
NPM package comparison
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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 子车安和
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

NPM Trends - Frontend Client (

NPM package comparison app


NPM Trends was initially built in late 2015 when I was just getting into frontend development. Coming from a background in Rails, I was frustrated with how many decisions you had to make early on as a javascript developer. I didn't give an F what my build tool was, I just wanted to get a web app in front of users as quickly as possible. I'm a startup founder first and a web developer second.

I didn't want to have to worry that 6 months down the road, the framework that I decided to use wouldn't be supported anymore. I wanted a way to see what packages were being used and what way their use was trending. My hypothesis was that you could use the change in download counts over time to predict whether the developer community of a given package or library would be strong for the foreseeable future.

This approach paid off early on when NPM Trends led me to choose Redux over the multitude of other Flux frameworks out at the time. When I looked at the download trends in November of 2015, I saw Redux beginning to pull away from the pack. If you look at the stats now, there is no comparison.

You shouldn't use an NPM package solely based on the number of downloads the package has, but it should definitely be another data point in your decision making process. Hopefully NPM Trends will help you make better decisions, so you can spend less time jumping from package to package and more time building meaningful applications.

Cheers! ��

  • npm github 作为我在具有开放源代码开发模型的企业软件公司担任高级产品营销经理的角色的一部分,我定期发布有关产品营销人员,经理和其他影响者的开源社区,市场和行业趋势的更新。 以下是该更新中我和他们最喜欢的五篇文章。 npm加入GitHub 展望未来,我们将集成GitHub和npm来提高开源软件供应链的安全性,并使您能够跟踪从GitHub拉取请求到修复它的npm软件包版本的更改。 开源安全是

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  • 问题内容: 我更新到最新的节点v9.1.0,现在npm不起作用。 npm WARN npm npm不支持Node.js v9.1.0 问题答案: 事实证明,当前安装的版本与新版本不兼容,并且很难进行更新。 解决方案是先卸载然后重新安装,其中将包含的正确版本。 这是如何做: 卸载。 从https://nodejs.org安装

  • npm

    1 npm的历史、现状和发展 历史 2009年,npm(Node 包管理器)初次发布早期预览版; 2011年,npm 1.0:发布; 2015年,npm 支持私有模块 现状 npm公司发布了其软件包管理工具npm 5.0版,npm 5提升了性能,使其保持了对同类软件的竞争力。 npm的出现使我们分享代码或者复用代码变得更加简单。 发展 npm作为随同node.JS一起安装的包管理工具,在node包

  • npm

    npm 是 Node.js 的包管理工具,用来安装各种 Node.js 的扩展。 npm 是 JavaScript 的包管理工具,也是世界上最大的软件注册表。有超过 60 万个 JavaScript 代码包可供下载,每周下载约 30 亿次。npm 让 JavaScript 开发人员可以轻松地使用其他开发人员共享的代码。 npm 由三个不同的部分组成: 网站 注册表 命令行界面(CLI) 示例:查找

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