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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 薛欣德
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Laravel 5.3 Angular Material Starter

Laravel & Angular


An online demo is available.

Angular (2+) update

While this starter used to be an excellent starting point for Laravel 5 & Angular 1.x, using Angular 1.x results in large JavaScript bundles which makes mobile experience slow.
Thus it's recommended to upgrade to Angular (2+).You can use the shiny new Laravel & Angular package


View Latest Docs for installation steps & tutorials.

Running on 3.2? Here are the 3.2 Docs


Screencasts on Youtube.

Issues, questions and feature requests

Open a new issue, I'd love to help.

Do It Yourself (Outdated)

A nice article on sitepoint that explains the first few versions of this repository. Recommended read if you're not familiar with the underlying technologies.

Community translations


Thank you for contributing to this repository.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. If you are adding/modifying backend functionality, make sure to include the appropriate test. Let me know if you need help writing the test.
  • 原型项目 Laravel 5 Boilerplate —— 基于当前Laravel最新版本(Laravel 5.1.*)并集成Boilerplate的项目 Laravel 5 Angular Material Starter —— 这是一个Laravel 5.1和AngularJS的原型项目 CMS Bootstrap CMS —— Laravel 5.1驱动的功能强大的CMS October —

  • Material Design for Angular 是 Angular 官方团队开发的基于最新版本 Angular 的 Material  Design 风格的框架,可和 Nest.js 搭配使用做全栈开发。 针对 Angular 1 版本的实现 https://www.oschina.net/p/material-design-for-angularjs Angular Material 目

  • IMPORTANT This repository currently contains the code for two versions of the course. The new version of the course is called Angular Material In Depth: You can find the starting point of this new ver

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  • Material Angular Dashboard Welcome to the first dark dashboard with Google Material Design and Angular! Its much more fun with the demo. Material admin template is absolutely free for commercial usage

  • Angular 12, NgRx and Angular Material Starter by @tomastrajan Table of Content Live Demo Getting Started Useful Commands Make It Your Own Goals Learning Materials List of Projects Built Using This Sta

  • Angular Material 是 Angular JS 开发人员的UI组件库。Angular Material 组件有助于构建有吸引力,一致且功能强大的 Web 页面和 Web 应用程序,同时遵循现代 Web 设计原则,如浏览器可移植性,设备独立性和优雅降级。