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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 江丰羽
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Wave is a Software as a Service Starter Kit that can help you build your next great idea �� . Wave is built with Laravel, Voyager, TailwindCSS, and a few other awesome technologies. Here are some of the awesome features :


View a live demo here, or deploy your own instance to DigitalOcean, by clicking the button below.


To install Wave, you'll want to clone or download this repo:

git clone https://github.com/thedevdojo/wave.git project_name

Next, we can install Wave with these 4 simple steps:

1. Create a New Database

During the installation we need to use a MySQL database. You will need to create a new database and save the credentials for the next step.

2. Copy the .env.example file

We need to specify our Environment variables for our application. You will see a file named .env.example, you will need to duplicate that file and rename it to .env.

Then, open up the .env file and update your DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD in the appropriate fields. You will also want to update the APP_URL to the URL of your application.



3. Add Composer Dependencies

Next, we will need to install all our composer dependencies by running the following command:

composer install

4. Run Migrations and Seeds

We need to migrate our database structure into our database, which we can do by running:

php artisan migrate

Finally, we will need to seed our database with the following command:
php artisan db:seed

�� And that's it! You will now be able to visit your URL and see your Wave application up and running.

Watch, Learn, and Build

We've also got a full video series on how you can setup, build, and configure Wave. �� You can watch first few videos for free, and additional videos will require a DevDojo Pro subscription. By subscribing to a DevDojo Pro subscription you will also be supporting the ongoing development of this project. It's a win win! ��

Click here to watch the Wave Video Series.


Checkout the official documentation here.

  • 问题内容: 好的,所以我试图制作一个可以处理.wav文件的程序,并且已经看到了这个问题/答案,但是我不确定是标题中的每个数据指的是什么。例如,“块”指的是什么?那是特定数量的位/字节吗? 如果有人能至少以本问题中使用的格式告诉我,除常量String Literals和’data’数组外,每个引用到.wav的数据是什么?特别是,我特别想知道什么是“块”,以及所有通道的采样率,字节率,每个采样的字节和

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