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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 周越泽
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

�� generator-express-no-stress

Create awesome Express.js applications with best of breed tech including ES.next via Babel.js, structured logging with Pino, API validation and interactive documentation using an OpenAPI 3 or Swagger 2 spec, environment based config with dotenv, and linting with ESLint.

generator-express-no-stress gets you up and running in seconds. It's ridiculously easy to configure. Heck, just take the defaults. Start it. Write code.

This generator scaffolds a fully functioning REST API server, complete with interactive documentation, API request and response validation, structured logging, environment driven config, and more. Simply run the generator and smile :-D

Here's what you get!


Requires Node 8 or greater

npm install -g yo generator-express-no-stress
  • See here for use with Yarn and/or Docker
  • See here for Node 6 support


yo express-no-stress myapp
cd myapp


Run in development mode:

npm run dev

Package and run in production mode

npm run compile
npm start


npm test


Run one of the following, then attach your favorite inspector e.g. VSCode:

# debug the server
npm run dev:debug

# debug the tests
npm run test:debug

Try it!

Usage: CLI

yo express-no-stress [appname] [--yarn] [--docker]
Option default Description
appname myapp The application folder
--yarn - Use the yarn package manager, instead of npm
--docker Install Docker artifacts including a Dockerfile

Usage: Project

The sections below describe all usage options available once the project is generated/scaffolded.

npm targets

Target Description
npm run dev Run in development mode
npm run dev:debug Debug in development mode
npm run test Run tests
npm run test:debug Debug tests
npm run lint View a listing of all errors discovered by the linter
npm run lint:fix Fix all errors discovered by the linter
npm run compile Transpile source code for production use
npm start Run the in production mode. *Requires running npm run compile first

Debug in VSCode

Add these contents to your .vscode/launch.json file

Debug in WebStorm

  1. Start debug in development mode via npm run dev:debug
  2. From the "Run" menu, select "Debug"
  3. Select "Edit Configurations..."
  4. From the list of Templates on the left side of the dialog, select "Attach to Node.js/Chrome"
  5. Press the "Debug" button to attach the WebStorm debugger

Deploy to the Cloud

e.g. CloudFoundry

cf push myapp

Use Yarn

# scaffold
yo express-no-stress myapp --yarn
cd myapp

# run in development mode
yarn run dev

# run in production mode
yarn run compile
yarn start

# test
yarn test

What you get!

  • Express.js - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js

  • Babel.js - Use new syntax, right now without waiting for support

  • Pino - Extremely fast node.js logger, inspired by Bunyan. It also includes a shell utility to pretty-print its log files

  • dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects

  • ESLint - a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX

    Choose from the following ESLint lint rules:

    • Airbnb - A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript
    • Prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter
  • Swagger - is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API

  • SwaggerUI - dynamically generate beautiful documentation and sandbox from a Swagger-compliant API

API Validation

Simply describe your APIs with Swagger and automagically get for free:

  • Interactive documentation
  • API request validation
  • API response validation (OpenAPI 3 only. Disabled by default)
    • To enable set OPENAPI_ENABLE_RESPONSE_VALIDATION=true in .env

Interactive API Doc

API Validation!

Oops! I the API caller forgot to pass a name field, no stress, we've got this!

Structured Logging

Structured logging out of the box!



Structured logging pretty printed by default - great for dev!

API Validation Example

Simply describe your APIs with Swagger and automatically get:

  • API request validation
  • Interactive documentation


Swagger API spec

swagger: '2.0'
  version: 1.0.0
  title: myapp
  description: My cool app
basePath: /api/v1
  - name: Examples
    description: Simple example endpoints
  - name: Specification
    description: The swagger API specification

  - application/json
  - application/json

    type: object
    title: example
      - name
        type: string
        example: no_stress

        - Examples
      description: Fetch all examples
          description: Returns all examples
        - Examples
      description: Create a new example
        - name: example
          in: body
          description: an example
          required: true
            $ref: '#/definitions/ExampleBody'
          description: Returns all examples

        - Examples
        - name: id
          in: path
          required: true
          description: The id of the example to retrieve
          type: integer
          description: Return the example with the specified id
          description: Example not found

        - Specification
          description: Return the API specification

Invoke a POST request via the Interactive doc


express-no-stress uses ESLint and provides two choices, Airbnb or Prettier.

To add your own ESLint customizations, edit.eslintrc.json.

Note that the Airbnb variant provides a slightly modified Airbnb base configuration.


Q: How do I modify the example API and make it my own?

A: There are two key files that enable you to customize and describe your API:

  1. server/routes.js - This references the implementation of all of your routes. Add as many routes as you like and point each route your express handler functions.
  2. server/common/api.yaml - This file contains your OpenAPI spec. Describe your API here. It's recommended that you to declare any and all validation logic in this YAML. express-no-stress-typescript uses express-openapi-validator to automatically handle all API validation based on what you've defined in the spec.

Q: I previously generated an app, but I want to change the API root. How do I do this?

A: You need to make to small changes

  1. Modify server/routes.js
// Change your original path e.g. /api/v1/examples, to:
   app.use('/api/v2/examples', examplesRouter);
  1. Modify server/common/api.yaml and update the api root:
# Change e.g. /api/v1 to /api/v2
  - url: /api/v2   



Buy Me A Coffee


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jaime Leonardo Suncin Cruz


Daniel Bornstrand


Jason Corns


Frank Calise


Daisuke Tsuji


Sangbeom Han


Mike Lay




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

  • Generator express An Expressjs generator for Yeoman, based on the express command line tool. Features Basic or MVC style file structure CoffeeScript Support Gulp or Grunt build tools with file watchin

  • 我是NodeJS的新手,我正试图从express和express-generator开始。我已经使用以下命令安装了express: 然后我安装了快速生成器模块: 然后,我为项目创建一个文件夹并安装解除依赖项: 那里一切正常,但当我尝试使用以下命令启动服务器时,问题就出现了: 好像服务启动了但是一启动就关闭了,结果: 当我尝试打开localhost:3000它不起作用。我在网上搜索,我还没有找到解决

  • 问题内容: 所以这是交易:我正在尝试在一个快速项目中使用socket.io。启动Express Js 4之后,我更新了express- generator,现在应用程序的初始功能进入了文件 (检查通过,然后 话虽这么说,让我们记住socket.io文档如何要求我们将其触发: 好的,但是我无法像推荐的那样在app.js中执行此操作。为了正常工作,这应该在./bin/www中完成。在./bin/www

  • 除非通过无界通配符对其进行参数化,否则不允许转换为参数化类型。 Box<Integer> integerBox = new Box<Integer>(); Box<Number> numberBox = new Box<Number>(); //Compiler Error: Cannot cast from Box<Number> to Box<Integer> integerBox = (Bo

  • no

    描述 (Description) 如果MODULE支持,则此函数调用MODULE中定义的unimport函数来取消当前包中的所有符号,或者只调用LIST引用的符号。 可以说没有与进口相反。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - no Module VERSION LIST no Module VERSION no MODULE LIST no MODULE 返回值 (Return

  • 我不能运行一个简单的程序来开始理解Deeplearning4j。 我尝试了这个链接中的代码:使用Deeplearning4J在Java中进行深度学习 不幸的是,这对我不起作用。事实上,我有一个错误: SLF4J:无法加载类"org.slf4j.impl.Static LoggerBinder".SLF4J:默认为无操作(NOP)记录器实现SLF4J:有关更多详细信息,请参阅http://www.s