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Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
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所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
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Nuxt.js with Express

ExpressJS + Nuxt.js =

Live Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/github/nuxt-community/express-template


This is a template project, click on the green button "Use this template" at the top of this page and get started with GitHub

One you cloned your repository, install the dependencies with:

yarn install # or npm install

ExpressJS Changes

  • There is a api directory with the root of your api server.
  • The routes directory is called api/routes.


Command Description
npm run dev Start ExpressJS server in development with Nuxt.js in dev mode (hot reloading). Listen on http://localhost:3000.
npm run build Build the nuxt.js web application for production.
npm start Start ExpressJS server in production.




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  • 一、模板引擎 为了使art-template模板引擎能够更好的和Express框架配合,模板引擎官方在原art-template模板引擎的基础上封装了express-art-template。 使用npm install art-template express-art-template命令进行安装。 // 1.告诉express框架使用什么模板引擎渲染什么后缀的模板文件 // 1.模板后缀 /

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  • 模板引擎 为了使 art-template模板引擎能够更好的和Express框架配合,模板引擎官方在原art-template模板引擎的基础上封装了express-art-template 使用 npm install art-template express-art-template 命令进行安装 const express = require('express'); const path =

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