
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 亢建白
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Awesome Mad Science

Delightful npm packages that make you say "wow, didn't know that was possible!" PRs welcome!


  • peerwiki - all of wikipedia on bittorrent
  • simple-peer - send video/voice/data p2p in the browser (with webrtc)
  • torrent-docker - realtime boot of remote docker images over bittorrent
  • torrent-mount - mount a torrent as a filesystem
  • webtorrent - streaming torrent client for node & the browser


  • brfs - turn fs.readFileSync() calls into inlined static assets
  • browser field spec - replace certain files/modules when a module is bundled for the browser
  • browserify - use require() in the browser
  • glslify - npm modules compiled into WebGL shaders
  • webworkify - composable web workers for browserify


  • file-type - detect file content types by checking their magic numbers
  • fuse4js - write filesystem driver in js



  • cylon - command robots, devices, and more from node


  • - facial emotion recognition and facial feature extraction
  • trackingjs - computer vision on the web


  • doppler - detect motion with the doppler effect using only the microphone and speakers
  • speak.js - text-to-speech on the web



  • diff - show text differences
  • franc - detect the language of text
  • - political sentiment analysis
  • node-tesseract - A simple wrapper for the Tesseract OCR package
  • normit - Google translate text & speak it
  • ocrad.js - OCR in Javascript via Emscripten
  • pullquoter - pull interesting quotes out of an article
  • sbd - split text into sentences
  • sentiment - basic sentiment analysis


  • minimist - simple argument parser
  • progress - create a simple terminal progress bar
  • terminal-menu - create retro terminal menus
  • vantage.js - CLI + SSH + REPL for Node
  • cash - Cross-platform Linux commands in pure ES6

virtual machines

  • jsemu - A list of emulators written in the JavaScript
  • jslinux - x86 emulator for running Linux, written in JavaScript
  • jvm - java virtual machine in pure node.js
  • doppio - actively updated jvm in node.js, written in TypeScript


  • bell.js - real-time anomalies detection for periodic time series.
  • bitcoinjs-lib - bitcoin client for node & the browser
  • fastparallel - zero overhead parallel function calls
  • google-distance - calculate travel distance between two locations on earth using Google Maps' API
  • qr-image - generate QR codes


  • notevil - javascript javascript interpreter, useful for running untrusted code safely.

mad scientists (people)



To the extent possible under law, Feross Aboukhadijeh has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

  • CV, 随意写几条感受一下。 The CEO and founder of, fighting to beat Tesla and Google in the filed of autonomous self-driving vehicle. 201509-至今, 28 years old. Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

  • Editor's Note: Last year I made a list off the top of my head of awesome things other people did. I loved doing it so much that I'm doing it again for 2014. Like last year, I have surely missed awesom

  • MAD


  • Awesome Awesome Node.js A curated list of awesome lists that are about or related to Node.js. Inspired by the awesome list thing, going deeper down the rabbit hole. �� Meta stuff about this awesome li

  • A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js This awesome list is for Vite 2.x and onward. Vite 1.x's list is archived. Resources Official Resources 文档 GitHub Repo Release Notes Vue 3 Docs Awes

  • Awesome Python 是一个资源整理集合,由 vinta 发起和维护。内容包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、网络内容提取、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理、文本处理、自然语言处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析等。 这个系列没有推荐 Python 书籍、经典博文、交互教程,所以另外推荐:《25本免费的Python电子书》、《学习Python编程的11个(教程)资源》、《PythonMonk:Py

  • Font Awesome 是一个图标工具包。其已经被重新设计并从头构建。除此之外,还增加了一些功能,比如 icon font ligature、SVG 框架、流行的前端库(如 React)的官方 NPM 包,以及对新 CDN 的访问。Font Awesome 已扩展至 7,865 个图标。