Documentation for Laravel Nexmo Notification Channel can be found on the Laravel website.
Thank you for considering contributing to Nexmo Notification Channel! The contribution guide can be found in the Laravel documentation.
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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
Laravel Nexmo Notification Channel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Notification Visual, audible, and tactile device notifications. Methods notification.alert notification.confirm notification.prompt notification.beep notification.vibrate Permissions Android app/res/x
根据文字内容产生一个带有半透明白色圆角矩形背景的悬浮图标通知,可以随意缩放,悬浮文字会从界面顶端边变大边移动到界面中间,然后变缩小边移到界面底部,直至消失。完成动画后会给委托发通知。 []
在窗口顶端弹出自定义的提示视图(notification View)。弹出的notification view可以自动隐藏。如果有多个notification view,则进行排队,按顺序显示。可用于显示当前app的状态,用户操作的提示、提醒通知等等。这种notification view比UIAlertView来得友好。 []
设备的视觉、听觉和触觉通知。 方法: notification.alert notification.confirm notification.beep notification.vibrate notification.alert 显示一个定制的警告或对话框。 navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [butto
6.6 ABP表现层 - Notification Javascript Notification API 当一些事情发生的时候,我们喜欢显示一些别致的能够自动消失的通知,例如,当某个记录被保存或者某个问题发生的时候。ABP定义了标准的API实现了该功能。 abp.notify.success('a message text', 'optional title'); abp.not