
A little Node.js dependency installer
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 朱经武
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A little Node.js dependency installer with the bare minimum features for module end-users.


Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Usage
  • Concepts
  • Installation
  • Uninstallation
  • Contributing
  • License
  • Features

    • Install the dependencies defined in a local package.json.
    • Lock the dependencies installed in a local node_modules.
    • Run an arbitrary command from scripts in a local package.json.

    dep is trying to have a similar/same interface of the features with npm, but there are some slightly different implementations internally.


    dep install

    Install all the dependencies defined in a local package.json.

    dep install <package name>(@{version|resource})

    You can install a package as like npm install.

    $ dep install webpack

    dep install --save={dev|prod} <package name>(@{version|resource})

    You can install the package and save it to either dependencies or devDependencies by using --only={dev|prod}.

    $ dep install webpack --save=dev

    dep install --only={dev|prod}

    You can install either only dependencies or devDependencies by using --only={dev|prod}.

    $ dep install --only=prod


    dep lock


    It will follow the spec of npm's package-lock.json.


    dep run [script] -- <args>

    This command will take the matched key with provided [script] among the scripts field defined in package.json and execute the value.

    $ dep run test

    You also can provide additional arguments by putting --.

    $ dep run build -- dist/bundle.js

    dep run

    If you do not give an arbitrary [script] to dep run, it lists all of the commands from scripts in a local package.json.

    $ dep run
    Available scripts via `dep run`
    dep run build:
      webpack src/index.js
    dep run test:
      tap "test/*.js"


    $ dep -h
    A little Node.js dependency installer
      install  Install dependencies defined in package.json             [aliases: i]
      lock     Lock dependencies installed in node_modules              [aliases: l]
      run      Run an arbitrary command from scripts in package.json    [aliases: r]
      --help, -h     Show help                                             [boolean]
      --version, -v  Show version information                              [boolean]


    End users

    The target user is always module end-user who makes something with node_modules and doesn't make packages. And the goal of this project is to reproduce most of the features that the end-users use to build their stuff on daily basis.

    Save spaces

    Speed and local disk capacity are a trade-off. To take the both benefits, it would be better to have the cache in somewhere proxy layer instead of local.

    Therefore, dep does not make cache files in a local disc for now.


    Stability is a core value. Having a small set makes keeping the green badges easier.


    Since dep works independently of npm, dep has a standalone script to install.

    Standalone script

    $ curl -L | node

    via npm

    $ npm install --global dep


    Also for uninstallation.

    Standalone script

    $ curl -L | node

    via npm

    $ npm uninstall --global dep


    See for more info.



    • DEP : DataExchange Protocol Request and Data Exchange Protocol Response DEP_REQ    DataExchange Protocol Request DEP_RES   Data Exchange Protocol Response

    •   1.运行位置,必须位于gopath下,否则会报错如下 root project import: dep does not currently support using GOPATH/src as the project root 即不能位于Gopath /src更新依赖 2.设置gopath (临时gapath) 直接在命令行添加 export GOPATH=/usr/local/src/

    • list-获取选中行id //获取选中id var uiCtx=pluginCtx.getUI(); var mode = 0; var tblMain = pluginCtx.getKDTable("tblMain"); var blockList = tblMain.getSelectManager().getBlocks(); if ((blockList

    • 1、bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx Alwaysoff ——关闭DEP 2、bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx OptIn ——开启DEP

    • 分析可加载模块的依赖性,生成modules.dep文件和映射文件   intelligent bash: ' while true;do grep "reading error" uemgtsrvd_*.log ; sleep 60 ; done     Amazon dc 转载于:

    • Vue 中响应式系统利用了订阅发布模式来实现基本的逻辑。本文将介绍其中的两个重要角色,他们就是Dep和Observer。其中Observer 是观察者和 Dep是订阅收集和发布者。另外watcher是作为订阅者的角色。本文将重点将Observer和Dep。 一:Observer vue 通过Observer 构造函数,为响应式变量添加访问和赋值的get set的回调。 var Observer

    •     1、nDEP方案由业务单元、权限、异常组成.业务单元分为两种. Ø第一种是基于标准系统导入. Ø第二种采用DEP业务单元模板新增. n业务单元包含实体,Facade,UI,业务数据源,枚举,异常。 n实体对应了BOS IDE中的实体,为业务载体的基本抽象.有手工录入、基础资料类别的属性。其中可以增加服务端方法,前置脚本,后置脚本。 nFaçade。目前不支持。可以在实体上新增服务端方法做替

    • DEP ——Data Execute Prevention(数据执行保护)   数据执行保护 (DEP) 是一套软硬件技术,能够在内存上执行额外检查以帮助防止在系统上运行恶意代码。在 Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2、 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 、Microsoft Windows XP Tabl

    • DEP和ASLR的原理与破解介绍 一、什么是DEP? 数据执行保护(DEP)(Data Execution Prevention) 是一套软硬件技术,能够在内存上执行额外检查以帮助防止在系统上运行恶意代码。在 Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2及以上版本的Windows中,由硬件和软件一起强制实施 DEP。 支持 DEP 的 CPU 利用一种叫做“No eXec

    • vue在渲染的时候有一个依赖收集的过程,data属性对应的dep,会收集watcher,同时watcher也会收集dep。dep收集watcher的原因是为了属性值更改的时候,通过dep通知watcher更新,这一点很多文章已有详细分析,但是几乎没有文章详细分析watcher为何反向收集dep,所以此篇文章我将结合vue源码与实际业务代码案例,详细分析原因。如有错误,欢迎指正。 vue如何进行依赖

    • from chrome 开源 Sun Aug 24 00:55:55 2008 UTC (4 weeks ago) by File size: 3734 byte(s) Use a more compact license header in source files. // Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. Al

    • 近日在看0day安全:软件漏洞分析技术,里面介绍了如何关闭DEP,有一个办法是调用函数LdrpCheckNXCompatibility,下面是我根据书中的例子调试的结果: esp地址 内 容 0012FEAC 90909090 0012FEB0 7c92e270 0012FEB4 77ecfd43 0012FEB8 77e06a71 0012FEBC 7dd18930 0012FEC0 7c93b

    • 移动工具栏按钮 有些按钮会隐藏到扩展工具栏里面,想要将按钮前移.使用以下脚本实现: pluginCtx.getKDWorkButton("按钮名称").setVisible(true); var btnVoucher = pluginCtx.getKDWorkButton("按钮名称");//需要移动的按钮 var btnSubmit = pluginCtx.getKDWorkButton("目



