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Package for using ReactJS with Laravel
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 胡弘毅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


With react-laravel you'll be able to use ReactJS components right from your Blade views, with optional server-side rendering, and use them on the client-side with React due to unobtrusive JavaScript.


V8js dependency

It's important to know that react-laravel has an indirect dependency of the v8js PHP extension.

You can see how to install it here: how to install v8js.


Set the minimum-stability of your composer.json to dev, adding this:

"minimum-stability": "dev"

Then run:

$ composer require talyssonoc/react-laravel:0.11

After that you should add this to your providers at the config/app.php file of your Laravel app:


And then run:

php artisan vendor:publish

And the react.php file will be available at the config folder of your app.


After the installation and configuration, you'll be able to use the @react_component directive in your views.

The @react_component directive accepts 3 arguments:

@react_component(<componentName>[, props, options])

  @react_component('Message', [ 'title' => 'Hello, World' ], [ 'prerender' => true ])

  // example using namespaced component
  @react_component('Acme.Message', [ 'title' => 'Hello, World' ], [ 'prerender' => true ])
  • componentName: Is the name of the global variable that holds your component. When using Namespaced Components you may use dot-notation for the component name.
  • props: Associative of the props that'll be passed to your component
  • options: Associative array of options that you can pass to the react-laravel:
    • prerender: Tells react-laravel to render your component server-side, and then just mount it on the client-side. Default to true.
    • tag: The tag of the element that'll hold your component. Default to 'div'.
    • html attributes: Any other valid HTML attribute that will be added to the wrapper element of your component. Example: 'id' => 'my_component'.

All your components should be inside public/js/components.js (you can configure it, see below) and be global.

You must include react.js, react-dom.js and react_ujs.js (in this order) in your view. You can concatenate these files together using laravel-elixir.

react-laravel provides a ReactJS installation and the react_us.js file, they'll be at public/vendor/react-laravel folder after you install react-laravel and run:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --force

For using the files provided by react-laravel and your components.js file, add this to your view:

<script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react-dom.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('js/components.js') }}"></script>
  <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react_ujs.js') }}"></script>

If you'll use a different version from the one provided by react-laravel (see composer.json), you got to configure it (see below).


You can change settings to react-laravel at the config/react.php file:

return [
    'source' => 'path_for_react.js',
    'dom-source' => 'path_for_react-dom.js',
    'dom-server-source' => 'path_for_react-dom-server.js',
    'components' => [ 'path_for_file_containing_your_components.js' ]

All of them are optional.

  • source: defaults to public/vendor/react-laravel/react.js.
  • dom-source: defaults to public/vendor/react-laravel/react-dom.js.
  • dom-server-source: defaults to public/vendor/react-laravel/react-dom-server.js.
  • components: defaults to public/js/components.js. Multiple components files may be specified here.

Your components.js file(s) should also be included at your view, and all your components must be at the window object.


This package is inspired at react-rails.

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