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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司空祯
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Bitwarden Directory Connector

The Bitwarden Directory Connector is a a desktop application used to sync your Bitwarden enterprise organization to an existing directory of users and groups.

Supported directories:

  • Active Directory
  • Any other LDAP-based directory
  • Azure Active Directory
  • G Suite (Google)
  • Okta

The application is written using Electron with Angular and installs on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions.


Directory Connector

Command-line Interface

A command-line interface tool is also available for the Bitwarden Directory Connector. The Directory Connector CLI (bwdc) is written with TypeScript and Node.js and can also be run on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions.

CLI Documentation

The Bitwarden Directory Connector CLI is self-documented with --help content and examples for every command. You should start exploring the CLI by using the global --help option:

bwdc --help

This option will list all available commands that you can use with the Directory Connector CLI.

Additionally, you can run the --help option on a specific command to learn more about it:

bwdc test --help
bwdc config --help

Detailed Documentation

We provide detailed documentation and examples for using the Directory Connector CLI in our help center at https://help.bitwarden.com/article/directory-sync/#command-line-interface.



  • Node.js v14
  • Windows users: To compile the native node modules used in the app you will need the Visual C++ toolset, available through the standard Visual Studio installer (recommended) or by installing windows-build-tools through npm. See more at Compiling native Addon modules.

Run the app

npm install
npm run reset # Only necessary if you have previously run the CLI app
npm run rebuild
npm run electron

Run the CLI

npm install
npm run reset # Only necessary if you have previously run the desktop app
npm run build:cli:watch

You can then run commands from the ./build-cli folder:

node ./build-cli/bwdc.js --help


Code contributions are welcome! Please commit any pull requests against the master branch. Learn more about how to contribute by reading the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Security audits and feedback are welcome. Please open an issue or email us privately if the report is sensitive in nature. You can read our security policy in the SECURITY.md file.

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  • 4.2.1 Installing Connector/C from Source on Unix and Unix-Like Systems If the native compiler toolset for the target platform is available (for example, SunStudio for Solaris), you can use that for co

  • 4.2.1 Installing Connector/C from Source on Unix and Unix-Like Systems If the native compiler toolset for the target platform is available (for example, SunStudio for Solaris), you can use that for co

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  • 在mysql官网上下载了 mysql-connector-net-6.6.4 .msi但是在本地安装失败! 失败日志如下: ction 17:03:24: VS11_UpdatePackageFile. SFXCA: Extracting custom action to temporary directory: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI9D.tmp-\ SFXCA: Bi

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  • windows 7环境 1.进入命令行执行以下命令:    C:\Users\Administrator>pip install mysql-connector   注:安装下载较慢,直接失败,改用VPN安装速度加快,但下载完成后安装报错。 Collecting mysql-connector Using cached mysql-connector-2.2.3.zip Installing co

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  • 此类表示索引的存储位置,通常是文件列表。 这些文件称为索引文件。 索引文件通常只创建一次,然后用于读取操作或可以删除​​。 Class 声明 (Class Declaration) 以下是org.apache.lucene.store.Directory类的声明 - public abstract class Directory extends Object implements

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