
      - KIT=https://kit.co/TechnoTim
      - FACEBOOK=https://facebook.com
      - FACEBOOK_MESSENGER=https://facebook.com
      - LINKED_IN=https://linkedin.com
      - PRODUCT_HUNT=https://www.producthunt.com/
      - SNAPCHAT=https://www.snapchat.com/
      - SPOTIFY=https://www.spotify.com/
      - REDDIT=https://www.reddit.com/
      - MEDIUM=https://medium.com
      - PINTEREST=https://www.pinterest.com/
      - EMAIL=you@example.com
      - EMAIL_TEXT=Email Me!
      - EMAIL_ALT=you@example.com
      - EMAIL_ALT_TEXT=Email me!
      - SOUND_CLOUD=https://soundcloud.com
      - FIGMA=https://figma.com
      - TELEGRAM=https://telegram.org/
      - TUMBLR=https://www.tumblr.com/
      - STEAM=https://steamcommunity.com/
      - VIMEO=https://vimeo.com/
      - WORDPRESS=https://wordpress.com/
      - GOODREADS=https://www.goodreads.com/
      - SKOOB=https://www.skoob.com.br/
      - LETTERBOXD=https://letterboxd.com/
      - MASTODON=https://mastodon.social/
      - MICRO_BLOG=https://micro.blog/
      - WHATSAPP=https://www.whatsapp.com/
      - STRAVA=https://www.strava.com/
      - BUYMEACOFFEE=https://www.buymeacoffee.com/
      - GITLAB=https://www.gitlab.com/
      - PATREON=https://www.patreon.com/technotim
      - DEVTO=https://dev.to/
      - UMAMI_WEBSITE_ID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      - UMAMI_APP_URL=https://your-umami-app.com
      - BUTTON_ORDER=YOUTUBE,TWITCH,TWITTER,GITHUB,INSTAGRAM,DISCORD,FACEBOOK,TIKTOK,KIT,PATREON # use ENV variable names for order, listed buttons will be boosted to the top
      - PAYPAL=https://www.paypal.me/user
      - SLACK=https://slack.com/
      - 8080:3000
    restart: unless-stopped
      - no-new-privileges:true

Docker command

docker run -d \
  --name=littlelink-server \
  -p 8080:3000 \
  -e META_TITLE='Techno Tim' \
  -e META_DESCRIPTION='Techno Tim Link page' \
  -e META_AUTHOR='Techno Tim' \
  -e LANG=en \
  -e META_INDEX_STATUS='noindex' \
  -e THEME='Dark' \
  -e FAVICON_URL='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_200x200.jpg' \
  -e AVATAR_URL='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_200x200.jpg' \
  -e AVATAR_2X_URL='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1286144221217316864/qIAsKOpB_400x400.jpg' \
  -e AVATAR_ALT='Techno Tim Profile Pic' \
  -e NAME='TechnoTim' \
  -e BIO='Hey! Just a place where you can connect with me!' \
  -e GITHUB='https://github.com/timothystewart6' \
  -e TWITTER='https://twitter.com/TechnoTimLive' \
  -e INSTAGRAM='https://www.instagram.com/techno.tim' \
  -e YOUTUBE='https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOk-gHyjcWZNj3Br4oxwh0A' \
  -e TWITCH='https://www.twitch.tv/technotim' \
  -e DISCORD='https://discord.gg/DJKexrJ' \
  -e TIKTOK='https://www.tiktok.com/@technotim' \
  -e KIT='https://kit.co/TechnoTim' \
  -e EMAIL='someone@example.com' \
  -e EMAIL_TEXT='Email me!' \
  -e FOOTER=Thanks for stopping by! \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Unofficial helm chart provided by k8s-at-home

helm repo add k8s-at-home https://k8s-at-home.com/charts/
helm repo update
helm install littlelink-server \
  --set env.TZ="America/New York" \
  --set env.META_TITLE="TechnoTim"

Or use a values.yaml files

helm install littlelink-server k8s-at-home/littlelink-server -f values.yaml

�� What is LittleLink?


LittleLink is a lightweight DIY alternative to services like Linktreeand many.link. LittleLink was built using Skeleton, a dead simple, responsive boilerplate—we just stripped out some additional code you wouldn't need and added in branded styles for popular services. ��


LittleLink has more than 20 company button styles you can use and we'll be throwing more in soon. You'll also find a light and dark theme ready to go. Not a fan of the colors? Update skeleton-light.css or skeleton-dark.css to the HEX values of your choosing.


Using Skeleton let us build something that loads quickly & doesn't have any of the unnecessary bloat you would get from using a large framework for a page that requires nothing more than simplicity. LittleLink scored a 99/100 in performance when tested with Google Lighthouse.

  • -- ============================================= -- Author: 余波(杭州) -- Create date: 2011/09/26 -- Description: linked server连接sql server -- ======

  • 问题内容: 我想将 DataDable 传递给 存储过程作为 以下各列的 参数 : 现在,我想在存储过程中使用此数据表,并要在其上声明一个游标。然后使用该光标将值顺序插入数据库表中。 请告诉我如何在存储过程中 声明datatable参数* ,然后在该 参数 上使用 游标 ? * 问题答案: 首先,您需要创建一个类型: 现在,您的存储过程可以将其声明为只读输入参数: 我不确定为什么要在这里使用游标,

  • 问题内容: 好的,问题是需要在2个表上进行合并或联接。一个文件的内容存储为[image]类型或varbinary(max),另一个文件的内容存储为十六进制字符串。如果我将相同的内容上传到两个表中 内容为字符串(从bytearray到字符串)看起来像这样… 图像的内容看起来像(这最终就是我想要的样子) 如果我选择我得到 看起来转换似乎已达到目标,但在每个之间放置了两个零(00),由于缺少更好的字词,

  • 问题内容: 我的SQL Reporting Services报表有问题。我为报表标题使用了自定义字体,并且在部署到服务器时,当我打印或导出为PDF /TIFF时,它无法正确呈现。我已经在服务器上安装了字体。为了使用自定义字体,我还有什么需要做的吗? 在浏览器中查看字体时,它看起来是正确的-因为所有客户端计算机都安装了字体… 感谢Ryan,您在FAQ上的帖子解决了该问题。在服务器上安装字体可以解决打

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试使用try-catch捕获SQL查询(而不是存储过程)中的错误。 由于某种原因,这无法处理我的错误,但我仍然得到: 消息213,级别16,状态1,第29行列名或提供的值数与表定义不匹配。 有什么帮助吗? 问题答案: 您有一个编译时错误,无法在try-catch中捕获。 BooksOnline: 编译和语句级重新编译错误 如果错误在与TRY-ATCH构造相同的执行级别中发生,则

  • 问题内容: 我需要在数据库中填充纬度和经度列,但是原始信息存储为单个字符串 例如。 我猜想TRIM命令在这里很有用,但是我不知道如何告诉它每半个部分都精确地停在逗号上。 我希望能够提出一个简单的UPDATE查询,如下所示: 但是显然在LTRIM和RTRIM部分中需要做一些额外的工作,因此我只选择数据,但不包括UDFChar1中的逗号。 关于如何实现这一目标的任何想法? 问题答案: 请试试: 和 样

  • 问题内容: 我的表(SQL Server 2008)拥有100万以上的记录,当我尝试按日期时间排序记录时,它需要1秒钟,但是当我按ID(int)排序时,它仅需要约0.1秒钟。 有什么办法可以提高效率吗?(我已经将datetime列添加到索引中了) 问题答案: 通过排序可能使用聚簇索引扫描,而通过排序或索引查找来排序。 这两种方法都比聚簇索引扫描慢。 如果您的表格是由集群的,则基本上意味着它已经被排